[mirrors/JukeBox.git] / index.php
1 <?php require_once('./http_auth.php'); /*Delete this line to disable password protection*/ ?>
2 <?php $exec_time = round(microtime(true), 3); /*
3 Harvie's JuKe!Box
4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5 Version info:
6 * 0.3.5 - Fixed security bug - directory traversal in filelisting (upgrade recommended)
7 * 0.3.4 - Generating playlist for flashplayer, searching for bugs, cleaning code and preparing for new version release
8 * 0.3.3 - Shorter URLs for flashplayer (due to discussion at #skola ;o), nicer national characters handling
9 * 0.3.2 - Better support for national charsets, few small bugfixes, css improvements, modular search engines
10 * 0.3.1 - Buckfickses in m3u generation, better navigation, magic_quotes_gpc handled, css improvements
11 * 0.3 - Migrated to standalone WPAudioPlayer (better, nicer, with more functions)
12 * 0.2 - Few new functions (search playlist, random,...)
13 * 0.1.1 - Few little fixups, written help.html in Czech language ;o)
14 * 0.1 - All functions works - TODO: bugfix & replace ugly code
15 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
16 */
18 //Config-basic
19 $title = 'Harvie\'s&nbsp;JuKe!Box'; //Title of jukebox
20 $music_dir = './music'; //Local path to directory with music
21 $music_dir_url = 'http://your-server.net/jukebox/music'; //URL path to the same directory
22 $cache_passwd = 'renew123'; //You need this passwd to refresh search cache
23 $sort = 3; //Sort? 0 = none, 1 = playlists, 2 = 1+listings; 3 = 2+search-EXPERIMENTAL! (sorting could eat lot of memory)
24 $access_limit = 40; //How many files could be accessed without using cache (while searching)
26 //Encoding settins
27 $charset = 'UTF-8'; //Charset for page
28 $national_characters = 1; //Support searching in filenames with national characters? 0 = no; 1 = yes; (may slowdown search a little)
30 //Playlist settings
31 $playlist_name = 'playlist.m3u'; //Name of downloaded pl
32 $m3u_exts = 'ogg|mp[0-9]|wma|wmv|wav'; //Allow only these files
33 $default_random_count = 30; //How many random songs by defaul?
35 //External files
36 $indexlist = array('index.html', 'index.txt'); //Search for this file in each directory
37 $bonus_dir = './jbx'; //Misc. files directory
38 ////
39 $search_cache = $bonus_dir.'/cache.db'; //Database for searching music (php +rw) - .htaccess: Deny from all!!!
40 $css_file = $bonus_dir.'/themes/default/jukebox.css'; //CSS (Design)
41 $favicon_file = './favicon.png'; //favicon
42 $header_file = $bonus_dir.'/header.html'; //header file
43 $footer_file = $bonus_dir.'/footer.html'; //footer file
45 //Search engines extend search experience
46 $search_engines = array(
47 'Google.com' => 'http://google.com/search?q=',
48 'Images' => 'http://google.com/images?q=',
49 'Karaoke-Lyrics.net' => 'http://www.karaoke-lyrics.net/index.php?page=find&q=',
50 'Jyxo.cz multimedia' => 'http://jyxo.cz/s?d=mm&q=',
51 'Centrum.cz mp3' => 'http://search.centrum.cz/index.php?sec=mp3&q=',
52 'YOUTube.com' => 'http://youtube.com/results?search_query='
53 );
55 //Flash MusicPlayer (info about settings: http://wpaudioplayer.com/standalone)
56 $flash_player_swf = $bonus_dir.'/player.swf'; //path to musicplayer
57 $flash_player_frame = 'playframe-show'; //FlashPlayer Target (playframe-show|playframe-hide) - usefull for compatibility with old music player
58 $flash_player_options = '?bg=000099&loader=000000&tracker=AAAAFF&skip=FFFFFF' //.'&leftbg=000077&rightbg=000077&righticon=999999'
59 .'&autostart=yes&initialvolume=100&soundFile='; //& arguments (urlencoded song url will be added)
61 //Security
62 error_reporting(0); //This will disable error reporting, wich can pass sensitive data to users
64 //External configuration file (overrides index.php configuration)
65 @include('./_config.php');
67 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
69 //Init
70 srand(time());
71 @ini_set('magic_quotes_gpc' , 'off');
72 if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) die("Error: magic_quotes_gpc needs to be disabled!\n");
74 //Enable flash?
