/* * Arduino TV-B-GONE * <~~Harvie 2oo8 * * THX 2 Ladyada * http://www.ladyada.net/make/tvbgone/ * */ //#include "NAcodes.c" //#include "NAcodes2.c" #define ledpin 13 //Maybe you will have to experiment also with this value int d; float i; void fire_code(int outpin, long freq, fuck *code) { //kHz freq = 1000000/(freq*1000); //freq2millis for() } void setup() { pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { for(d=1000/100;d<=1000/20;d++) { // 1000/frequency in kHz //You maybe have to experiment with ^^^ this ^^^ values //Frequency sweeping: 100->20 kHz works, i saw 60->1 too for(i=0;i