order_by_int renamed to order_by_num + some experiments with lists
[svn/Cll1h/.git] / cll1.h
1 /* .---------------------------------------------------------------------.
2 / C<<1 header file - C language style sheet - GNU C/ANSI C99 compliant
3 / Cumbersome Extraction and Report Language - http://cll1h.arachne.cz/
4 '---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
5 /*
6 Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Michael xChaos Polak - x(at)n.cz
8 The C<<1 header file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 The C<<1 header file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
19 along with C<<1 header file; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
21 */
22 #ifndef _CLL1_H
23 #define _CLL1_H
24 #define CLL1H_VERSION "0.7.1"
25 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
26 / 0. Library definitions not parsed by @CC, updated 2008-01-26 xCh.
27 '---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
28 /*
29 @define USE_LIBRARY_MYSQL -lmysqlclient
30 @define USE_LIBRARY_FASTCGI -lfcgi
31 @define USE_PREPROCESSOR cake *.html *.xml > _include.c
32 @define USE_POSTPROCESSOR strip @
33 */
34 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
35 / 1. C<<1 header auto include, updated 2008-01-26 xCh.
36 '---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
38 #include <string.h>
39 #include <strings.h>
40 #include <malloc.h>
41 #include <time.h>
42 #include <stdlib.h>
43 #include <stdarg.h>
44 #include <unistd.h>
45 #include <setjmp.h>
46 #include <locale.h>
48 #include <fcgi_stdio.h>
49 #else
50 #include <stdio.h>
51 #endif
52 #endif
54 #include <mysql/mysql.h>
55 #endif
56 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
57 / 0. C<<1 typedefs and public gloabl variables, updated 2008-02-03 xCh.
58 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
59 typedef char * str; /* #ifdef USE_MODULE_UNICODE...typedef wchar_t * str; */
60 typedef unsigned char * buf; /* this will be always 8-bit usigned char * */
61 typedef FILE * file;
62 typedef int bool;
63 extern str NIL,EOL,OFS,IFS;
64 extern unsigned RANDOM_SEED;
65 #define _EXPORT_GLOBALS str NIL="(null)", EOL="\n", OFS=" ", IFS=" \t\n", LANG=NULL; unsigned RANDOM_SEED=0;
66 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
67 / 1. C<<1 then buddhist section, updated 2008-02-04 xCh.
68 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
70 #define then
71 #define MAYBE (int)((long)(RANDOM_SEED?random():((RANDOM_SEED=(unsigned)time(NULL)),srandom(RANDOM_SEED),random()))%2)
72 #define WHOKNOWS (int)(srandom((unsigned)time(NULL)),random()%2)
73 #define for_samsara(MIND,SOUL) for(MIND=SOUL; MIND || ((MIND->__next=SOUL),0) ; MIND=MIND->__next)
74 #define samsara(MIND,SOUL) for(MIND=SOUL; MIND || ((MIND->__next=SOUL),0) ; MIND=MIND->__next)
75 //#define atob(EXPR) (word_in_stri(YES,(EXPR))?1:0)
76 //#define _EXPORT_YES str YES="TRUE\nYES\nJA\nOUI\nDA\nANO\nY\n1";
77 //#else
78 #define atob(EXPR) (eqi((EXPR),YES)?TRUE:FALSE)
79 #define _EXPORT_YES str YES="TRUE";
80 #endif
81 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
82 / 2. C<<1 almost then buddhist section, updated 2008-02-02 xCh.
83 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
84 #define not !
85 #define and &&
86 #define or ||
87 #define TRUE 1
88 #define FALSE 0
89 #define PI 3.141592654
90 #define WEIRDINT (1<<(sizeof(int)*8-1))
91 #define btoa(EXPR) ((EXPR)?"TRUE":"FALSE")
92 #define coalesce(VAR,EXPR) (VAR?VAR:(VAR=0,(EXPR)))
93 #define coalesce_str(VAR,EXPR) (VAR && *VAR?VAR:((VAR=NULL),(EXPR)))
94 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
95 / 4. C<<1 data declaration and allocation, updated 2008-01-31 xCh.