75 $useflash = is_file($flash_player_swf);
77 //Little magic with directories ;o)
78 $current_dir = ereg_replace('/+', '/', '/'.$_GET['dir'].'/');
79 if(eregi('(/|\\\\)\\.\\.(/|\\\\)', $current_dir)) { //check for directory traversal ;)
80 header('Location: ?');
81 die('Error - directory not found!');
82 }
83 $dir = $music_dir.$current_dir;
84 $url = $music_dir_url.$current_dir;
85 $parent_dir = dirname($current_dir);
87 //FCs
88 function serve_download($filename) {
89 header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate');
90 header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); // Date in the past
91 header('Pragma: no-cache');
93 //header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
94 header('Content-Type: audio/x-mpegurl');
95 header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}");
96 header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
98 header('X-PHP-Application: Harvie\'s JuKe!Box');
99 }
101 $nchars_f = array('Á','Ä','Č','Ç','Ď','É','Ě','Ë','Í','Ň','Ó','Ö','Ř','Š','Ť','Ú','Ů','Ü','Ý','Ž','á','ä','č','ç','ď','é','ě','ë','í','ň','ó','ö','ř','š','ť','ú','ů','ü','ý','ž');
102 $nchars_t = array('A','A','C','C','D','E','E','E','I','N','O','O','R','S','T','U','U','U','Y','Z','a','a','c','c','d','e','e','e','i','n','o','o','r','s','t','u','u','u','y','z');
104 function unational($text) {
105 if(!$GLOBALS['national_characters']) return $text;
106 return(str_replace($GLOBALS['nchars_f'], $GLOBALS['nchars_t'], $text));
107 }
109 function generate_m3u($dir, $prefix='', $recursive=0, $nl="\r\n", $doubleenc=0) {
110 $dir = $dir . '/';
111 if(isset($_GET['newline'])) $nl = $_GET['newline'];
112 if(!isset($_GET['search'])) {
113 $dd = opendir($dir);
114 while(($item = readdir($dd)) != false) {
115 if($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue;
116 if( is_file($dir.$item) && eregi(('\.('.$GLOBALS['m3u_exts'].')$'), $item) ) {
117 if($GLOBALS['sort'] > 0) {
118 $temp[] = $item;
119 } else {
120 $item=($prefix.'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($dir.$item))).$nl);
121 if($doubleenc) $item = rawurlencode($item);
122 echo($item);
123 }
124 }
125 if($recursive && is_dir($dir.$item)) {
126 generate_m3u($dir.$item, $prefix, $recursive, $nl, $doubleenc);
127 }
128 }
129 } else {
130 if(!($searchfp = fopen($GLOBALS['search_cache'], 'r')))
131 die("Cannot read cache from $outfile<br />Refresh cache or set permissions properly!<br />\n");
132 while(!feof($searchfp)) {
133 $line = trim(fgets($searchfp));
134 if(@eregi(str_replace(' ', '(.*)', unational($_GET['search'])), unational($line))) {
135 $line=(dirname($GLOBALS['music_dir_url']).'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($line))).$nl);
136 if($doubleenc) $line = rawurlencode($line);
137 echo($line);
138 }
139 }
140 }
142 if($GLOBALS['sort'] > 0) {
143 @sort($temp);
144 foreach($temp as $item) {
145 $temp=($prefix.'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($dir.$item))).$nl);
146 if($doubleenc) $temp = rawurlencode($temp);
147 echo($temp);
148 }
149 }
150 }
152 function write_search_cache($dir, $outfp) {
153 $dir = $dir . '/';
154 $dd = opendir($dir);
155 while($item = readdir($dd)) {
156 if($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue;
