Switched off load balancing
[mirrors/Kyberia-bloodline.git] / doc / README
1 #Kyberia README
3 ##Kyberia
4 * This repository contains sources of Kyberia.sk website.
5 * See http://kyberia.sk/ and http://kyberia.cz/ for more.
8 * everything in this repository
9 * is protected by copyright of it's respective author(s)
10 * is licensed as specified in COPYING file in root of this repository
11 * can be licensed somehow else if other licence was specified by author
13 ## How to make your kyberia run.
15 1. Install: apache2 (+php support), mysql
16 2. Create mysql account ( create user kyberia identified by "pass")
17 3. Create database kyberia2 (as user kyberia)
18 4. Import data (mysql -u kyberia -p kyberia2 < kyberia_2.3_...sql )
19 5. Copy http dir from svn into your www-root (for example cp kyberia/trunk /var/www/ )
20 6. Copy kyberia-data dir into same directory.
21 7. Copy 003-kyberia.conf (apache2 conf. file) into /etc/apache2/sites-enabled. Edit if needed.
22 8. Maybe you will need something apache configuration tweaks (like a2enmod rewrite).
23 9. Start apache and mysql (something like /etc/init.d/apache2 start, ...)
24 10. Set DB login data in inc/db.inc
25 11. Depends on your DNS, maybe add alias www.localhost to /etc/hosts file.
26 12. Try it (open browser and go to your system_url address. "localhost" by default.)
27 13. Find out why it is still not working. (check permisions, symlinks, directory names...)
28 14. If you want full functionality, add following lines to your www users crontab
30 */2 * * * * /path-to-kyberia-wwwroot/cron/logoutidle.php
31 0 0 * * * /path-to-kyberia-wwwroot/cron/k.php
32 */3 * * * * /path-to-kyberia-wwwroot/cron/process-img.sh
34 Warning, this effectively bypass www chroot.
35 15. Enjoy;)
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