#!/bin/bash #BANNER####################################### echo -n ' ____ ____ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ (__ )( __)( ( \( \/ ) / _\ ( ( \ / _/ ) _) / // \/ \/ \/ / (____)(____)\_)__)\_)(_/\_/\_/\_)__) v1.8 Zenity based frontend for pacman <~Harvie (http://blog.harvie.cz) 2oo9 '; #HELP/FEATURES################################ if [ "$1" == '--help' ]; then cat << END HELP/FEATURES: - note this script is not much secure since it uses gksu to execute user defined scripts - this is not good idea for server, but it should be OK for personal workstation - root rights can be obtained by gksu anyway - to defeat this risk please do not use 'remember password' in gksu - zenman --help prints this help - when zenman started, kills last zenman runned by this user - you can kill zenman by zenman --stop (click on tray icon or wait after this) - last pid is stored in ~/.config/zenman/zenman.pid - shows splashscreen (can be disabled...) - shows tray icon for each state (on mouse over shows state) - system is up to date - refreshing pacman database - updates available - shows notification when updates available and listing them - optionally can notify also using speech output - clicking on icon will begin upgrade in new xterm - this is disabled only when refreshing - if pacman db is locked it will be automaticaly unlocked - only if there is any pacman related process running - if there is some pacman related operation, error message appears - auto refreshing of pacman db is disabled (somebody will want to use cron) - all settings are hardcoded to zenman (/usr/bin/zenman) - all settings can be overrided - system wide: /etc/zenman.conf - single user only: ~/.config/zenman/zenman.conf - you can also write your own translation to this files TODO: ( Don't shy and get involved! ;o) - Bugtracking/Bugfixing - Port to another package managers - apt-zen (apt-get) - zenmerge (emerge) - ipkg-zen (ipkg) - etc... - Localization to your native language END exit; fi; #SETTINGS##################################### #main############################# zenman_caption='ZenMan'; zenman_interval=$[10*60]; zenman_splash=true; zenman_autorefresh=false; zenman_speech=true; zenman_configdir=~/.config/zenman; zenman_pid="$zenman_configdir/zenman.pid"; zenman_true_ico='/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/status/software-update-urgent.png'; #software-update-available.svg zenman_false_ico='/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/emotes/face-cool.png'; zenman_refresh_ico='/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/actions/view-refresh.png'; #files/commands################### gksu='gksu'; #gksu/gksudo/... pacman='/usr/bin/pacman'; #want to use pacman-color, yaourt or powerpill instead? xterm='/usr/bin/xterm'; #xterm/... espeak='/usr/bin/espeak' #espeak (for spoken notification) pacman_refresh='-Syuw'; # -Sy ? pacman_upgrade='-Syu'; # -Syuf ? pacman_check='-Qu'; pacman_lock='/var/lib/pacman/db.lck'; #file to delete, when pacman locked (only if not running) #Translate here################### zenman_true='New package(s) found! ;-)\n\nPacman output follows:\n'; zenman_false='No packages to update. ;-('; zenman_refreshing='Refreshing pacman database. ;-) Please wait...'; zenman_usage="[i] $0 --stop to kill zenman\n[i] $0 --help to show help\n" zenman_upgrade="[*] ZenMan will now execute full system upgrade! ;-)\n\n'$pacman' '$pacman_upgrade'\n\n"; zenman_close='[*] Press [ENTER] to close window...'; zenman_config='[*] Loading configuration from: '; zenman_done='[DONE]'; zenman_locked="ZenMan can't execute system upgrade! ;-( Please stop all pacman related applications and try again."; zenman_start="ZenMan