[mirrors/Programs.git] / arduino / Demo01 / Demo01.pde
1 /*
2 * Bit-bang sound
3 * <~~Harvie 2oo8
4 */
6 #define sndout 13
8 void sound(char sndpin, float freq, float duration) { //Play bit-bang sound
9 if(duration<=0) return; if(freq<=0) { delay(duration); return; }
10 freq=((1000000/2)/freq); //Convert freq to delay (us)
11 duration*=1000; //Convert duration to us
12 pinMode(sndpin, OUTPUT);
13 for(;duration>0;duration-=2*freq) {
14 digitalWrite(sndpin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(freq);
15 digitalWrite(sndpin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(freq);
16 }
17 pinMode(sndpin, INPUT); //Close pin to avoid noise (optional)
18 }
20 float get_tone(char tone, char octave) { //Return tone frequency or 0
21 if(octave+tone<=0) return 0;
22 float freq;
23 switch (tone) { //THX2MS GW-BASIC Reference 4freqs muhaha ;D
24 case 'c': case 'C': freq=130.81; break;
25 case 'd': case 'D': freq=146.83; break;
26 case 'e': case 'E': freq=164.81; break;
27 case 'f': case 'F': freq=174.61; break;
28 case 'g': case 'G': freq=196; break;
29 case 'a': case 'A': freq=220; break;
30 case 'b': case 'B': freq=246.94; break;
31 default: return 0;
32 }
33 return (freq*pow(2,octave-1));
34 }
36 void play_melody(char sndpin, char *melody, char octave, int duration) {
37 for(char i=0;melody[i]!=0;i++) sound(sndpin, get_tone(melody[i], octave), duration);
38 return;
39 }
41 void setup() { // run once, when the sketch starts
42 Serial.begin(115200);
43 }
45 void play_drum(char sndpin, char drum) {
46 char c; int i; float f;
47 switch (drum) {
48 //BassDrums
49 case 'b': for(f=0;f<30;f+=4) {sound(sndpin, 60, 20); delay(f);} break;
50 case 'B': for(i=0;i<=150;i+=10) sound(sndpin, i, 10); break;
51 case 'd': for(i=150;i>=0;i-=10) sound(sndpin, i, 10); break;
52 case 'D': for(i=100;i>=40;i-=10) sound(sndpin, i, 6); break;
53 //Snares
54 case 's': for(f=0;f<1;f+=0.1) sound(sndpin, sin(f)*1000, 5); break;
55 case 'S': for(f=0;f<1;f+=0.1) sound(sndpin, sin(f)*1000+(rand()/100), 5); break;
56 case 'z': for(f=0;f<1;f+=0.15) { sound(sndpin, sin(f)*1000+(rand()/1000), 5); delay(f*10); } break;
57 //Crashes
58 case 'c': for(f=1.2;f<1.5;f+=0.01) { sound(sndpin, 700+(rand()/500), 2); delay(1/sin(f)); } break;
59 case 'C': for(f=1;f<1.3;f+=0.01) { sound(sndpin, (70+(rand()/500))*(f/0.1), 2); /*delay(1/sin(f));*/ } break;
60 //Ambient
61 case 'r': for(i=0;i<300;i++) sound(sndpin, rand()*100, 5); break;
62 //Intros
63 case 'i': for(i=0;i<150;i++) sound(sndpin, i*100, 5); break;
64 case 'I': for(f=0;f<1;f+=0.01) {sound(sndout, sin(f)*550, 10); sound(sndout, cos(f)*400, 10); } break;
65 //Outros
66 case 'o': for(f=1;f>0.3;f-=0.01) { sound(sndpin, sin(f)*1000+(rand()/100), 5); delay(40/f); } break;
67 default: delay(100);
68 }
69 }
71 void play_rythm(char sndpin, char *rythm) {
72 for(char i=0;rythm[i]!=0;i++) play_drum(sndpin, rythm[i]);
73 return;
74 }
76 void loop() { // run over and over again
77 //delay(10000); return;//Silence! I'll kill you!
78 //while(1) sound(sndout, rand()/20, 10);
79 //int i=0; while(1) sound(sndout, i++, 10);
80 //float i=0; while(1) sound(sndout, sin(i+=0.01)*600, 10);
81 //float i=0; while(1) { sound(sndout, sin(i+=0.01)*550, 10); sound(sndout, cos(i)*400, 10); }
82 //sound(sndout, 440, 30000);
84 //play_drum(sndout, 'D'); delay(1000); return;
85 //play_drum(sndout, Serial.read()); return;
87 /*
88 play_rythm(sndout, "r iI ");
89 play_melody(sndout, "c c c cc dd d eee ", 1, 100);
90 play_rythm(sndout, "B D B d s B D s B d c B s D C B d S B D S B b s d So ");
91 */
93 sound(sndout, analogRead(0), 10); return;
95 /*
96 char rythm[]=
97 "b "
98 "D D D d D d "
99 "D D D d D d "
100 "i "
101 "D D D d D d "
102 "D D D d D d "
103 "I "
104 "D s D S D d "
105 "D D z d D d "
106 "ddDDb "
107 "D D D d D s "
108 "D D D d D s "
109 "o";
111 play_rythm(sndout, rythm);
112 */
113 /*int octave, duration;
114 char melody[]="CCDEECCFFAAGGE-CCDEGGEFEDDCC-CCDEECCFFAAGGE-CCDEGGEFEDDC"; octave=1; duration=300; //Bob Marley's Redemption song - intro ;D
115 play_melody(sndout, melody, octave, duration);*/
116 delay(4000);
117 }
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