157 if( is_file($dir.$item) && eregi(('\.('.$GLOBALS['m3u_exts'].')$'), $item) ) {
158 fwrite($outfp, $dir.$item."\n");
159 }
160 if(is_dir($dir.$item)) {
161 write_search_cache($dir.$item, $outfp);
162 }
163 }
164 }
166 function generate_search_cache($dir, $outfile) {
167 echo("Generating search cache. Please wait...<br />\n"); flush();
168 @chmod($outfile, 0755); //At least i tryed ;D
169 if(!($outfp = fopen($outfile, 'w')))
170 die("Cannot write cache to $outfile<br />You probably haven't set the permissions properly!<br />\n");
171 write_search_cache($dir, $outfp);
172 fclose($outfp);
173 $osize = filesize($outfile); clearstatcache();
174 if($GLOBALS['sort'] > 2) {
175 echo("Sorting search cache. Please wait...<br />\n"); flush();
177 $items = file($outfile); @sort($items);
178 $total = ' ('.sizeof($items).' files)';
179 file_put_contents($outfile, @implode('', $items));
180 unset($items);
181 if(abs(filesize($outfile)-$osize) > 2)
182 die('ERROR! Please disable sorting of search cache ($sort < 3)<br />'."\nSorted only ".
183 filesize($outfile).' of '.$osize.' bytes!!!\n');
184 }
185 echo('Total: '.filesize($outfile).' of '.$osize.' bytes'.$total.' <a href="?">DONE!</a>'.'<br /><META http-equiv="refresh" content="2;URL=?">'."\n");
186 }
188 function render_file_line($dir, $item, $dir_url, $index, $filesize, $parent = false) {
189 $parclass=($index%2?'even':'odd'); $parcolor=($index%2?'lightblue':'white');
190 $temp=str_replace('&', '%26', dirname($dir_url)).'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($dir.$item)));
191 if(is_numeric($filesize)) $filesize = round($filesize/(1024*1024), 2);
192 echo("<tr class=\"$parclass\" bgcolor=\"$parcolor\">".'<td><a href="#up">'.$index.'</a></td><td class="btntd">');
193 echo('<a href="?download&song='.rawurlencode($temp).'" class="icon iplay">P</a>');
194 if($parent) {
195 echo('/<a href="?dir='.
196 substr(str_replace(array('&','%2F'), array('%26','/'), (rawurlencode(dirname($dir.$item)))), strlen($GLOBALS['music_dir'])).
197 '" class="icon ifolder">D</a>');
198 }
199 if($GLOBALS['useflash'] && eregi(('\.('.$GLOBALS['m3u_exts'].')$'), $item)) {
200 echo('/<a href="?f&song='.rawurlencode($temp).
201 '" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'" class="icon ifplay">F</a>/'.
202 '<a href="?blank" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'" class="icon ifstop">S</a>');
203 }
204 echo('&nbsp;</td><td><a href="'.$temp.'">'.unxss(str_replace('_', ' ', $item)).'</a></td><td>'.$filesize."&nbsp;MiB&nbsp;</td></tr>\n");
205 }
207 function render_dir_line($item, $i) {
208 $parclass=($i%2?'even':'odd'); $parcolor=($index%2?'lightblue':'white');
209 $temp=str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir)).rawurlencode($item);
210 echo("<tr class=\"$parclass directory\" bgcolor=\"$parcolor\">".
211 '<td><a href="#up">'.$i.'</a></td><td class="btntd"><a href="?download&playlist&dir='.$temp.'" class="icon iplay">P</a>/'.
212 '<a href="?download&recursive&playlist&dir='.$temp.'" class="icon irplay">R</a>');
213 if($GLOBALS['useflash']) echo('/<a href="?f&playlist&dir='.$temp.'" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'" class="icon ifplay">F</a>');
214 echo('</td><td colspan="100%"><span class="icon ifolder">[DIR] </span><a href="?dir='.$temp.'">'.unxss(str_replace('_', ' ', $item)).
