-tol=0.3; //Worst case scenario for well maintained ender3 :-)
+dia=45; //Diameter of ball, TODO: some things are not ready to change this
+tol=0.3; //Worst case scenario tolerance for well maintained ender3 :-)
module camball(d, cutout=0, toler=0, lens=30) {
+ //This is shape of sphere cavity in the chasis, not actual ball to be printed
+ //You need to print ball that fits particular camera module you want to use
+ //Actual sphere
+ //Additional clearances to be removed from ball holder
if(cutout) {
//Hole to insert the ball
translate([0,0,-d]) cylinder(d1=d+4, d2=d-4, h=d);
//Range of ball rotation:
- hull() for ( i = [-10 : 20 : 90] ) {
- rotate([i,0,0]) cylinder(d1=d/1.5, d2=d/1.3, h=d);
+ hull() for ( i = [0 : 10 : 70] ) {
+ rotate([i,0,0]) cylinder(d1=d/1.5, d2=d*1.5, h=d);
module screw() {
- rotate([0,0,30]) cylinder(d=5, h=100, center=true, $fn=6);
+ //Main screw hole, this can be improved to fit whatever screw/bolt you use
+ rotate([0,0,30]) cylinder(d=3, h=100, center=true, $fn=6);
+ rotate([0,0,30]) cylinder(d=5, h=100, , $fn=6);
- rotate([0, 0,40]) translate([0,0,20]) cylinder(d=10, h=100);
- rotate([180,0,40]) translate([0,0,20]) cylinder(d=10, h=100);
+ rotate([0, 0,53]) translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(d=12, h=100);
+ rotate([180,0,53]) translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(d=12, h=100);
module ballholder(d) {
+ //Basic shape of chasis (without ball and baseplate cutouts)
difference() {
//Outer cone shape
hull() {
- sphere(d=d+4);
+ sphere(d=d+5);
translate([0,0,-d/2-5]) cylinder(d=d+30, h=5);
//This makes everything more flexy
hull() {
- sphere(d=d+4);
+ sphere(d=d-4);
translate([0,d/1.85,-d/2-10]) cylinder(d=d/2, h=10);
//Split to make it clamp
- translate([0,-500,0]) cube([1.5,1000,1000], center=true);
+ translate([0,-500,0]) cube([2,1000,1000], center=true);
//Clamp screw hole
- translate([0,-d/1.5,-d/2.3]) rotate([0,90,0]) screw();
+ translate([0,-d/1.5,-d/2.4]) rotate([0,90,0]) screw();
module baseplate(d, toler=0) {
- dt = toler*2;
+ //This is mounting baseplate that holds and rotates whole thing on a wall
+ dt = toler*2; //Tolerance for diameters
difference() {
union() {
+ //This can be made higher to support ball from back
+ //and prevent it from being pushed in:
translate([0,0,-d/2-2]) cylinder(d1=d+3+dt, d2=d+dt-9, h=8);
translate([0,0,-d/2-5]) cylinder(d1=d+dt, d2=d+3+dt, h=3);
translate([0,0,-d/2-9.99]) cylinder(d1=d+30+dt, d2=d+30+dt, h=5+toler);
//Ball clearance
translate([0,0,-29]) cylinder(d1=7, d2=10, h=2.1);
module ballholder_full(d) {
+ //This is final shape of chasis that holds ball to baseplate
+ //This time ball and baseplate cavities are added to it
difference() {
- camball(d=dia, cutout=1, toler=tol);
- baseplate(dia, toler=tol*2);
+ camball(d=dia, cutout=1, toler=-0.5);
+ baseplate(dia, toler=tol);