| 1 | '\r |
| 2 | ' Q B a s i c M O N E Y M A N A G E R\r |
| 3 | '\r |
| 4 | ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990\r |
| 5 | '\r |
| 6 | ' The Money Manager is a personal finance manager that allows you\r |
| 7 | ' to enter account transactions while tracking your account balances\r |
| 8 | ' and net worth.\r |
| 9 | '\r |
| 10 | ' To run this program, press Shift+F5.\r |
| 11 | '\r |
| 12 | ' To exit QBasic, press Alt, F, X.\r |
| 13 | '\r |
| 14 | ' To get help on a BASIC keyword, move the cursor to the keyword and press\r |
| 15 | ' F1 or click the right mouse button.\r |
| 16 | '\r |
| 17 | \r |
| 18 | \r |
| 19 | 'Set default data type to integer for faster operation\r |
| 20 | DEFINT A-Z\r |
| 21 | \r |
| 22 | 'Sub and function declarations\r |
| 23 | DECLARE SUB TransactionSummary (item%)\r |
| 24 | DECLARE SUB LCenter (text$)\r |
| 25 | DECLARE SUB ScrollUp ()\r |
| 26 | DECLARE SUB ScrollDown ()\r |
| 27 | DECLARE SUB Initialize ()\r |
| 28 | DECLARE SUB Intro ()\r |
| 29 | DECLARE SUB SparklePause ()\r |
| 30 | DECLARE SUB Center (row%, text$)\r |
| 31 | DECLARE SUB FancyCls (dots%, Background%)\r |
| 32 | DECLARE SUB LoadState ()\r |
| 33 | DECLARE SUB SaveState ()\r |
| 34 | DECLARE SUB MenuSystem ()\r |
| 35 | DECLARE SUB MakeBackup ()\r |
| 36 | DECLARE SUB RestoreBackup ()\r |
| 37 | DECLARE SUB Box (Row1%, Col1%, Row2%, Col2%)\r |
| 38 | DECLARE SUB NetWorthReport ()\r |
| 39 | DECLARE SUB EditAccounts ()\r |
| 40 | DECLARE SUB PrintHelpLine (help$)\r |
| 41 | DECLARE SUB EditTrans (item%)\r |
| 42 | DECLARE FUNCTION Cvdt$ (X#)\r |
| 43 | DECLARE FUNCTION Cvst$ (X!)\r |
| 44 | DECLARE FUNCTION Cvit$ (X%)\r |
| 45 | DECLARE FUNCTION Menu% (CurrChoiceX%, MaxChoice%, choice$(), ItemRow%(), ItemCol%(), help$(), BarMode%)\r |
| 46 | DECLARE FUNCTION GetString$ (row%, col%, start$, end$, Vis%, Max%)\r |
| 47 | DECLARE FUNCTION Trim$ (X$)\r |
| 48 | \r |
| 49 | 'Constants\r |
| 50 | CONST TRUE = -1\r |
| 52 | \r |
| 53 | 'User-defined types\r |
| 54 | TYPE AccountType\r |
| 55 | Title AS STRING * 20\r |
| 56 | AType AS STRING * 1\r |
| 57 | Desc AS STRING * 50\r |
| 58 | END TYPE\r |
| 59 | \r |
| 60 | TYPE Recordtype\r |
| 61 | Date AS STRING * 8\r |
| 62 | Ref AS STRING * 10\r |
| 63 | Desc AS STRING * 50\r |
| 64 | Fig1 AS DOUBLE\r |
| 65 | Fig2 AS DOUBLE\r |
| 66 | END TYPE\r |
| 67 | \r |
| 68 | 'Global variables\r |
| 69 | DIM SHARED account(1 TO 19) AS AccountType 'Stores the 19 account titles\r |
| 70 | DIM SHARED ColorPref 'Color Preference\r |
| 71 | DIM SHARED colors(0 TO 20, 1 TO 4) 'Different Colors\r |
| 72 | DIM SHARED ScrollUpAsm(1 TO 7) 'Assembly Language Routines\r |
| 73 | DIM SHARED ScrollDownAsm(1 TO 7)\r |