96 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
97 #define def_type(TYPE) typedef struct _##TYPE##_struct * TYPE
98 #define def_mem(TYPE) def_type(TYPE); struct _##TYPE##_struct
99 #define get_mem(TYPE) _GET_MEM(TYPE)
100 #define get_buf(SIZE) (buf)malloc(SIZE) /* temporary solution */
101 #define size_of_mem(TYPE) sizeof(struct _##TYPE##_struct)
102 #define copy_of_mem(TYPE,SRC) _cll1_mem_cpy(sizeof(struct _##TYPE##_struct),SRC)
103 #define list(TYPE) TYPE __next
104 #define tree(TYPE) TYPE __next; TYPE __seek
105 #define dict(TYPE) tree(TYPE); str __key
106 #define array(TYPE) tree(TYPE); int __key
107 /* ---- variable declarators -------------------------------------------- */
108 #define Get_mem(ID,TYPE) TYPE ID=get_mem(TYPE)
109 #define Get_buf(ID,SIZE) buf ID=get_buf(SIZE)
110 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
111 / 5. C<<1 string manipulation, updated 2008-01-26 xCh.
112 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
113 #define get_str(...) _cll1_get_str(__VA_ARGS__,NIL)
114 #define eq(A,B) (!_cll1_str_cmp(A,B))
115 #define eqi(A,B) (!_cll1_str_cmpi(A,B))
116 #define str_order(A,B) _cll1_str_coll(A,B)
117 #define str_ascii(A,B) _cll1_str_cmp(A,B)
118 #define chars_in_str(...) _cll1_strlen(__VA_ARGS__,NIL)
119 #define size_of_str(A) mbstowcs(NULL,A,0)
120 #define str_in(A,B) _cll1_str_str(A,B)
121 #define word_in(A,B) _cll1_wordinstr(A,B,0)
122 #define print(...) _cll1_print(__VA_ARGS__,NIL)
123 #define fprint(...) _cll1_fprint(__VA_ARGS__,NIL)
124 #define file_print(...) _cll1_fprint(_F,__VA_ARGS__,NIL)
125 #define echo(...) _cll1_echo(__VA_ARGS__,NIL)
126 #define fecho(...) _cll1_fecho(__VA_ARGS__,NIL)
127 #define file_echo(...) _cll1_fecho(_F,__VA_ARGS__,NIL)
128 #define suffix(A,B,C) (((A=strrchr(B,C))&&!(*(A++)=0))||(A=B))
129 #define prefix(A,B,C) ((A=B),((B=strchr(B,C))&&!(*(B++)=0)||(B=A)))
130 #define tr(STR,B,C) _NEW(S,STR) while(S && *_S) { if(*_S==B)*_S=C; /* <-' */ _S++; }
131 /* ---- variable declarators -------------------------------------------- */
132 #define Get_str(ID,...) str ID=get_str(__VA_ARGS__)
133 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
134 / 6. C<<1 data container manipulation, updated 2008-01-26 xCh.
135 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
136 #define push(NODE,HEAD) ( NODE ? ((NODE->__next=HEAD),(HEAD=NODE)) : NULL )
137 #define pop(NODE,HEAD) ( HEAD ? ((NODE=HEAD->__next),free(HEAD),(HEAD=NODE)) : (NODE=NULL) )
138 #define append(NODE,HEAD) { void *_PTR=NODE; if(NODE) NODE->__next=NULL; if(HEAD) { for_search(NODE,HEAD,!NODE->__next) { NODE->__next=_PTR; break; } } else HEAD=NODE; }
139 #define remove(NODE,HEAD,EXPR) { void **_D=NULL; /* <-' */ for_search(NODE,HEAD,EXPR) { if(_D)*_D=NODE->__next; else HEAD=NODE->__next; free(NODE); } else _D=(void *)&(NODE->__next); }
140 #define drop(NODE,HEAD) for( NODE=HEAD; NODE || (HEAD=NULL); HEAD=NODE, NODE=NODE->__next, free(HEAD) )
141 //to do: seek
142 //to do: store
143 #define count(NODE,HEAD,VAR) { _NEW(I,0) for(NODE=HEAD; NODE || ((VAR=_I),0) ; (NODE=NODE->__next)?(_I++):0 ); }
144 #define order_by_num(K1,K2) (K1>K2)
145 #define order_by_num_desc(K1,K2) (K1<K2)
146 #define order_by_str(K1,K2) (str_order(K1,K2)>0)
147 #define order_by_str_desc(K1,K2) (str_order(K1,K2)<0)
148 #define order_by_ascii(K1,K2) (str_ascii(K1,K2)>0)
149 #define order_by_ascii_desc(K1,K2) (str_ascii(K1,K2)<0)
150 #define insert(NODE,HEAD,ORDERBY,KEY) { if(HEAD) { void **_L=NULL, *H=HEAD; /* <-' */ for_search(HEAD,H,ORDERBY(HEAD->KEY,NODE->KEY)) { if(_L) {*_L=NODE; NODE->__next=HEAD; } else push(NODE,H); break; } else _L=(void *)&(HEAD->__next); if(!HEAD)*_L=NODE; HEAD=H; } else if (NODE) { push(NODE,HEAD); HEAD->__next=NULL; } }
151 #define sort(NODE,HEAD,ORDERBY,KEY) { void *_NEXT; /* <-' */ NODE=HEAD; HEAD=NULL; do { _NEXT=NODE->__next; NODE->__next=NULL; insert(NODE,HEAD,ORDERBY,KEY); NODE=_NEXT; } while(_NEXT); }
152 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
153 / 7. C<<1 builtin iterators and conditionals, updated 2008-01-26 xCh.
