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[mirrors/Designs.git] / electronics / batteries / low-voltage-shutdown5.circuit
1 $ 1 5.0E-6 10.20027730826997 50 5.0 50
2 w 384 432 464 432 0
3 w 464 432 544 432 0
4 f 384 256 448 256 1 1.5
5 x 270 420 307 426 0 24 ON
6 x 611 426 658 432 0 24 OFF
7 w 448 176 384 176 0
8 w 384 176 320 176 0
9 w 320 176 192 176 0
10 172 192 176 128 176 0 6 15.0 35.0 -5.0 0.0 0.5 input voltage
11 x 143 30 609 36 0 24 Low voltage cutoff (5-36V) using TL431
12 x 473 254 595 260 0 24 P-MOSFET
13 x 142 81 541 85 0 16 + Built-in switch buttons and optional indicator LED
14 x 692 327 731 330 0 10 50-500k
15 x 693 341 737 344 0 10 multiturn
16 x 438 228 445 231 0 10 S
17 x 442 287 450 290 0 10 D
18 w 448 272 640 272 0
19 w 768 272 848 272 0
20 w 448 240 448 176 0
21 w 384 432 320 432 0
22 x 143 99 769 103 0 16 + Short circuit protection (short circuit causes voltage drop that triggers cutoff)
23 x 143 117 663 121 0 16 + Reverse voltage protection (unless you use MOSFET with diode!)
24 w 688 272 768 272 0
25 w 640 272 656 272 0
26 w 672 192 672 224 0
27 x 660 159 683 162 0 10 500k
28 x 693 159 857 163 0 16 reconnect hysteresis
29 x 692 359 739 363 0 16 cutoff
30 w 704 176 704 256 0
31 x 734 181 807 185 0 16 (optional)
32 x 148 487 820 491 0 16 If you want automatic reconnect with hysteresis, just add another pot across MOSFET
33 x 147 507 878 511 0 16 and connect cutoff pot to it's wiper instead of + rail (as illustrated). This overrides OFF switch.
34 x 142 134 654 138 0 16 + Possibility to add automatic reconnect with hysteresis if needed
35 x 142 63 820 67 0 16 + Only 6 components for basic setup!!! (without OFF button, LED and auto reconnect)
36 r 384 256 384 176 0 100000.0
37 w 384 304 384 256 0
38 w 656 272 672 272 0
39 w 672 272 688 272 0
40 w 384 304 320 304 0
41 174 672 320 640 352 0 500000.0 0.49010000000000004 cutoff voltage
42 w 672 320 672 272 0
43 w 672 352 672 432 0
44 w 672 432 592 432 0
45 w 592 432 544 432 0
46 r 768 272 768 352 0 3600.0
47 162 768 352 768 432 1 2.1024259 1.0 0.0 0.0
48 w 768 432 848 432 0
49 w 768 432 672 432 0
50 w 320 432 192 432 0
51 g 192 432 144 432 0
52 s 320 336 320 432 0 1 true
53 w 320 304 320 336 0
54 x 148 526 865 530 0 16 By using low-power LMV413 instead of TL431 you can use 80k series resistor instead of 5k.
55 f 448 368 384 368 0 1.5
56 w 384 352 384 304 0
57 w 384 384 384 432 0
58 r 848 272 848 432 0 10.0
59 w 640 336 592 336 0
60 w 544 416 544 432 0
61 s 544 384 592 336 0 1 true
62 r 480 400 448 272 0 1000.0
63 f 480 400 544 400 0 1.5
64 r 448 176 544 384 0 100000.0
65 c 480 400 464 432 0 1.0E-5 2.956146765560306
66 r 448 368 592 336 0 100.0
67 o 7 64 0 289 10.0 1.6 0 -1
68 o 2 64 0 35 20.0 1.6 1 -1
69 o 53 64 0 35 20.0 1.953125E-4 2 -1
70 o 63 64 0 35 20.0 0.0125 3 -1
This page took 1.267699 seconds and 4 git commands to generate.