| 74 | DIM SHARED PrintErr AS INTEGER 'Printer error flag\r |
| 75 | \r |
| 76 | DEF SEG = 0 ' Turn off CapLock, NumLock and ScrollLock\r |
| 77 | KeyFlags = PEEK(1047)\r |
| 78 | POKE 1047, &H0\r |
| 79 | DEF SEG\r |
| 80 | \r |
| 81 | 'Open money manager data file. If it does not exist in current directory,\r |
| 82 | ' goto error handler to create and initialize it.\r |
| 83 | ON ERROR GOTO ErrorTrap\r |
| 84 | OPEN "money.dat" FOR INPUT AS #1\r |
| 85 | CLOSE\r |
| 86 | ON ERROR GOTO 0 'Reset error handler\r |
| 87 | \r |
| 88 | Initialize 'Initialize program\r |
| 89 | Intro 'Display introduction screen\r |
| 90 | MenuSystem 'This is the main program\r |
| 91 | COLOR 7, 0 'Clear screen and end\r |
| 92 | CLS\r |
| 93 | \r |
| 94 | DEF SEG = 0 ' Restore CapLock, NumLock and ScrollLock states\r |
| 95 | POKE 1047, KeyFlags\r |
| 96 | DEF SEG\r |
| 97 | \r |
| 98 | END\r |
| 99 | \r |
| 100 | ' Error handler for program\r |
| 101 | ' If data file not found, create and initialize a new one.\r |
| 102 | ErrorTrap:\r |
| 103 | SELECT CASE ERR\r |
| 104 | ' If data file not found, create and initialize a new one.\r |
| 105 | CASE 53\r |
| 106 | CLOSE\r |
| 107 | ColorPref = 1\r |
| 108 | FOR a = 1 TO 19\r |
| 109 | account(a).Title = ""\r |
| 110 | account(a).AType = ""\r |
| 111 | account(a).Desc = ""\r |
| 112 | NEXT a\r |
| 113 | SaveState\r |
| 114 | RESUME\r |
| 115 | CASE 24, 25\r |
| 116 | PrintErr = TRUE\r |
| 117 | Box 8, 13, 14, 69\r |
| 118 | Center 11, "Printer not responding ... Press Space to continue"\r |
| 119 | WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND\r |
| 120 | WHILE INKEY$ <> " ": WEND\r |
| 121 | RESUME NEXT\r |
| 122 | CASE ELSE\r |
| 123 | END SELECT\r |
| 124 | RESUME NEXT\r |
| 125 | \r |
| 126 | \r |
| 127 | 'The following data defines the color schemes available via the main menu.\r |
| 128 | '\r |
| 129 | ' scrn dots bar back title shdow choice curs cursbk shdow\r |
| 130 | DATA 0, 7, 15, 7, 0, 7, 0, 15, 0, 0\r |
| 131 | DATA 1, 9, 12, 3, 0, 1, 15, 0, 7, 0\r |
| 132 | DATA 3, 15, 13, 1, 14, 3, 15, 0, 7, 0\r |
| 133 | DATA 7, 12, 15, 4, 14, 0, 15, 15, 1, 0\r |
| 134 | \r |
| 135 | 'The following data is actually a machine language program to\r |
| 136 | 'scroll the screen up or down very fast using a BIOS call.\r |
| 137 | DATA &HB8,&H01,&H06,&HB9,&H01,&H04,&HBA,&H4E,&H16,&HB7,&H00,&HCD,&H10,&HCB\r |
| 138 | DATA &HB8,&H01,&H07,&HB9,&H01,&H04,&HBA,&H4E,&H16,&HB7,&H00,&HCD,&H10,&HCB\r |
| 139 | \r |
| 140 | 'Box:\r |
| 141 | ' Draw a box on the screen between the given coordinates.\r |
| 142 | SUB Box (Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2) STATIC\r |
| 143 | \r |
| 144 | BoxWidth = Col2 - Col1 + 1\r |
| 145 | \r |
| 146 | LOCATE Row1, Col1\r |
| 147 |