#!/bin/bash # BIRC(B) 1.3b - BASH IRC (Bot) # Simple IRC Bot/Client with SSL and SOCKS support written in BASH # <~~Harvie 2oo7/8 #WTF? # You can use this as bot or client if anything else can't be installed. # In fact, BIRC is just a netcat frontend to act as IRC client. # If you don't have netcat, you can use other similar software. #Setting NETCAT # If you want use insecure (non-ssl) connection, there are suitable configurations: # format: # package -> NETCAT="value" # netcat -> NETCAT="nc" # telnet -> NETCAT="telnet" # socat -> NETCAT="birc_socat" # socat (for IPv6) -> NETCAT="birc_socat_6" # tail # bash>=3 with /dev/tcp supp. -> NETCTA="birc_bash_netcat" # With this, you don't need any external binary # Your BASH have to be compiled with /dev/tcp/ support (problem on Debian,...) # I never tested this wrapper ;( #Setting NETCAT for SSL # Remember that default settings is to accept any cert, which means it is less secure... # If you need to be in safe againtst MITM attacks, read something and edit wrappers. # Remember that IRC server is sending your messages to other clients (that should not use SSL) # You can determine if any user is connected with SSL by /whois nickname. # 1.) Change BIRCPORT to port used by server for SSL # 2.) Select one of these solutions (depends on software, you have installed): # format: # package -> NETCAT="value" # socat (for SSL) -> NETCAT="birc_socat_ssl" # stunnel -> NETCAT="birc_stunnel" # telnet-ssl -> NETCAT="birc_telnet_ssl" #Setting NETCAT for TOR network (or another SOCKS server) # My SOCKS wrapper is set to use SOCKS4A server on which is used by TOR # If you want to use another SOCKS server, you can simply edit the wrapper. # Read "Setting NETCAT for SSL" for more info about SSL. # After connecting check /whois yournickname to get your new IP adress... # This will need socat installed and TOR client running... # format: # package -> NETCAT="value" # socat + tor (for TOR) -> NETCAT="birc_socat_tor" # socat + tor (for TOR&SSL) -> NETCAT="birc_socat_tor_ssl" # TOR+SSL = F*cking great privacy! #Setting NETCAT for different encoding # This example shows you, how you can use uconv to convert encoding if server/channel # requires some specific setting. # NETCAT="nc" # BIRCCODE="UTF-8" # NETCAT="uconv -t $BIRCCODE -s -c -i -b 1 | $NETCAT | uconv -f $BIRCCODE -s -c -i -b 1" #Setting as bot # You have to add more functions into the birc_parse(). # Maybe, you want to make birc smaller by stripping this comments. # I like to compress/obfuscate the code by gzexe. #Setting as client # You can add some startup menu, or incoming PRIVMSG parser. # It's good idea to make some kind of multichannel support. #HELP/INFO # $0 -h == help # CTCP examples: # ^AACTION ROX!!!^A == "/ME ROX!!!" # ^APING Suxor^A == "/PING Suxor" # etc... # Licence policy: eNarchy ultrafree opensource copylefted public domain ;D # Other questions -> !!!-UTFS-FM-OMG-!!! # Deps: # BASH>=3 # tail # one of these: (netcat|telnet(-ssl)?|socket|stunnel|socat) - set NETCAT in settings ################################################################################################# #DEFAULT_SETTINGS (Can be overriden by command-line arguments) #Host and port: BIRCHOST=irc.lukysoft.sk BIRCPORT=6667 #Nic to use: BIRCNICK=bircbot #Channel to join: BIRCCHAN=\#skola #Wait N seconds before first try to join: BIRCWAIT=1 #Try to rejoin after N seconds since connected: BIRCJOIW=10 #Clean socket file every N seconds: BIRCLEAN=120 #Where to save socket file? BIRCSDIR=~/.birc BIRCSOCK="$BIRCSDIR"/sock #NetCat binary (see comments ^^^): NETCAT="birc_bash_netcat" #NET/IO Interval (tail -s N): TAILSLEEP=0.3 ################################################################################################# #BIRC_NETCAT_WRAPPERS (RTFM) birc_socat() { socat STDIO TCP4:"$1":"$2"; } birc_socat_ssl() { socat STDIO OPENSSL:"$1":"$2",verify=0; } birc_socat_6() { socat STDIO TCP6:"$1":"$2"; } birc_stunnel() { stunnel -c -r "$1":"$2"; } birc_telnet_ssl() { telnet-ssl -z ssl "$1" "$2"; } birc_bash_netcat() { exec 5<>"/dev/tcp/$1/$2"; cat <&5 & cat >&5; } #SOCKS Server settings: SOCKSSERV= SOCKSPORT=9050 birc_socat_tor() { socat STDIO