51ff3226 |
1 | {if $header_id neq true} |
2 | <html> |
3 | <head> |
4 | <META http-equiv="Default-Style" content="kyberia"> |
5 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"> |
6 | <link rel='stylesheet' title="kyberia" type='text/css' href='/data/css/kyberia.css'> |
7 | <title>analyza dokazala hovno</title> |
8 | <script> |
9 | function vymena() {ldelim} |
10 | document.formular.mail_to.value = document.formular.mail_to.value.toLowerCase() ; |
11 | document.images['fricon'].src = '/images/users/'+document.formular.mail_to.value+'.gif'; |
12 | {rdelim} |
13 | |
14 | function chngto(name,id) {ldelim} |
15 | document.formular.mail_to.value = name ; |
16 | name = name.toLowerCase() ; |
17 | document.images['fricon'].src = '/images/nodes/' +id.substr(0,1)+'/'+id.substr(1,1)+'/'+id+'.gif'; |
18 | {rdelim} |
19 | </script> |
20 | </head> |
21 | |
22 | <body> |
23 | {if $user_id eq true}{include file="modules/toolbar.tpl"}{/if} |
24 | {if $error eq true}<center><span class='most_important'>{$error}</span></center>{/if} |
25 | {if $new_mail eq true}<center><a href='/id/24/' class='mail'>u have {$new_mail} new mail,last from {$new_mail_name}</a></center>{/if} |
26 | <!--<span class='most_important'>dnes v noci od 23:23 bude niekolko hodin kyberia vypnuta, vdaka za pochopenie</span>--> |
27 | {/if} |
28 | |
29 | |
30 | {if $error eq true} |
31 | <center><font style='error'>{$error}</font></center> |
32 | {/if} |
33 | |
34 | {if $user_id eq false} |
35 | <center>{include file="modules/loginbox.tpl"}</center> |
36 | |
37 | {else} |
38 | |
39 | <table width='100%'><tr> |
40 | |
41 | <!--left column--> |
42 | <td valign='top' align='center' width='23%'> |
43 | <!-- node settings --> |
44 | {include file="1549925.tpl"} |
45 | </td> |
46 | <!--end of left column--> |
47 | |
48 | <td valign='top'> |
49 | {get_neurons user_id=$node.node_id} |
50 | <table class='bordered'> |
51 | {foreach from=$get_dendrites item=synapse} |
52 | <tr><td> |
53 | <a href='/id/{$synapse.node_id}'>{$synapse.node_name}</a> |
54 | </td></tr> |
55 | {/foreach} |
56 | </table> |
57 | </td> |
58 | <td valign='top'> |
59 | <table class='bordered'> |
60 | {foreach from=$get_axons item=synapse} |
61 | <tr><td> |
62 | <a href='/id/{$synapse.node_id}'>{$synapse.node_name}</a> |
63 | </td></tr> |
64 | {/foreach} |
65 | </table> |
66 | |
67 | </td> |
68 | |
69 | <!--end of central column--> |
70 | |
71 | </td></tr></table> |
72 | {/if} |
73 | |
74 | |