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1 4. Nature, Sport , Culture
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3 is virtually impossible to predict in detail which alternatives will become technically feasible over any longer interval of time. Why? Simply because if one could see ahead <b>that clearly</b>, one could probably accomplish those things in much less time - given the will to do so...
5 A.C.Clark quoted by Marvin Minsky
6 </i>
8 When automobiles & whole consumer culture started to head towards extinction after nanotechnology breakthrough, it was advised by Automata, approved by Senate and not vetoed by the top observer that especially shopping centres, their parking spaces and highways should be left as they are for as long as possible without any order-bringing intervention of human hand. All Prague dogs were invited to these places instead. Humans accepted the proposal and in few years thick dust mixed with the decomposed excrements and formed soil basis. The next year spring few spots of <font class="most_important">grass blades broke through asphalt</font>, and later first tree and a flower started to fight for existence.
10 Only when the trees were as tell as a (wo)man did the Automata gave a new resolution - "go and make gardens out of it". <u>In few years "Prague forrests & gardens" company became one of most economically successfull entities in Prague domain.</u> Currently there are 735245 dogs and 38923 horses living in the urban areas and 28954 deers and 190783 rabbits living freely in the wilderness units located within the scope of Membrane. <b>Vineyard arch above past Magistrala all the way from Pankrác until Vltava</b> is one favorite tourist attractions of our city - 104820 adult women and 92509 adult men, mostly students, took part in the Dionysian feasts this May. While not very much "politically correct" towards more orthodox citizens of our Polis, such an event is considered to be much more natural release of an <i>elane-vitale</i> force than destructive demonstrations of the past.
12 In the era of Automata & The Feed where basic food, habitation and energy needs are provided , the most important quest for a (wo)man is extending the amount of knowledge and beauty. Thus, Culture & Education plays a very important role in our city - 13% of adult citizens are employed in the areas responsible for Education and even more - 15% are investing their time into extension of Art & Culture . Because many of these roles intersect, we may say that 1/4 of active population of Prague is profesionally dedicated to Beauty.
14 Sport is understood in an anthique way as a subset of Culture. During past decades many new types of sports emerged as a result of technological inovations - only the introduction of WIN.G itself and its combinations with a bicycle, ball, tennis rockets brought to this day 7 new forms of Sports which are accepted by International Olympic Comittee. <b>Prague was lucky to organize Olympic Games in 2032 and has a highly advanced facilities for many professional types of sports.</b> After few years of stagnation rock climbing on artificial walls is going through its Renaissance - this may be a result of transformation of past communist concrete blocks into more trustable structures as mentioned in part 2. Balancing on the ropes is also very common.
16 Group sports are still popular and are still source of "tribal behavior" especially within the city regions. During my function period as a top observer I directed as much financial currents as I was allowed towards WIN.G.DANCE festival. From my dwelling in the tower of Tynsky palac I could observe three hundred thousand human voluntees - 42 of them with Pegasus! - forming <font class="most_important">marvelous symmetry of patterns above the city</font>.
18 I witnessed a strong convergence between the Sport and Spirituality during June Yogic days under cupola of Strahov Stadium and at Letna. It was a mighty ritual - but not the only one for sure. Rituals and chants of many different religious communities and sects may be observed almost any time here or there.
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