[mirrors/Kyberia-bloodline.git] / control.php
1 <?php
2 /*
3 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 | eAccelerator control panel |
5 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
6 | Copyright (c) 2004-2006 eAccelerator |
7 | http://eaccelerator.net |
8 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
9 | This source file is subject to version 2.00 of the Zend license, |
10 | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
11 | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
12 | http://www.zend.com/license/2_00.txt. |
13 | If you did not receive a copy of the Zend license and are unable to |
14 | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
15 | license@zend.com so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
16 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
18 $ Id: $
19 */
21 if (!function_exists('eaccelerator_info')) {
22 die('eAccelerator isn\'t installed or isn\'t compiled with info support!');
23 }
25 /** config **/
26 $user = "admin";
27 $pw = "abc123";
28 /** /config **/
30 /* {{{ auth */
31 if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || !isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) ||
32 $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] != $user || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] != $pw) {
33 header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="eAccelerator control panel"');
34 header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
35 exit;
36 }
37 /* }}} */
39 /* {{{ process any commands */
40 $info = eaccelerator_info();
41 if (isset($_POST['caching'])) {
42 if ($info['cache']) {
43 eaccelerator_caching(false);
44 } else {
45 eaccelerator_caching(true);
46 }
47 } else if (isset($_POST['optimizer']) && function_exists('eaccelerator_optimizer')) {
48 if ($info['optimizer']) {
49 eaccelerator_optimizer(false);
50 } else {
51 eaccelerator_optimizer(true);
52 }
53 } else if (isset($_POST['clear'])) {
54 eaccelerator_clear();
55 } else if (isset($_POST['clean'])) {
56 eaccelerator_clean();
57 } else if (isset($_POST['purge'])) {
58 eaccelerator_purge();
59 }
60 $info = eaccelerator_info();
61 /* }}} */
63 function compare($x, $y)
64 {
65 global $sortby;
67 if ( $x[$sortby] == $y[$sortby] )
68 return 0;
69 else if ( $x[$sortby] < $y[$sortby] )
70 return -1;
71 else
72 return 1;
73 }
75 function revcompare($x, $y)
76 {
77 global $sortby;
79 if ( $x[$sortby] == $y[$sortby] )
80 return 0;
81 else if ( $x[$sortby] < $y[$sortby] )
82 return 1;
83 else
84 return -1;
85 }
87 /* {{{ create_script_table */
88 function create_script_table($list) {
89 global $sortby;
91 if (isset($_GET['order']) && ($_GET['order'] == "asc" || $_GET['order'] =="desc")) {
92 $order = $_GET['order'];
93 } else {
94 $order = "asc";
95 }
97 if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
98 switch ($_GET['sort']) {
99 case "mtime":
100 case "size":
101 case "reloads":
102 case "hits":
103 $sortby = $_GET['sort'];
104 ($order == "asc" ? uasort($list, 'compare') : uasort($list, 'revcompare'));
105 break;
106 default:
107 $sortby = "file";
108 ($order == "asc" ? uasort($list, 'compare') : uasort($list, 'revcompare'));
109 }
110 }
112 ?>
113 <table>
114 <tr>
115 <th><a href="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?sort=file&order=<?=($order == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc")?>">Filename</a>&nbsp;<? if($sortby == "file") echo ($order == "asc" ? "&darr;" : "&uarr;")?></th>
116 <th><a href="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?sort=mtime&order=<?=($order == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc")?>">MTime</a>&nbsp;<? if($sortby == "mtime") echo ($order == "asc" ? "&darr;" : "&uarr;")?></th>
117 <th><a href="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?sort=size&order=<?=($order == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc")?>">Size</a>&nbsp;<? if($sortby == "size") echo ($order == "asc" ? "&darr;" : "&uarr;")?></th>
