3 * Show item count in model listing
4 * INSERT/UPDATE to multiple tables (so brand new item can be inserted with model at once)
5 * Need to know autoincremented ID of last inserted row
8 * Use INSTEAD OF triggers to maintain audit trails (currently not supported by MySQL)
12 * Stateless barcode scanner interface (php-cli?)
14 * SQLi (some fixed, some not)
17 * Use something more elegant than get_user_id() (something more universal) and map_unique() (load whole array at once)
18 * Optimize magic quotes usage
19 * Move classes to separate files
20 * Make sure that every method is in the class that it belongs to
21 * Move CSS and Javascript to separate files
23 * English and Czech locales
28 * Castka bez DPH k vyfakturovani do LMS