[mirrors/Kyberia-bloodline.git] / get_threaded_children.tpl
1 <!--
2 This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
3 the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
4 and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
5 To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
6 http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
7 -->
9 HELLO 23
10 {if $template_event eq 'preview'}
11 <table>
12 <tr>
13 <td valign='top' rowspan='2' ><img hspace='5' src='{get_image_link id=$user_id}'></td>
14 <td width='100%' valign='top'>
15 <table width='100%'><tr class='header'>
16 <td align='center'>PREVIEW
18 <tr><td>{$post_vars.node_content|preview}</td></tr>
19 </table>
20 </table>
21 {* end of preview *}
23 {elseif $template_event eq 'filter_by'}
24 {get_threaded_children listing_amount=23232322323 offset=$offset types=$children_types search_type=$post_vars.search_type search=$post_vars.node_content}
25 {elseif $user_id neq true}
26 {get_threaded_children link='yes' offset=0 listing_amount=232 orderby="asc"}
27 {elseif $node.node_user_subchild_count eq true}
28 {get_threaded_children link='yes' offset=0 listing_amount=232 time=$node.last_visit time=$node.last_visit orderby=$listing_order types=$children_types}
29 <!--<center><span class='most_important'>pozor doslo k zmene funkcnosti systemu, NEW prispevky (vsetky) sa zobrazuju od najstarsieho k najnovsiemu zhora dolu</span></center>-->
30 {else}
31 {get_threaded_children link='yes' listing_amount=$listing_amount offset=$offset types=$children_types orderby=$listing_order}
32 {/if}
36 {*get_linked_nodes time_1=$time_1 time_2=$time_2 orderby=$listing_order*}
37 {if $user_id neq true}
38 {merge_arrays array1=$get_threaded_children array2=$get_linked_nodes sort_by='thread' orderby="asc"}
39 {else}
40 {merge_arrays array1=$get_threaded_children array2=$get_linked_nodes sort_by='thread' orderby=$listing_order}
41 {/if}
44 {foreach from=$merged item=child}
45 {if $child.template_id eq 11}
46 {get_poll poll=$child}
47 {include file="modules/show_poll.tpl" get_poll=$get_poll}
48 <br>
49 {else}
51 <table width='666'>
52 <tr>
53 {*if $child.node_created > $node.last_visit and $child.depth>$node.vector_depth*}
54 <td colspan='3'><a href='/id/{$child.node_parent}'>{$child.node_vector}</a></td>
55 </tr>
56 {*/if*}
57 <td width='{math equation="(x-y)-9" x=$child.depth y=$node.vector_depth}%'></td>
58 <td valign='top' rowspan='2'><img width='50' hspace='5' src='{get_image_link id=$child.node_creator}'></td>
59 <td width='{math equation="100-(x-y)" x=$child.depth y=$node.vector_depth}%'>
60 <table class='bordered' width='100%'><tr class='header'>
61 <td>
62 &nbsp;<a href='/id/{$child.node_creator}'>{$child.login}</a>
63 {if $child.user_action neq false}
64 &nbsp;[lokacia :: <a href='/{$child.user_actions}/'>{$child.user_action}</a>]
65 {/if}
66 &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type='checkbox' value='{$child.node_id}' name='node_chosen[]'>
67 &nbsp;&nbsp;{$child.node_created|date_format:"%d.%m.%Y. - %H:%M:%S"}
68 {if $child.node_created > $node.last_visit}<span class='most_important'>&nbsp;&nbsp;NEW</span>{/if}
69 {if $child.node_status eq 'linked'}<span class='most_important'>LINKED</span>{/if}
71 {if $child.node_name eq ''}
72 <div align='center'><a href='/id/{$child.node_id}'>enter node {$child.node_id}</a></div>
73 {else}
74 <div align='center'><a href='/id/{$child.node_id}'>{$child.node_name}</a></div>
75 {/if}
76 <tr><td>{$child.node_content|stripslashes|nl2br}</td></tr>
77 </table>
78 </table>
79 {/if}
80 <br>
81 {/foreach}
83 <table align='center'><tr>
84 <td><input type='hidden' name='get_children_offset' value='{$offset}'></td>
85 <td><input type='submit' name='get_children_move' value='<'></td>
86 <td><input type='submit' name='get_children_move' value='<<'></td>
87 <td><input name='get_children_move' type='submit' value='>>'></td>
88 <td><input type='submit' name='get_children_move' value='>'></td>
89 </tr></table>
This page took 0.286063 seconds and 3 git commands to generate.