215 "</a></td></tr>\n");
216 }
218 function render_tr_playframe_show() {
219 if($GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'] == 'playframe-show' && $GLOBALS['useflash']) { ?>
220 <tr id="playframe-tr">
221 <td><a href="?blank" target="playframe-show" title="Stop playback">S</a></td>
222 <td colspan="100%">
223 <iframe
224 src="?blank"
225 name="playframe-show"
226 width="100%"
227 height="24"
228 style="border: none;"
229 transparentpagebg="yes"
230 ></iframe></td></tr>
231 <?php }
232 }
234 function render_footer() {
235 $quotes = array(
236 'This is NOT advertisments. This is just good text to think about... Remove it if you want!',
237 'Downloading without sharing and other forms of leeching equals STEALING! ;P',
238 'Do NOT support Microsoft!!! Use Linux! ;D',
239 'Don\'t steal! Steal and share!!! ;P',
240 'Linux is not matter of price, it\'s matter of freedom!',
241 'This software brought to you by <a href="http://blog.Harvie.cz">Harvie</a> free of charge! Of course...',
242 'Don\'t be looser, use GNU/Linux! ;P',
243 'Make love and not war!',
244 'Take your chance! Prove yourself!',
245 'This software is free of charge. If you wan\'t to donate, please send some money to children in Africa/etc...'
246 );
248 echo('<span id="quote" style="float: left;"><i><small>'.$quotes[rand(0,sizeof($quotes)-1)]."</small></i></span>\n");
249 echo('<span id="exectime" style="float: right;"><small>Page was generated in '.(round(microtime(true), 3) - $GLOBALS['exec_time']).'
250 seconds</small></span>');
251 @readfile($GLOBALS['footer_file']);
252 echo('</body></html>');
253 }
255 function unxss($string) {
256 return htmlspecialchars($string);
257 }
259 function explode_path($dir) {
260 $dir = substr($dir, strlen($GLOBALS['music_dir'])+1);
261 $temp = split('/', ereg_replace('/+', '/', $dir));
262 $out = '';
263 for($j=sizeof($temp)-1;$j>0;$j--) {
264 $dir = '';
265 for($i=0;$i<(sizeof($temp)-$j);$i++) {
266 $dir.=$temp[$i].'/';
267 }
268 $out.='<a href="?dir='.rawurlencode($dir).'">'.unxss($temp[$i-1]).'</a>/';
269 }
270 return('<a href="?">.</a>/'.$out);
271 }
273 function flash_mp3_player() {
274 ?>
275 <html><head><title><?=$GLOBALS['title']?>: Flash Music Player Plugin</title>
276 <style> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } </style></head><body>
277 <object width="100%" height="344">
278 <embed src="<?php
279 echo($GLOBALS['flash_player_swf'].$GLOBALS['flash_player_options']);
280 if(isset($_GET['song'])) echo(rawurlencode($_GET['song']));
281 if(isset($_GET['playlist'])) generate_m3u($GLOBALS['dir'], dirname($GLOBALS['music_dir_url']), isset($_GET['recursive']), ',', true);
282 ?>"
283 type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
284 allowscriptaccess="never"
285 allowfullscreen="true"
286 transparentpagebg="yes"
287 quality="low"
288 width="100%" height="24px"
289 >You need Adobe Flash enabled browser to play records directly in website.</embed>
290 </object></body></html>
291 <?php die();
292 }
294 //GET
295 if(isset($_GET['download'])) serve_download($playlist_name);
296 if(isset($_GET['f'])) flash_mp3_player();
297 if(isset($_GET['song'])) {
298 die($_GET['song']."\r\n");
299 }
303 if($_POST['cache-refresh'] == $cache_passwd) {
304 generate_search_cache($music_dir, $search_cache);