154 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
155 #define loop while(TRUE)
156 #define repeat(N) _NEW(I,(_J=(N),0)) while(_I++<_J) /* C99 version would be: for(int _i=0,_j=(N);_i++<_j;) */
157 #define for_range(VAR,FROM,TO) _NEW(I,((_J=(TO)),FROM)) for( VAR=_I ; _I<=_J?VAR<=_J:VAR>=_J ; _I<=_J?VAR++:VAR--)
158 #define for_each(NODE,HEAD) for(NODE=HEAD; NODE; NODE=NODE->__next)
159 #define for_search(NODE,HEAD,EXPR) for_each(NODE,HEAD) if(EXPR)
160 #define for_file_lines(STR,FNAME) /* _NEW(CTX,get_context()) file_read(FNAME) for(use_context(_CTX),STR=file_line(_F);release_context(_M),(*S && !feof(_F));STR=file_line(_F),end_context()) _CATCH */
161 #define for_input_lines(S,L) /* _NEW(CTX,get_context()) for(use_context(_CTX),STR=file_get_line(stdin);release_context(_M),(*S && !feof(stdin));STR=file_get_line(stdin)) _CATCH */
162 #define for_ints(VAR,...) _NEW(I,0) while( (VAR=_cll1_for_ints(_I++,__VA_ARGS__,WEIRDINT))!=WEIRDINT )
163 #define for_strs(VAR,...) _NEW(I,0) while( (VAR=(char *)_cll1_for_ptrs(_I++,__VA_ARGS__,NIL))!=NIL )
164 #define for_args(STR) _NEW(I,1) while(_I++<argc)
165 #define this_arg argv[_I]
166 #define next_arg ((_I+1<argc)?argv[_I]:NULL)
167 #define continue_args _I++
168 #define if_exists(NODE,HEAD,EXPR) for_search(NODE,HEAD,EXPR) break; if(NODE)
169 #define if_args if(argc>1)
170 #define switch_for_args for_args with_str(this_arg)
171 #define with_str(STR) _NEW(S,STR)
172 #define if_case(VAL) if(eq(_S,VAL))
173 #define for_fields(FIELD,STR) for_valid_split(FIELD,STR,*OFS)
174 #define for_split_str(A,B,C) for(prefix(A,B,C);A;(A!=B)&&prefix(A,B,C)||(A=NULL))
175 #define for_valid_split(A,B,C) for_split_str(A,B,C) if(*A)
176 #define switch_for_columns(A,B,C) _FOR_COLUMNS(A,B,C) switch(__I)
177 #define switch_for_valid_columns(A,B,C) _FOR_VALID_COLUMNS(A,B,C) switch (_I)
178 #define if_column_number(A,B,C,V) _FOR_COLUMNS(A,B,C) if(_I==V)
179 #define if_valid_column_number(A,B,C,V) _FOR_VALID_COLUMNS(A,B,C) if(_I==V)
180 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
181 / 8. C<<1 object oriented infrastructure, updated 2008-02-04
182 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
183 #define def_interface(TYPE,INTERFACE) def_type(TYPE); def_mem(INTERFACE)
184 #define def_obj(TYPE) struct _##TYPE##_struct
185 #define interface(TYPE) TYPE __interface
186 #define interface_of(SELF) SELF->__interface
187 #define method(NAME) (*NAME)
188 #define construct(TYPE,INTERFACE) TYPE _init_##TYPE(TYPE o,INTERFACE i) { o->__interface=i; return o; } TYPE __init__##TYPE