SOCKS4A:"$SOCKSSERV":"$1":"$2",socksport="$SOCKSPORT"; } birc_socat_tor_ssl() { BIRCTUNPORT=$[ 1025+($RANDOM%9999) ] echo [i] Starting SOCKS4A tunnel to "$1":"$2" on random port = "$BIRCTUNPORT"; socat TCP4-LISTEN:"$BIRCTUNPORT",fork SOCKS4A:"$SOCKSSERV":"$1":"$2",socksport="$SOCKSPORT" & socat STDIO OPENSSL:"$BIRCTUNPORT",verify=0; } ################################################################################################# #BIRC_FUNCTIONS (BIRC Library) birc_help() { # BIRC Help - prints help and exit echo "BIRC - BASH IRC (lib,client,bot) - Harvie 2oo7"; echo -e "\tUsage:"; echo -ne "\t$0 "; echo "[server [port [nick [channel [ sockfile [ netcatbin]]]]]]"; echo -e "\tDefault: $BIRCHOST $BIRCPORT $BIRCNICK $BIRCCHAN $BIRCSOCK $NETCAT"; echo; exit; } birc_parse() { # BIRC Parse (data, socket) # You can handle each incoming line ($1) here #PRINT echo "$1"; #PING/PONG if [[ "$1" =~ ^PING' '*:(.*) ]]; then echo "PONG :${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" echo "PONG :${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" >> "$2" fi; # -> MORE BOT-FUNCTIONS HERE <- # BASH is cool, you can just call another "module" script with bot functions from here. } birc_connect() { # IRC Connect (socket, host, port) # Create new socket fifos... rm -f "$1"; touch "$1"; rm -f "$1"r; touch "$1"r; # Open connection and pipes on background birc_startnc() { tail -f --retry -s "$TAILSLEEP" "$1" 2> /dev/null | "$NETCAT" "$2" "$3" >> "$1"r; # Close birc after connection closed kill -2 $$; sleep 1; kill -9 $$; } birc_startnc "$1" "$2" "$3" & # Recieve and process incoming commands tail -f --retry -s "$TAILSLEEP" "$1"r 2> /dev/null | while read BIRCLINE; do birc_parse "$BIRCLINE" "$1" done & } birc_login() { # IRC Login (socket, nick) echo NICK "$2" >> "$1" echo USER "$2 $2 $2 :$2" >> "$1" echo >> "$1" } birc_join() { # IRC Join (socket, channel) echo JOIN "$2" >> "$1" } birc_delayed_join() { # IRC Join with delay on BG (socket, channel, delay (secs)) sleep "$3" && birc_join "$1" "$2" & } birc_say() { # IRC Send (socket, data[, receiver]) # -> MORE USER-FUNCTIONS HERE <- if [[ "$2" =~ ^/(.*) ]]; then #Server command echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" >> "$1" else #Common message echo PRIVMSG "$3" :"$2" >> "$1" fi; } birc_cleanup() { # BIRC Cleanup (socket) # Cleanup mess leaved in system before BIRC exit kill -s SIGINT $(jobs -p); > /dev/null 2>&1 kill -s SIGKILL $(jobs -p); > /dev/null 2>&1 echo \[!\] All background jobs stoped! rm -f "$1"; > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -f "$1"r; > /dev/null 2>&1 echo \[!\] All temp files removed! echo \[X\] Quiting BIRC... exit; } birc_autocleand() { # BIRC Autoclean Daemon (socket, delay) # starts on background, clean socket each $2 seconds while true; do sleep "$2"; echo -n > "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; echo -n > "$1"r > /dev/null 2>&1; done & } ################################################################################################# #MAIN_C0DE (BIRC-Lib example) #ARGUMENTS if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then birc_help; fi; if [ -n "$1" ]; then BIRCHOST="$1"; fi; if [ -n "$2" ]; then BIRCPORT="$2"; fi; if [ -n "$3" ]; then BIRCNICK="$3"; fi; if [ -n "$4" ]; then BIRCCHAN="$4"; fi; if [ -n "$5" ]; then BIRCSOCK="$5"; fi; if [ -n "$6" ]; then NETCAT="$6"; fi; echo \[*\] Starting BASH IRC Client\\Bot trap "echo; echo \[X\] Caught SIGINT - terminating...; birc_cleanup \"$BIRCSOCK\"" SIGINT; mkdir -p "$BIRCSDIR"; echo \[I\] Written by \<-Harvie 2oo7; echo; echo \[i\] Using socket wrapper "$NETCAT"; echo \[i\] Using socket Files/FIFOs "$BIRCSOCK"\(r\); echo \[i\] Using socket interval "$TAILSLEEP" seconds between I/O; birc_connect "$BIRCSOCK" "$BIRCHOST" "$BIRCPORT"; birc_autocleand "$BIRCSOCK" "$BIRCLEAN"; sleep 1; echo \[i\] "$USER"@$(hostname) -\> "$BIRCNICK@$BIRCCHAN@$BIRCHOST:$BIRCPORT"; birc_login "$BIRCSOCK" "$BIRCNICK"; sleep "$BIRCWAIT"; echo \[i\] Joining channel "$BIRCCHAN"; birc_join "$BIRCSOCK" "$BIRCCHAN"; birc_delayed_join "$BIRCSOCK" "$BIRCCHAN" "$BIRCJOIW"; echo \[\>\] Now waiting for your messages on STDIN; while true; do read BIRCSEND; birc_say "$BIRCSOCK" "$BIRCSEND" "$BIRCCHAN"; done; birc_cleanup "$BIRCSOCK"; exit;