#!/usr/bin/php path/to/php5/php.exe crawler.php * (you can add php.exe to PATH or associate .php files with it) * * Notes: * At this moment, there are few bugs in PHP5, * so this crawler may freeze after few minutes. * Check this for more info: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43098 */ ///SETTINGS //Basic $seed = 'http://www.secunia.com/'; //Start crawling from this page $file = 'urls.txt'; //File to save crawled URLs (use sort to make URLs 100% exclusive) $delete_url_db = true; //Delete file with saved URLs before crawling //Advanced $max_size = 10000; //How many bytes download from each page? $max_urls = 30; //Size of URL buffer (prebuffered URLs to crawl, if full, no more URLs will be added to queue) $buffer_increase = false; //Increase buffer at buffer underrun? $random_url = false; //Select random urls from page? (This may override URL filter) $history_max = 1000; //How many last URLs keep in history? (historied URLs will not be crawled again...) //Misc. ini_set('default_socket_timeout',1); //How long you want wait for a webserver? (seconds) set_time_limit(0); //How long run? (seconds; 0==infinite) $debug = false; //Use debuging mode? (Print errors and statistics) //Filter $eregi_url_blacklist = array( '(W3\.org|W3C)', //Hell knows... '(shop|xxx|porn|lesbian|hot)', //Commercial sites '(google||amazon.com|youtube.com)', //Big sites '(seznam.cz|centrum.cz|atlas.cz|zoznam.sk|quick.cz)', //Big local sites '.\.(css|ico|gif|jpg|png|bmp|cgi|js|vbs)', //Misc. webpage content '.\.(avi|mpg|mpeg|mov|wmv|wm|mp3|ogg|wma)', //Multimedia files '.\.(pdf|swf|flv|cfm)', //Other text files '.\.(exe|zip|rar|gz|bz|bz2|tar)' //Big and binary files ); function check_crawl_url($url) { //Use this function to determine if url is wanted foreach($GLOBALS['eregi_url_blacklist'] as $black_url) { if(eregi($black_url, $url)) return(0); } if(in_array($url, $GLOBALS['urls'])) return(0); $file_url = explode('?', $url, 2); $file_url = $file_url[0]; if(in_array($file_url, $GLOBALS['history'])) return(0); return(1); } ///CODE if($delete_url_db) @unlink($file); if($debug) { $u = 0; $c = 0; $t = time(); } $history[0] = ''; $fp = fopen($file, 'a+'); while(true) { if(sizeof($urls) <= 0) { $urls=''; $urls[0]=$seed; if($buffer_increase) $max_urls++; //Increase size of buffer by one if($debug) echo("!Buffer underrun! !Buffer size is: $max_urls!\n"); } $url = array_shift($urls); if($debug) echo("-Parsing: $url\n"); preg_match_all('(http:\/\/[_a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}\/{1}[-_~&=\ ?\.a-z0-9\/]*)',htmlspecialchars_decode(@file_get_contents($url, false, null, 0, $max_size)), $new_urls); $new_urls = $new_urls[0]; foreach($new_urls as $new_url) { if($debug) $c++;///Debug if(check_crawl_url($new_url)) { echo($new_url."\n"); fwrite($fp, $new_url."\n"); $file_url = explode('?', $new_url, 2); $file_url = $file_url[0]; array_push($history, $file_url); while(sizeof($history) > $history_max) @array_shift($history); if($random_url) { if(sizeof($urls) < $max_urls) array_push($urls, $new_urls[rand(0,sizeof($new_urls)-1)]); } else { if(sizeof($urls) < $max_urls) array_push($urls, $new_url); } if($debug) { ///Debug Block $u++; $uspeed = round($u/(time()-$t+1), 2); $cspeed = round($c/(time()-$t+1), 2); $time = round((time()-$t)/60, 1); $buffered = sizeof($urls); $historied = sizeof($history); echo("+$u URLs; $c Downloaded; UpTime: $time mins; Buffered: $buffered URLs; History: $historied URLs; Speed: $uspeed URLs/s, $cspeed Downloads/s\n"); } } } $new_urls = ''; //Memory cleanup } ##EOF