FM (Fast Move: minimalistic ncurses file system viewer) ======================================================= Small, simple and efficient file system viewer for the console. It offers fast navigation, easy invocation of your common tools (`Emacs`/`Vim`/`Xpdf`/`less`/...) and instant access to your favorite shell. ### How to compile It should run in any modern UNIX-like with minimal effort. You just need to have installed `ncursesw`, `glib` and its development headers. Then just run: make ### Hacking Internally the file system hierarchy is represented in a N-ary tree in which each node represents a file and its associated information. Additionally a double-linked list is used to represent the lines from screen. The `glib` is used for its N-ary trees and double-linked lists. Also some string manipulation functions are used for commodity. The rest is standard POSIX code. ### Screenshot ![fm screenshot](imgs/fm-screenshot.png) ### Invocation Just run: fm [] ### Keyboard commands Most commands are based in text navigation of `Vim`. Moving the cursor: * j: select next file. * k: select previous file. * l: open selected directory (open the directory twice to show dot files). * h: close current/selected directory. * Ctrl + f: move one page forward the cursor. * Ctrl + b: move one page backward the cursor. * Ctrl + d: move half page forward the cursor. * Ctrl + u: move half page backward the cursor. * gg: select first file. * G: select last file. * zz: center selected file on screen. * H: select first line from screen. * L: select last line from screen. * }: selects next file without going deeper in the hierarchy. * {: selects previous file without going deeper in the hierarchy. * [[: selects parent directory. * f + : selects next file that begins with . * F + : selects previous file that begins with . Running external programs: * l: opens the selected file with text pager/PDF viewer/PS viewer/image viewer (based on the file name extension). * s: spawns the shell in the current directory (Use Ctrl + d to return). * Enter: starts the editor with selected file. Miscellanea: * q: quits fm. * Ctrl + l: redraws the entire screen and reloads the content of the current working directory. * Ctrl + g: prints info from the selected like `ls -l`. * Esc: clear info window. Set command repetitions to one. The default choices for the external programs are `vim`/`xpdf`/`gv`/`display`. They are configured from `fm.h`. Also the can be customized setting the environment variables `PAGER` and `EDITOR` from the shell. The commands `h j k l` can be repeated several times with just one keystroke if a number is given first, just like `Vim` commands repetitions. The cursor can also be moved with the arrows from the keyboard. ### Project status Version 1.0 finished, pending to add Linux `inotify` support. ### License The program is under the `GPLv3`. ### Feedback Send me an email if you have any question about the code, you found a bug or you have a feature request. Send it to: