module screw() {
//Main screw hole, this can be improved to fit whatever screw/bolt you use
- rotate([0,0,30]) cylinder(d=3, h=100, center=true, $fn=6);
- rotate([0,0,30]) cylinder(d=5, h=100, , $fn=6);
+ rotate([0,0,30]) cylinder(d=3.5, h=100, center=true, $fn=6);
+ rotate([0,0,30]) cylinder(d=5.5, h=100, , $fn=6);
- rotate([0, 0,53]) translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(d=12, h=100);
- rotate([180,0,53]) translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(d=12, h=100);
+ rotate([0, 0,55]) translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(d=12, h=100);
+ rotate([180,0,55]) translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(d=12, h=100);
module ballholder(d) {
translate([0,-500,0]) cube([2,1000,1000], center=true);
//Clamp screw hole
- translate([0,-d/1.5,-d/2.4]) rotate([0,90,0]) screw();
+ translate([0,-d/1.53,-d/2.4]) rotate([0,90,0]) screw();
difference() {
- camball(d=dia, cutout=1, toler=-0.5);
+ camball(d=dia, cutout=1, toler=tol);
baseplate(dia, toler=tol);
+ translate([0,0,63]) cube([100,100,100], center=true); //Truncate sharp top