4 global $db,$error,$node_id;
5 $login = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['login']);
6 $password = $_POST['password']; // Not SQLi but be carefull
7 $password_hash_algos=array('sha256','sha1','md5'); //List of supported algos can be obtained using: php -r 'print_r(hash_algos());'
10 foreach($password_hash_algos as $algo) {
11 $hash_query.="password='".hash($algo, $password)."' OR ";
13 $hash_query.='false )';
15 $login_type = $_POST['login_type'];
16 $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
19 $error='asi nemas zapnute cookies alebo co';
23 switch ($login_type) {
25 $q = "select * from users where login='$login' and $hash_query";
26 $set = $db->query($q);
28 $user_id = $set->getString('user_id');
29 $user_name = $set->getString('login');
32 $login = base_convert($login, 36, 10);
34 // HA! if it is number, escape_string is not enough
35 $login=intval($login);
37 $q="select * from users where user_id='$login' and $hash_query";
40 $user_id=$set->getString('user_id');
41 $user_name=$set->getString('login');
45 if (!$set) { //XXX test
46 $error="Zadal si nespravne uzivatelske meno [alebo id] alebo heslo. Rob so sebou nieco";
49 elseif ($set->getString('header_id') == 2091520) {
50 $error='Tvoja registracia este nebola schvalena.';
54 $now=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
55 $lockout=$set->getString('acc_lockout');
56 if ($lockout >= $now ) {
58 $error="Account lockout mas aktivny. Sorry ale neprihlasis sa minimalne do $lockout.
59 Prajem prijemnu odvykacku:-)";
65 // prevent session fixation
66 session_regenerate_id();
68 $cube_vector=$set->getString('cube_vector');
70 // saves friends list as an array into user session
71 $q="select distinct node_parent,node_name from nodes where node_creator='$user_id' and
72 external_link='session://friend' order by node_parent";
73 $friendset=$db->query($q);
74 while ($friendset->next()){
75 $_SESSION['friends'][$friendset->getString('node_parent')]=true;
78 // saves bookmarks as an array into user session
79 $q="select nodes.node_name,nodes.node_id from node_access left join nodes on node_access.node_id=nodes.node_id
80 where node_access.user_id='$user_id' and node_bookmark='yes' order by node_name";
81 $bookmarkset=$db->query($q);
82 while ($bookmarkset->next()){
83 $_SESSION['bookmarks'][$bookmarkset->getString('node_id')]=$bookmarkset->getString('node_name');
86 //saves ignored users as an array into user session
87 $q="select node_parent from nodes where node_creator='$user_id' and external_link='session://ignore'";
88 $ignoreset=$db->query($q);
89 while ($ignoreset->next()){
90 $_SESSION['ignore'][$ignoreset->getString('node_parent')]=true;
93 //saves fooked forums as an array into user session
94 $q="select node_parent from nodes where node_creator='$user_id' and external_link='session://fook'";
95 $fookset=$db->query($q);
96 while ($fookset->next()){
97 $_SESSION['fook'][$fookset->getString('node_parent')]=true;
101 //save bookstyle into user session
102 $q="select node_content from nodes where node_parent=19 and external_link='session://bookstyl' and node_creator='$user_id'";
103 $bookstylset=$db->query($q);
104 $bookstylset->next();
105 $_SESSION['bookstyl'] = $bookstylset->getString('node_content');
108 $mset = $db->query(sprintf('select moods from users where user_id = %d', $user_id));
110 $moods_expl = explode(";",$set->getString('moods'));
111 if (!empty($moods_expl[count($moods_expl)-1])) {
112 $_SESSION['mood_id'] = $moods_expl[count($moods_expl)-1];
113 $mset = $db->query(sprintf('select node_name, node_content from nodes where node_id = %d', $moods_expl[count($moods_expl)-1]));
115 $_SESSION['mood_name'] = $mset->getString('node_name');
116 $_SESSION['mood_content'] = addslashes(substr(strip_tags($mset->getString('node_content')),0,223));
120 $db->query(sprintf('update users set date_last_login = NOW() where user_id = %d', $user_id));
122 $_SESSION['user_id']=$user_id;
123 $_SESSION['user_name']=addslashes($user_name);
124 if (!empty($cube_vector)) $_SESSION['cube_vector']=$cube_vector;
125 if (empty($_SESSION['template_set'])) $_SESSION['template_set']=$set->getString('template_set');
126 if (is_numeric($_POST['screen_width'])) $_SESSION['browser']['screen_width']=$_POST['screen_width'];
127 if (is_numeric($_POST['screen_height'])) $_SESSION['browser']['screen_height']=$_POST['screen_height'];
128 $_SESSION['listing_amount']=$set->getString('listing_amount');
129 $_SESSION['listing_order']=$set->getString('listing_order');
130 $_SESSION['header_id']=$set->getString('header_id');
132 // header("Location: $referer");