305 die("\n");
306 }
308 if(isset($_GET['playlist'])) {
309 generate_m3u($dir, dirname($music_dir_url), isset($_GET['recursive']));
310 die();
311 }
313 if(isset($_GET['random'])) {
314 $flen = 0;
315 if(!($searchfp = fopen($search_cache, 'r')))
316 die("Cannot read cache from $outfile<br />Refresh cache or set permissions properly!<br />\n");
317 while(!feof($searchfp)) { fgets($searchfp); $flen++; }
318 for($i=0; $i<$_GET['random']; $i++) {
319 rewind($searchfp);
320 for($j=0; $j<rand(0, $flen-1); $j++) fgets($searchfp);
321 echo(dirname($music_dir_url).'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode(trim(fgets($searchfp)))))."\r\n");
322 }
323 die();
324 }
326 if(isset($_GET['blank'])) {
327 ?>
328 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?=$css_file?>" />
329 <body class="blank"><div class="blank"><b>Music player</b> <small><i>(click 'F' link next to the song name to start, 'S' to stop...)</i></small></div></body>
330 <?php die();
331 }
333 ?>
334 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
335 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?=$charset?>" />
336 <html>
337 <head>
338 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?=$css_file?>" />
339 <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?=$favicon_file?>" />
340 <link href="<?=$favicon_file?>" rel="icon" type="image/gif" />
341 </head>
342 <body>
344 <div align="right" style="position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 5px;">
345 <a name="up"></a>
346 <iframe src="about:blank" name="playframe-hide" width="0" height="0" style="border: none;" class="hide"></iframe><!-- -----------???--------------- -->
347 <span class="icon">&lt;</span> <a href="javascript: history.go(-1)" class="icon iback">BACK</a>
348 | <a href="?"><span class="icon ihome">HOME</span> (<?=$music_dir?>)</a>
349 | <a href="?help" class="icon ihelp">ABOUT/HELP</a>
350 | <a href="?logout" class="icon ilogout">LOGOUT</a>
351 </div>
353 <?php
354 if(isset($_GET['help'])) {
355 ?><h1>About/Help</h1><?php
356 readfile($bonus_dir.'/help.html');
357 die();
358 }
361 if(!isset($_GET['search'])) {
362 echo('<title>'.$title.': '.unxss($dir).'</title>');
363 echo('<a href="?" style="color: black;"><h1 style="float: left;">'.$title.'</h1></a><h2 style="clear: left; display: inline; float: left;">Index of: '.explode_path($dir).'</h2>');
364 } else {
365 echo('<title>'.$title.': '.unxss($_GET['search']).'</title>');
366 echo('<a href="?" style="color: black;"><h1 style="float: left;">'.$title.'</h1></a><h2 style="clear: left; display: inline; float: left;">Searching for: '.unxss($_GET['search']).'</h2>');
368 ?>
370 <?php
371 }
373 ?>
374 <span style="float: right;">
375 <form action="?" method="GET" align="right" style="display: inline;">
376 <input type="hidden" name="download" value="" />
377 <input type="number" name="random" value="<?=$default_random_count?>" />
378 <input type="submit" value="random" title="Generate random music playlist..." />
379 </form>
380 <form action="?" method="GET" align="right" style="display: inline;">
381 <input type="search" name="search" autofocus placeholder="search regexp..."
382 title="Search in music/google/lyrics/mp3/youtube; Hint: You can use regular expressions in search query..."