189 #define get_obj(TYPE,INTERFACE,...) __init__##TYPE(_init_##TYPE(get_mem(TYPE),INTERFACE),__VA_ARGS__)
190 #define get_obj_as(COMMUNITY,MEM,INTERFACE,...) (COMMUNITY)get_obj(MEM,INTERFACE,__VA_ARGS__)
191 #define _(METHOD,...) ((((_ARG1(__VA_ARGS__,)) || /* will not compile if object is not lvalue: */(_ARG1(__VA_ARGS__,)=NULL)) && (_ARG1(__VA_ARGS__,))->__interface->METHOD)?(*( (_ARG1(__VA_ARGS__,))->__interface->METHOD )) ((void *)__VA_ARGS__):0)
192 //#define __(METHOD,...) ( _ASSERT(ARG1(__VA_ARGS__,)), (*( __cll1_seekmethod(ARG1(__VA_ARGS__,),METHOD) )) ( __VA_ARGS__ ) )
193 #define call(OBJTYPE,METHOD,...) { int _N=0; OBJTYPE _OBJ; /* <-' */ while( (_OBJ=(OBJTYPE)_cll1_for_ptrs(_N++,__VA_ARGS__,NIL))!=(OBJTYPE)NIL ) _(_OBJ,METHOD); }
194 #define def_community(TYPE,INTERFACE) def_obj(TYPE) { INTERFACE __interface; };
195 #define anonymous void *
196 /* ---- variable declarators -------------------------------------------- */
197 #define Get_obj(ID,MEM,...) MEM ID=get_obj(MEM,__VA_ARGS__)
198 #define Get_obj_as(ID,COMMUNITY,MEM,...) MEM ID=get_obj_as(COMMUNITY,MEM,INTERFACE,__VA_ARGS__)
199 #define I_am(SELF,MEM) MEM SELF=(MEM)community
200 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
201 / 9. C<<1 setjmp()/longjmp() based exceptions, updated 2008-09-30
202 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
203 #define FAILED_TO_FAIL -273
204 #define SYSTEM_FAILURE -1
205 #define LOCAL_FAILURE 13
206 #define LIBRARY_FAILURE 23
207 #define EVIL_FAILURE 666
208 #define try _NEW(E,0) if(!(_E=setjmp(_EENV)))
209 #define fail(E) longjmp(_EENV,((E)>0?(E):FAILED_TO_FAIL))
210 #define pass_failure (_Eatom->__next?longjmp((pop(_Eatom,_Estack),_EENV),_E):_SYSFAIL(FAILED_TO_FAIL))
211 #define else_switch_failures else switch(_E)
212 #define else_catch(E) else if (_E==(E))
213 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
214 / 10. implementation of C<<1 library functions, updated 2008-01-26 xCh.
215 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
216 /* later... #define _MALLOC void *_cll1_malloc(size_t size) { return malloc(size); } */
217 #define _CLL1_FPRINT(IOSTREAM) { int ofs=0; va_list ap; /* <-' */ for(va_start(ap,s);s!=NIL;s=va_arg(ap,char *)) { if(ofs)fputs(OFS,IOSTREAM);else ofs=1;/**/fputs(coalesce(s,NIL),IOSTREAM); } va_end(ap); fputs(EOL,IOSTREAM); }
218 #define _DECLARE_PRINT void _cll1_print(const char *s,...)
219 #define _PRINT _DECLARE_PRINT _CLL1_FPRINT(stdout)
220 #define _DECLARE_FPRINT void _cll1_fprint(FILE *f,const char *s,...)
