+//I've printed this in PETG, 0.24mm layer, 0.6mm nozzle, no supports
dia=45; //Diameter of ball, TODO: some things are not ready to change this
tol=0.3; //Worst case scenario tolerance for well maintained ender3 :-)
//Additional clearances to be removed from ball holder
if(cutout) {
//Hole to insert the ball
- translate([0,0,-d]) cylinder(d1=d+4, d2=d-4, h=d);
+ translate([0,0,-d]) cylinder(d1=d+4, d2=d-8, h=d);
//Range of ball rotation:
hull() for ( i = [0 : 10 : 70] ) {
//This makes everything more flexy
hull() {
- sphere(d=d-4);
+ translate([0,d/4,0]) sphere(d=d/2);
translate([0,d/1.85,-d/2-10]) cylinder(d=d/2, h=10);