started! ;-) by: Harvie 2oo9 For more informations please visit: http://blog.harvie.cz/"; #voice espeak_voice='en'; #see: espeak --voices espeak_volume='200'; #0-200 speech_true='New packages found!'; #INIT######################################### if [ "$2" != '' ]; then zenman_configdir="$2"; fi; #when called with --upgrade mkdir -p "$zenman_configdir" touch "$zenman_configdir/zenman.conf" #read configuration files (can contain localization also)... for i in\ '/etc/zenman.conf'\ "$zenman_configdir/zenman.conf"\ ; do echo "$zenman_config" "$i"; source "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1; done; if [ "$2" != '' ]; then zenman_configdir="$2"; fi; #when called with --upgrade #fallback icons if [ ! -e "$zenman_true_ico" ]; then zenman_true_ico='warning'; fi; if [ ! -e "$zenman_false_ico" ]; then zenman_false_ico='info'; fi; if [ ! -e "$zenman_refresh_ico" ]; then zenman_false_ico='question'; fi; #CODE######################################### #pid if [ -e "$zenman_pid" ]; then kill $(cat "$zenman_pid") >/dev/null 2>&1; kill -KILL $(cat "$zenman_pid") >/dev/null 2>&1; fi; if [ "$1" == '--stop' ]; then echo '[!] exit'; exit; fi; echo "$$" > "$zenman_pid"; #this procedure is called internally... if [ "$1" == '--upgrade' ]; then echo -ne "$zenman_upgrade"; "$pacman" $pacman_upgrade; if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo -e "\n$zenman_close"; read; else sleep 2; fi; exit; fi; #splash echo -e "$zenman_usage" if "$zenman_splash"; then notify-send -i info --expire-time=5000 "$zenman_caption" "$zenman_start"; fi; #text-to-speech zenman_speech() { if "$zenman_speech" && [[ -x "$espeak" ]] ; then "$espeak" -a "$espeak_volume" -v "$espeak_voice" "$1" & fi; } #unlocker zenman_force_unlock() { if [ -e "$pacman_lock" ]; then #check if db locked... ps -eo comm | grep -i '^\(pacman\|yaourt\|powerpill\|gtkpacman\|pacupdate\|kpacupdate\|guzuta\|YAPG\|Shaman\)' >/dev/null; #check if pacman is running... if [ $? != 0 ]; then "$gksu" "rm -rf '$pacman_lock'"; if [ $? != 0 ]; then return 1; #gksu failed ;-( else return 0; #unlocked!!! fi; else return 1; #pacman is running ;-( fi; else return 0; #no locked!!! fi; } while true; do #uncomment next line if not running -Syuw from cron (and you better set higher zenman_interval) if "$zenman_autorefresh"; then echo -ne "$zenman_refreshing "; zenity --notification --text "$zenman_refreshing" --window-icon="$zenman_refresh_ico" & zenman_force_unlock; "$gksu" "'$pacman' $pacman_refresh --noconfirm" >/dev/null 2>&1 kill $! >/dev/null 2>&1; kill -KILL $! >/dev/null 2>&1; echo "$zenman_done"; fi; #check for new packages pacman_new_packages=$("$pacman" $pacman_check --noconfirm 2>&1); if [ $? == 0 ] && [ "$pacman_new_packages" != '' ]; then #fixed pacman always returning 0 issue... #new packages found zenman_speech "$speech_true"; notify-send -i info "$zenman_caption" "$(echo -e "$zenman_true" "$pacman_new_packages")" zenity --notification --timeout="$zenman_interval" --text "$(echo -e "$zenman_true" "$pacman_new_packages")" --window-icon="$zenman_true_ico"; else #no packages to update zenity --notification --timeout="$zenman_interval" --text "$zenman_false" --window-icon="$zenman_false_ico"; fi; #run full system upgrade if notification icon clicked if [ $? == 0 ]; then #try to unlock pacman db if locked and pacman is not running zenman_force_unlock; if [ $? == 0 ]; then #update if unlocked "$gksu" " '$xterm' -T '$zenman_caption' -e '$0 --upgrade \\\\'$zenman_configdir\\\\\''" ###TODO: fix quotes and escaping for configdir here later!!!! zenman_force_unlock; else #show error if locked notify-send -i error "$zenman_caption" "$zenman_locked"; fi; fi; done;