222 #define _CLL1_FECHO(IOSTREAM) { va_list ap; /* <-' */ for(va_start(ap,s);s!=NIL;s=va_arg(ap,char *)) fputs(coalesce(s,NIL),IOSTREAM); va_end(ap); }
223 #define _ECHO void _cll1_echo(char *s,...) _CLL1_FECHO(stdout)
224 #define _FECHO void _cll1_fecho(FILE *f,char *s,...) _CLL1_FECHO(f)
225 #define _FOR_INTS int _cll1_for_ints(int i, int n, ...) { int j=0;va_list ap; /* <-' */ va_start(ap,n); while(n!=WEIRDINT && j++<i) n=va_arg(ap,int); return n; }
226 #define _FOR_PTRS void *_cll1_for_ptrs(int i, void *v, ...) { int j=0;va_list ap; /* <-' */ va_start(ap,v); while(v!=(void *)NIL && j++<i) v=va_arg(ap,void *); return v; }
227 #define _DECLARE_STRCOLL int _cll1_str_coll(str a, str b)
228 #define _STRCOLL _DECLARE_STRCOLL { if(a && b) return strcoll(a,b); else return (int)(a-b); }
229 #define _DECLARE_STRCMP int _cll1_str_cmp(str a, str b)
230 #define _STRCMP _DECLARE_STRCMP { if(a && b) return strcmp(a,b); else return (int)(a-b); }
231 #define _DECLARE_STRCMPI int _cll1_str_cmpi(str a, str b)
232 #define _STRCMPI _DECLARE_STRCMPI { if(a && b) return strcasecmp(a,b); else return (int)(a-b); }
233 #define _DECLARE_STRSTR str _cll1_str_str(str h, str n)
234 #define _STRSTR _DECLARE_STRSTR { if(h && n) return strstr(h,n); else return NULL; }
235 // later... #define _WORDINSTR char *_cll1_wordinstr(char *a,char *b,int ign) { char *IFS=a; for(;a&&*a;a++) for(;*ifs||ifs=IFS;ifs++) if(*a=b);) for return strcasestr(a,b); else return NULL; }
236 extern _DECLARE_PRINT;
237 extern _DECLARE_FPRINT;
238 extern _DECLARE_STRCOLL;
239 extern _DECLARE_STRCMP;
240 extern _DECLARE_STRCMPI;
241 extern _DECLARE_STRSTR;
245 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
246 / 10. C<<1 private infrastructure, updated 2008-02-03 by xCh.
247 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
248 #define _I (_Iatom->I)
249 #define _J (_Iatom->J)
250 #define _S (_Satom->S)
251 #define _F (_Fatom->F)
252 #define _CTX (_CTXatom->CTX)
253 #define _E (_Eatom->E)
254 #define _EENV (_Eatom->ENV)
255 #define _ARG1(ARG1,...) ARG1
256 //#define _ASSERT(EXPR) (expr?expr:fail(CONSISTENCY_FAILURE))
257 #define _SYSFAIL(E) longjmp(_EENV,(E))
258 #define _GET_MEM(TYPE) ((TYPE)malloc(sizeof(struct _##TYPE##_struct))) /* later... ((TYPE)_cll1_malloc(sizeof(struct _##TYPE##_struct))) */
259 #define _ANYATOM(NAME,DECL) def_mem(_##NAME##Atom ) { DECL; int c; list( _##NAME##Atom ); }
260 //#define _FOR_COLUMNS(A,B,C) _NEW(I,0) for( prefix(A,B,C) ; A ; ((A!=B)&&prefix(A,B,C)||(A=NULL) ),_I++ )
261 //#define _FOR_VALID_COLUMNS(A,B,C) _NEW(I,0) for( prefix(A,B,C) ; A ; ((A!=B)&&prefix(A,B,C))||(A=NULL) ) if(*A&&++_I)
262 #define _NEW(NAME,VALUE) for(_##NAME##atom=get_mem(_##NAME##Atom),_##NAME##atom->NAME=(VALUE),_##NAME##atom->c=1,push(_##NAME##atom,_##NAME##stack);_##NAME##atom->c||(pop(_##NAME##atom,_##NAME##stack),0);_##NAME##atom->c--)
263 #define _ANYSTACK(NAME) _##NAME##Atom _##NAME##atom,_##NAME##stack=NULL;
265 _ANYATOM(I, int I;int J);
266 _ANYATOM(S, str S);
267 _ANYATOM(F, file F);
268 _ANYATOM(CTX, void *CTX);
269 _ANYATOM(E, int E;jmp_buf ENV);
270 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
271 / 11. C<<1 memory contexts - alternative to garbage collection
272 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
273 typedef _CTXAtom * context;
274 #define create_context(ID) create_mem(ID,context)
275 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
276 / 12. C<<1 CGI and FASTCGI handling, updated 2008-01-16 by xCh.
277 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
279 #define while_fastcgi_accept while(FCGI_Accept()>=0)
280 #define USE_MODULE_CGI
281 #endif
282 #ifdef USE_MODULE_CGI
283 #define cgi(MIME) { char *PTR; /* <-' */ recycle_context(_CGI); _CGIdict=NULL; for_split_str(PTR,getenv("QUERY_STRING"),'&') /* _init_cgi */ if(MIME) printf("Content-type: %s\r\n\r\n",MIME); }
284 #define _GETCGI char *getcgi(VAR) { }
285 #define _CGI_GLOBALS def_context(_CGI); struct _CGIVariable { char *V; dict(_CGIVariable); } *_CGIvariable,*_CGIdict;
286 #else
287 #define _GETCGI
288 #define _CGI_GLOBALS
289 #endif
290 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
291 / 13. MySQL wrappers + SQL object interface, updated 2007-12-19 by xCh.
292 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
294 #define def_sql(CONN) MYSQL *CONN
295 #define create_sql(CONN) MYSQL *ID=mysql_init(NULL)
296 #define sql_connect(CONN,S,U,P,D) mysql_real_connect(CONN,S,U,P,D,0,NULL,0)
297 //todo sql_query
298 //todo sql_queryf
299 //todo for_sql_query_results(ROW,CONN,QUERY)
300 //todo for_sql_queryf_results
301 #define if_db_connect(U,P,D) _NEW(SQLC,mysql_init(NULL)) for(;_SQLC && mysql_real_connect(_SQLC,"localhost",U,P,D,0,NULL,0);mysql_close(SQLC),SQLC=NULL)
302 #define for_db_query_results(ROW,QUERY) _NEW(MYSQLR,mysql_query(_MYSQLC,QUERY)) for( (_SQLR=(_MYSQLR?0:mysql_use_result(_MYSQLC))),(ROW=(_MYSQLR?mysql_fetch_row(_MYSQLR):NULL)) ; ROW ; ROW=mysql_fetch_row(_MYSQLR) )
303 //todo db_query
304 //todo for_db_results
305 //todo for_db_queryf_results(ROW,...)
306 //todo db_queryf
307 #define _MYSQLC (_MYSQLCatom->MYSQLC)
308 #define _MYSQLR (_MYSQLRatom->MYSQLR)
310 #else
311 #define _SQL_GLOBALS
312 #endif
313 //#ifdef USE_INTERFACE_SQL
314 //todo #define _SQL_OBJECT mem Sql { interface(SqlInterface); char *hostname; char *username; char *password; char *database; }
315 //todo #define _SQL_CONSTRUCT def_construct(Sql) { self->hostname="localhost"; }
316 //#endif
318 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
319 /* old - from version 0.6 */
320 /* =================================================================== */
321 /*
322 obsolete
323 #define strlwr(A) {char *_S=A; while(_&&*_S){*_S=tolower(*_S);_S++;}}
324 #define strupr(A) {char *_S=A; while(_&&*_S){*_S=toupper(*_S);_S++;}}
325 #define string(S,L) (S=(char *)malloc(L),*S=0)
326 #define duplicate(A,B) if(A) { string(B,strlen(A)+1); strcpy(B,A); }
327 #define concatenate(A,B,C) if (A && B) { string(C,strlen(A)+strlen(B)+1); strcpy(C,A); strcat(C,B); }
328 #define gotoalpha(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && !isalpha(*CHAR))CHAR++
329 #define goto_alpha(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && !isalpha(*CHAR) && *CHAR!='_')CHAR++
330 #define gotoalnum(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && !isalnum(*CHAR))CHAR++
331 #define goto_alnum(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && !isalnum(*CHAR) && *CHAR!='_')CHAR++
332 #define skipalpha(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && isalpha(*CHAR))CHAR++
333 #define skip_alpha(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && (isalpha(*CHAR) || *CHAR=='_'))CHAR++
334 #define skipalnum(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && isalnum(*CHAR))CHAR++
335 #define skip_alnum(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && (isalnum(*CHAR) || *CHAR=='_'))CHAR++
336 #define skipspaces(CHAR) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR==' ')CHAR++
337 #define cutspaces(CHAR) if(CHAR){int _L=strlen(CHAR); while(--_L>0 && CHAR[_L]==' ')CHAR[_L]=0;}
338 #define gotochr(CHAR,C) if(CHAR)while(*CHAR && *CHAR!=C)CHAR++
339 #define strswitch(CHAR) {char *_K=CHAR; FILE *_F=NULL; {{
340 #define stroption(STR) if(eq(STR,_K))
341 #define match(KEY,VAL) {char *_K=KEY, *_V=VAL; FILE *_F=NULL; {{
342 #define assign(STR,SETVAR) stroption(STR) SETVAR=_V
343 */
344 /* I/O iterations, updated 2004-04-19 by xCh. */
346 //#define fparse(S,L,F) for(fgets(S,L,F);*S && !feof(F);fgets(S,L,F))
347 //#define input(S,L) fparse(S,L,stdin)
348 //#define fstring(S,F) { int _C=0,_L=0; fpos_t _P; fgetpos(F,&_P); while(_C!='\n' && !feof(F)){ _C=fgetc(F); _L++; } string(S,_L); fsetpos(F,&_P);fgets(S,_L,F);fgetc(F);}
349 //#define parses(S,F) {FILE *_F=fopen(F,"r"); if(_F) { while(!feof(_F)) { fstring(S,_F);
350 //obsolete
351 //#define parse(F) {char *_; FILE *_F=fopen(F,"r"); if(_F) { while(!feof(_F)) { fstring(_,_F);
352 //#define fail }} else {{
353 //#define done }} if(_F)fclose(_F);}
354 //to do #define option(STR,SETVAR) if(_){char *_K,*_V,*_O,*_Q; duplicate(_,_Q); _O=_Q; tr(_O,'\t',' '); prefix(_K,_O,' '); if(eq(STR,_K)) {skipspaces(_O); prefix(_V,_O,'#'); cutspaces(_V); SETVAR=_V; _=NULL;} else free(_Q);}
355 //to do #define ioption(STR,SETVAR) if(_){char *_K,*_V,*_O,*_Q; duplicate(_,_Q); _O=_Q; tr(_O,'\t',' '); prefix(_K,_O,' '); if(eq(STR,_K)) {skipspaces(_O); prefix(_V,_O,'#'); cutspaces(_V); SETVAR=atoi(_V); _=NULL;} free(_Q);}
356 //to do #define loption(STR,SETVAR) if(_){char *_K,*_V,*_O,*_Q; duplicate(_,_Q); _O=_Q; tr(_O,'\t',' '); prefix(_K,_O,' '); if(eq(STR,_K)) {skipspaces(_O); prefix(_V,_O,'#'); cutspaces(_V); SETVAR=atol(_V); _=NULL;} free(_Q);}
358 /* I/O sequences, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */
360 #define nullreopen(F) F=freopen("/dev/null","r",F)
361 #define stdinredir(CMD) {int _r[2];pipe(_r);if(fork()==0){dup2(_r[1],1);close(_r[0]);CMD;exit(0);}nullreopen(stdin);dup2(_r[0],0);close(_r[1]);}
362 #define shell(CMD) stdinredir(system(CMD))
363 #define paste(STR) stdinredir(fputs(STR,stdout))
365 /* Useful structures, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */
367 //#define date(S) { time_t _T; _T=time(NULL); duplicate(ctime(&_T),S); }
369 /* some general ideas, unfinished */
370 //bind_exception, unbind_exception
371 //#define _CLL1_THROW(ERR)
372 //#define _CLL1_TRY _NEW_E for(bind_exception(0,NULL);;) if () {.... if(_Eatom->SYS) { if(_Eatom->RET) return; else break;} else { }
375 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
376 / 98. We have have done our homework - now let's have some fun:
377 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
382 //this will be probably accomplished some other way...
385 //#endif
386 #define _PROGRAM _cll1_program
387 #define _DECLARE_PROGRAM void _PROGRAM(int argc, char **argv)
388 #define program \
390 int main(int argc, char **argv) \
391 { \
392 LANG=setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); \
393 try \
394 { \
395 _PROGRAM(argc,argv); \
396 return 0; \
397 } \
398 else \
399 return -1; \
400 } \
403 #include "_include.c"
404 #endif
405 /* .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
406 / 99. C<<1 is up and running. It's your turn now to show something new.
407 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
408 #endif
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