Fixed dnssec-tools package
[mirrors/ArchLinux-Packages.git] / perl-astro-moonphase / PKGBUILD
1 # PKGBUILD generated by pacpan
2 pkgname=perl-astro-moonphase
3 _realname=Astro-MoonPhase
4 pkgver=0.60
5 pkgrel=1
6 pkgdesc="Perl/CPAN module Astro::MoonPhase Information about the phase of the Moon"
7 arch=(any)
8 license=('unrestricted')
9 url=""
10 options=(!emptydirs)
12 depends=('perl')
14 #provides=('Astro-MoonPhase')
15 provides=('astro-moonphase=0.60' 'Astro::MoonPhase=0.60' 'perl-astro-moonphase=0.60')
17 source=(
18 md5sums=('746d03558509d5b596f2c92bc8100372')
20 build() {
21 _expected_dir="${srcdir}/${_realname}-${pkgver}"
22 if [ -d "$_expected_dir" ]; then
23 cd "$_expected_dir"
24 else
25 _expected_dir="${srcdir}/$(bsdtar -t -f $(basename $source) | head -n1)"
26 if [ -d "$_expected_dir" ]; then
27 cd "$_expected_dir"
28 else
29 _makefile=$(find $srcdir -iname Makefile.PL)
30 if [ ! -z "$_makefile" ]; then
31 _expected_dir=$(dirname $_makefile)
32 if [ -d "$_expected_dir" ]; then
33 cd "$_expected_dir"
34 else
35 echo "\e[1;31mERROR\e[0m unable to detect source directory"
36 echo "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m this is often due to CPAN's lack of standard naming conventions"
37 echo "\e[1;34m-->\e[0m it may be possible to fix this by adjusting the build function in the PKGBUILD"
38 fi
39 fi
40 fi
41 fi
42 # install module in vendor directories.
43 PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor || return 1
44 make || return 1
45 make install DESTDIR=${pkgdir} || return 1
47 # remove perllocal.pod and .packlist
48 find ${pkgdir} -name perllocal.pod -delete
49 find ${pkgdir} -name .packlist -delete
50 }
52 # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
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