htmlparse test
[mirrors/Kyberia-bloodline.git] / wwwroot / inc /
51ff3226 1<?php
3class htmlparse {
32a54266 5public static function htmlparse($data)
51ff3226 6{
9ae34b38 7 echo 'fooooook\n';
51ff3226 8 /*
9 if function finds anything unsafe,it will return
10 FALSE and saves a reason info global variable $htmlparse
11 */
13 global $htmlparse;
15 $data = StrToLower(" ".$data);
17 // tags, I don\14 need to close
18 $unpaired = Array('br'=>1,
19 'br/'=>1, // fix later ;)
20 'li'=>1,
21 'hr'=>1,
22 '/tr'=>1,
23 'img'=>1,
24 'p'=>1
25 );
27 // allowed tags
28 $allowed = Array('b'=>1,
29 'i'=>1,
30 'u'=>1,
31 'a'=>1,
32 'img'=>1,
33 'sup'=>1,
34 'sub'=>1,
35 'table'=>1,
36 'tr'=>1,
37 'td'=>1,
38 'font'=>1,
39 'ul'=>1,
40 'ol'=>1,
41 'li'=>1,
42 'tt'=>1,
43 'address'=>1,
44 'code'=>1,
45 'small'=>1,
46 'big'=>1,
47 'caption'=>1,
48 'thead'=>1,
49 'tfoot'=>1,
50 'col'=>1,
51 'colgroup'=>1,
52 'th'=>1,
53 'br'=>1,
54 'br/'=>1, // fix later
55 'hr'=>1,
56 'em'=>1,
57 'th'=>1,
58 'center'=>1,
59 'pre'=>1,
60 'xmp'=>1,
61 's'=>1,
62 'strong'=>1,
63 'legend'=>1,
64 'h1'=>1,
65 'h2'=>1,
66 'h3'=>1,
67 'h4'=>1,
68 'h5'=>1,
69 'h6'=>1,
70 'p'=>1,
71 'blockquote'=>1,
72 'div'=>1,
73 'span'=>1,
74 'fieldset'=>1
75 );
77 /*
78 this part will go trought string and will ensure, if all tags are closed
79 */
81 $tok = StrTok($data, '<');
82 $tok = StrTok('<');
83 while(!($tok === FALSE)){
84 if(!StrStr($tok,'>')):
85 $htmlparse = 'Chyba HTML syntaxe!';
86 //$htmlparse = 'Wrong HTML syntax!';
87 return 0;
88 elseif(StrStr($tok,"<")):
89 $htmlparse = 'Chyba HTML syntaxe!';
90 //$htmlparse = 'Wrong HTML syntax!';
91 return 0;
92 endif;
93 $tok = StrTok('<');
94 }
96 /*
97 main part of the function - it will check allowed tags, some parameters and so on...
98 */
100 $tok = StrTok($data, '<');
101 $i = 0;
102 $j = 0;
103 while(!($tok === FALSE)):
104 if($i == 1):
105 $tag = Split('>',$tok,2);
106 $attrib = Split("[[:space:]>]",$tag[0],2);
107 if($allowed[$attrib[0]] != 1 && $allowed[SubStr($attrib[0],1)] != 1): // if tag isn\14 in allowed array
108 $htmlparse = 'Zakazany tag &lt;'.$attrib[0].'&gt;!';
109 //$htmlparse = 'Forbidden tag &lt;'.$attrib[0].'&gt;!';
110 return 0;
111 endif;
112 if('/'.$tags[$j] == $attrib[0]): // closing tag for last opening tag
113 if($tags[$j] == 'table' && $opened_tables > 0):
114 $opened_tables--;
115 endif;
116 $j--;
117 elseif($tags[$j] == 'xmp'): // XMP tag...ignore eny other tags between them
118 else:
119 if(SubStr($attrib[0],0,1) == '/' && $unpaired[$tags[$j]]): // do I need to close the tag?
120 $j--;
121 continue;
122 elseif(SubStr($attrib[0],0,1) == '/'): // am I closing something, I didn\14 open?
123 $htmlparse = 'Chyba u tagu &lt;'.$tag[0].'&gt;! Zavirate tag, ktery jste neotevrel!';
124 //$htmlparse = 'Error near tag &lt;'.$tag[0].'&gt;! Closing tag, that wasn\14 opened!';
125 return 0;
126 elseif(Ereg(' on',' '.$attrib[1])): // temporary solution for pernament problem...and it isn\14 suicide
127 $htmlparse = 'JavaScript je na hovno!';
128 //$htmlparse = 'JavaScript sux!';
129 return 0;
130 elseif(Ereg('/on',' '.$attrib[1])): // temporary solution for pernament problem...and it isn\14 suicide
131 $htmlparse = 'z bezpecnostnych dovodov nieje povolene vkladat do tagov retazec "/on"';
132 return 0;
136 elseif(Ereg(' style',' '.$attrib[1])): // styles are forbidden - don\14 look at me THAT way ;)
137 $htmlparse = 'Ten "style" se mi tam nezda!';
138 //$htmlparse = '"styles" are forbidden!';
139 return 0;
141 elseif(Ereg('://',' '.$attrib[1]) && $attrib[0] != "img" && $attrib[0] != "a"): // adresses in attributes (except A and IMG tags) are forbidden
142 $htmlparse = 'Neco se mi tam nelibi! To je hlaska HTML validace - nejedna se o nejakou cenzuru ;)';
143 //$htmlparse = 'Forbidden usage of adresses in tags!';
144 return 0;
145 elseif((SubStr_Count($attrib[1],'"')%2) > 0): // are quotes closed? can do mess if they aren\14
146 $htmlparse = 'Neuzavrel jste uvozovky uvnitr tagu &lt;'.$attrib[0].'&gt;!';
147 //$htmlparse = 'Close quotes in tag &lt;'.$tag[0].'&gt;!';
148 return 0;
149 elseif(Ereg('\?',$attrib[1]) && $attrib[0] == 'img'): // don\14 allow parameters in IMG tags
150 $htmlparse = 'Chyba u tagu &lt;img&gt; - nejsou povoleny parametry v adrese!';
151 //$htmlparse = 'Error in tag &lt;img&gt; - parameters in image adresses are forbidden!';
152 return 0;
153 elseif(($attrib[0] == 'td' || $attrib[0] == 'tr') && $opened_tables == 0):
154 $htmlparse = 'Strkej si ty tagy do vlastni tabulky, jo?';
155 return 0;
156 elseif($attrib[0] == 'table'):
157 $opened_tables++;
158 endif;
159 $j++;
160 $tags[$j] = $attrib[0];
161 endif;
162 endif;
163 $tok = StrTok('<');
164 $i = 1;
165 endwhile;
167 /*
168 just check, if all tags are properly closed
169 */
171 while($j > 0):
172 if($unpaired[$tags[$j]]):
173 $j--;
174 continue;
175 else:
176 $htmlparse = 'Neuzavrel jste tag &lt;'.$tags[$j].'&gt;!';
177 //$htmlparse = 'Tag &lt;'.$tags[$j].'&gt; wasn\14 closed correctly!';
178 return 0;
179 endif;
180 endwhile;
181return 1;
32a54266 184}
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