118 <th><a href="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?sort=reloads&order=<?=($order == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc")?>">Reloads</a>&nbsp;<? if($sortby == "reloads") echo ($order == "asc" ? "&darr;" : "&uarr;")?></th>
119 <th><a href="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?sort=hits&order=<?=($order == "asc" ? "desc" : "asc")?>">Hits</a>&nbsp;<? if($sortby == "hits") echo ($order == "asc" ? "&darr;" : "&uarr;")?></th>
120 </tr>
121 <?php
122 switch ($sortby) {
123 case "mtime":
124 case "size":
125 case "reloads":
126 case "hits":
127 ($order == "asc" ? uasort($list, 'compare') : uasort($list, 'revcompare'));
128 break;
129 case "file":
130 default:
131 $sortby = "file";
132 ($order == "asc" ? uasort($list, 'compare') : uasort($list, 'revcompare'));
134 }
136 foreach($list as $script) { ?>
137 <tr>
138 <?php if (function_exists('eaccelerator_dasm_file')) { ?>
139 <td class="e"><a href="dasm.php?file=<?php echo $script['file']; ?>"><?php echo $script['file']; ?></a></td>
140 <?php } else { ?>
141 <td class="e"><?php echo $script['file']; ?></td>
142 <?php } ?>
143 <td class="vr"><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i', $script['mtime']); ?></td>
144 <td class="vr"><?php echo number_format($script['size'] / 1024, 2); ?> KB</td>
145 <td class="vr"><?php echo $script['reloads']; ?> (<?php echo $script['usecount']; ?>)</td>
146 <td class="vr"><?php echo $script['hits']; ?></td>
147 </tr>
148 <?php } ?>
149 </table>
150 <?php
151 }
152 /* }}} */
154 /* {{{ create_key_table */
155 function create_key_table($list) {
156 ?>
157 <table class="key">
158 <tr>
159 <th>Name</th>
160 <th>Created</th>
161 <th>Size</th>
162 <th>ttl</th>
163 </tr>
164 <?php
165 foreach($list as $key) {
166 ?>
167 <tr>
168 <td class="e"><?php echo $key['name']; ?></td>
169 <td class="vr"><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i', $key['created']); ?></td>
170 <td class="vr"><?php echo number_format($key['size']/1024, 3); ?>KB</td>
171 <td class="vr"><?php
172 if ($key['ttl'] == -1) {
173 echo 'expired';
174 } elseif ($key['ttl'] == 0) {
175 echo 'none';
176 } else {
177 echo date('Y-m-d H:i', $key['ttl']);
178 }
179 ?></td>
180 </tr>
181 <?php
182 }
183 ?>
184 </table>
185 <?php
186 }
187 /* }}} */
189 /* {{{ print_header */
190 function print_header() { ?>
191 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
192 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
193 <head>
194 <title>eAccelerator control panel</title>
195 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
196 <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
197 <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" />
199 <style type="text/css" media="all">
200 body {background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000;}
201 body, td, th, h1, h2 {font-family: sans-serif;}
202 pre {margin: 0px; font-family: monospace;}
203 a:link {color: #000099; text-decoration: none}
204 a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}
205 table {border-collapse: collapse; width: 800px;}
206 .center {text-align: center;}
207 .center table { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: left;}
208 .center th { text-align: center !important; }
209 td, th { border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 75%; vertical-align: baseline;}
210 h1 {font-size: 150%;}
211 h2 {font-size: 125%;}
212 .p {text-align: left;}
213 .e {background-color: #ccccff; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;}
214 .h,th {background-color: #9999cc; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;}
215 .v,td {background-color: #cccccc; color: #000000;}
216 .vr{background-color: #cccccc; text-align: right; color: #000000; white-space: nowrap;}