383 value="<?=unxss($_GET['search'])?>"
384 />
385 <input type="submit" value="search" title="Search in this JuKe!Box..." />
386 </form>
387 </span><?php
389 if(!isset($_GET['search'])) {
390 echo('<br style="clear: both;" />');
391 } else {
393 ?>
394 <span style="float: right;">
395 <form action="?" method="POST" align="right">
396 <input type="password" name="cache-refresh" value="" title="Password for refreshing - good for avoiding DoS Attacks!!!" />
397 <input type="submit" value="refresh cache" title="You should refresh cache each time when you add new music or upgrade to newer version of JuKe!Box !!!" />
398 &nbsp;
399 </form>
400 </span>
401 <div align="right" style="clear: right;" title="Aditional search engines...">
402 <br />
403 <?php
404 $search_prefix = 0;
405 foreach($search_engines as $search_desc => $search_link) {
406 if(!$search_prefix) {
407 echo(unxss($_GET['search'])." @\n");
408 $search_prefix = 1;
409 }
410 echo('<a href="'.$search_link.rawurlencode($_GET['search']).'">'.$search_desc."</a>;\n");
411 }
412 ?>
413 </div><br style="clear: both;" />
414 <?php
415 echo('<small>Search DB size: '.(filesize($search_cache)/1024)." kB<br /></small>\n");
417 if(!($searchfp = fopen($search_cache, 'r')))
418 die("Cannot read cache from $outfile<br />Refresh cache or set permissions properly!<br />\n");
420 $i = 0;
421 echo('<table border="1" width="100%">');
422 render_tr_playframe_show();
423 echo('<tr><td>S</td><td><a href="?download&playlist&search='.unxss($_GET['search']).'">P</a>');
424 if($GLOBALS['useflash']) echo('/<a href="?f&playlist&search='.unxss($_GET['search']).'" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'">F</a>');
425 echo('</td><td colspan="100%">Search: '.unxss($_GET['search']).'</td></tr>');
427 while(!feof($searchfp)) {
428 $line = trim(fgets($searchfp));
429 $parclass=($i%2?'even':'odd'); $parcolor=($i%2?'lightblue':'white');
430 if(@eregi(str_replace(' ', '(.*)', unational($_GET['search'])), unational($line))) {
431 $i++;
432 $filesize = 0; if($i <= $access_limit) $filesize = filesize($line); else $filesize = 'n/a';
433 render_file_line('', $line, $music_dir_url, $i, $filesize, true);
434 }
435 }
436 echo('<tr><td colspan="100%">Total: '.$i.' results...</td></tr></table>');
437 render_footer(); die();
439 }
440 @readfile($header_file);
441 foreach($indexlist as $index) @readfile($dir.$index);
442 ?>
443 <br />
444 <table border="1" width="100%">
445 <?php render_tr_playframe_show(); ?>
447 <tr class="directory"><td>&gt;</td>
448 <td><a href="?download&playlist&dir=<?=str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir))?>" class="icon iplay">P</a>/<a
449 href="?download&recursive&playlist&dir=<?=str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir))?>" class="icon irplay">R</a><?php
450 if($GLOBALS['useflash']) echo('/<a href="?f&playlist&dir='.str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir)).'" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'"
451 class="icon ifplay">F</a>'); ?>
452 </td>
453 <td colspan="100%"><?=unxss($dir)?></td></tr>
454 <tr><td>^</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td colspan="100%" class="directory"><span class="icon ifolder">[DIR] </span><a href="?dir=<?=rawurlencode($parent_dir)?>">..
455 (<?=$parent_dir?>)</a></td></tr>
456 <?php
458 $i = 0;
459 $dd = opendir($dir);
460 for($s=2;$s;$s--) { while(($item = readdir($dd)) != false) {
461 if($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue;
462 if(($s==2 && is_file($dir.$item)) || ($s!=2 && is_dir($dir.$item))) continue;
463 $i++;
464 //$parclass=($i%2?'even':'odd'); $parcolor=($i%2?'lightblue':'white');
465 if($sort > 1) {
466 if(is_file($dir.$item)) {
467 $i--;
468 $itemsf[] = $item;
469 }
470 if(is_dir($dir.$item)) {
471 $i--;
472 $itemsd[] = $item;
473 }
474 } else {
475 if(is_file($dir.$item)) {
476 render_file_line($dir, $item, $music_dir_url, $i, filesize($dir.$item));
477 }
478 if(is_dir($dir.$item)) {
479 render_dir_line($item, $i);
480 }
481 }
482 } rewinddir($dd); }
484 if($sort > 1) {
485 @sort($itemsf);
486 @sort($itemsd);
487 foreach($itemsd as $item) {
488 $i++;
489 render_dir_line($item, $i);
490 }
491 foreach($itemsf as $item) {
492 $i++;
493 render_file_line($dir, $item, $music_dir_url, $i, filesize($dir.$item));
494 }
495 }
497 ?></table>
499 <?php
500 render_footer();
This page took 0.983684 seconds and 3 git commands to generate.