".$params['query']."",$output); preg_match_all("/:::(.*?):::(.*?):::(.*?):::(.*?):::(.*?):::(.*?):::(.*?):::(.*?):::(.*?)n/i",$output,$matches); foreach($matches[0] as $key => $value) { preg_match("/(.*?).xml/i",$matches[2][$key],$ids); $id=$ids[1]; echo "".$matches[4][$key]." (".$matches[6][$key].")
"; echo $matches[7][$key]."

"; //echo $matches[5][$key]."

"; } global $db, $node; $q = "SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE node_system_access!='private' AND template_id=3 AND node_name LIKE '%". str_replace(array("%", "_"), array('%', '_'), addslashes($params['query']))."%'"; $set=$db->query($q); while($set->next()) { $rec = $set->getRecord(); echo "{$rec[node_name]}
"; } */ global $db, $node; if (is_numeric($params['offset'])) $offset = $params['offset']; else $offset = 0; if (is_numeric($params['listing_amount'])) $listing_amount = $params['listing_amount']; else $listing_amount = 32; $query = addslashes($params['query']); $q = "select users.login, nodes.* from nodes left join users on users.user_id = nodes.node_creator where node_name like '$query%'"; $set = $db->query($q); while ($set->next()) { $array[] = $set->getRecord(); } $smarty->assign('get_search_short',$array); if ($_POST['orderby'] != ("k" || "node_created" || "probability" || "node_views")) $orderby = "k"; else $orderby=$_POST['orderby']; $q = "select users.login as login, users.*, nodes.*, nodes.node_creator, nodes.node_content, match (node_content.node_content) against ('$query') as probability from node_content left join users on node_content.node_id = users.user_id left join nodes on node_content.node_id = nodes.node_id where node_system_access!='private' and match (node_content.node_content) against ('$query') order by $orderby desc limit $offset,$listing_amount"; $set = $db->query($q); while ($set->next()) { $search[] = $set->getRecord(); } $smarty->assign('get_search',$search); } ?>