217 img {float: right; border: 0px;}
218 hr {width: 600px; background-color: #cccccc; border: 0px; height: 1px; color: #000000;}
219 input {width: 150px}
220 h1 {width: 800px; border: 1px solid #000000; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; background-color: #9999cc;}
221 </style>
222 </head>
223 <?php
224 }
225 /* }}} */
226 ?>
228 <?php print_header(); ?>
229 <body class="center">
230 <h1>eAccelerator <?php echo $info['version']; ?> control panel</h1>
232 <!-- {{{ information -->
233 <h2>Information</h2>
234 <table>
235 <tr>
236 <td class="e">Caching enabled</td>
237 <td><?php echo $info['cache'] ? 'yes':'no' ?></td>
238 </tr>
239 <tr>
240 <td class="e">Optimizer enabled</td>
241 <td><?php echo $info['optimizer'] ? 'yes':'no' ?></td>
242 </tr>
243 <tr>
244 <td class="e">Memory usage</td>
245 <td><?php echo number_format(100 * $info['memoryAllocated'] / $info['memorySize'], 2); ?>%
246 (<?php echo number_format($info['memoryAllocated'] / (1024*1024), 2); ?>MB/
247 <?php echo number_format($info['memorySize'] / (1024*1024), 2); ?>MB)</td>
248 </tr>
249 <tr>
250 <td class="e">Free memory</td>
251 <td><?php echo number_format($info['memoryAvailable'] / (1024*1024), 2); ?>MB</td>
252 </tr>
253 <tr>
254 <td class="e">Cached scripts</td>
255 <td><?php echo $info['cachedScripts']; ?></td>
256 </tr>
257 <tr>
258 <td class="e">Removed scripts</td>
259 <td><?php echo $info['removedScripts']; ?></td>
260 </tr>
261 <tr>
262 <td class="e">Cached keys</td>
263 <td><?php echo $info['cachedKeys']; ?></td>
264 </tr>
265 </table>
266 <!-- }}} -->
268 <!-- {{{ control -->
269 <h2>Actions</h2>
270 <form name="ea_control" method="post">
271 <table>
272 <tr>
273 <td class="e">Caching</td>
274 <td><input type="submit" name="caching" value="<?php echo $info['cache']?'disable':'enable'; ?>" /></td>
275 </tr>
276 <tr>
277 <td class="e">Optimizer</td>
278 <td><input type="submit" name="optimizer" value="<?php echo $info['optimizer']?'disable':'enable'; ?>" /></td>
279 </tr>
280 <tr>
281 <td class="e">Clear cache</td>
282 <td><input type="submit" name="clear" value="clear" title="remove all unused scripts and data from shared memory and disk cache" /></td>
283 </tr>
284 <tr>
285 <td class="e">Clean cache</td>
286 <td><input type="submit" name="clean" value="clean" title=" remove all expired scripts and data from shared memory and disk cache" /></td>
287 </tr>
288 <tr>
289 <td class="e">Purge cache</td>
290 <td><input type="submit" name="purge" value="purge" title="remove all 'removed' scripts from shared memory" /></td>
291 </tr>
292 </table>
293 </form>
294 <!-- }}} -->
296 <h2>Cached scripts</h2>
297 <?php create_script_table(eaccelerator_cached_scripts()); ?>
299 <h2>Removed scripts</h2>
300 <?php create_script_table(eaccelerator_removed_scripts()); ?>
302 <?php
303 if (function_exists('eaccelerator_get')) {
304 echo "<h2>Cached keys</h2>";
305 create_key_table(eaccelerator_list_keys());
306 }
307 ?>
309 <!-- {{{ footer -->
310 <br /><br />
311 <table>
312 <tr><td class="center">
313 <a href="http://eaccelerator.net"><img src="?=<?php echo $info['logo']; ?>" alt="eA logo" /></a>
314 <strong>Created by the eAccelerator team, <a href="http://eaccelerator.net">http://eaccelerator.net</a></strong><br /><br />
315 <nobr>eAccelerator <?php echo $info['version']; ?> [shm:<?php echo $info['shm_type']?> sem:<?php echo $info['sem_type']; ?>]</nobr><br />
316 <nobr>PHP <?php echo phpversion();?> [ZE <?php echo zend_version(); ?>]</nobr><br />
317 <nobr>Using <?php echo php_sapi_name();?> on <?php echo php_uname(); ?></nobr><br />
318 </td></tr>
319 </table>
320 <!-- }}} -->
321 </body>
322 </html>
324 <?php
326 /*
327 * Local variables:
328 * tab-width: 4
329 * c-basic-offset: 4
330 * End:
331 * vim600: noet sw=4 ts=4 fdm=marker
332 * vim<600: noet sw=4 ts=4
333 */
335 ?>
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