nastrel formy na kvetinac
[mirrors/Designs.git] / openscad / planter2.scad
1 module planter_cavity() {
2 translate([0,0,15]) cylinder(d1=70, d2=80, h=83, $fn=18);
3 }
5 module planter() {
7 difference() {
8 translate([0,0,15]) for (h = [0 : 1 : 2] ){
9 translate([0,0,h*31])
10 for (r = [0 : 40 : 360] ){
11 rotate([90,90,r+20*(h%2)])
12 difference() {
13 translate([0,0,25]) hull() {
14 cylinder(d=35, h=25, $fn=6);
15 rotate([0,0,45]) cylinder(d=60, h=12, $fn=4);
16 }
17 translate([0,0,70]) sphere(d=50, $fn=6);
18 }
19 }
20 }
22 translate([0,0,-50]) cylinder(d=140, h=50);
23 translate([0,0,2.5*31+15]) cylinder(d=140, h=50);
24 planter_cavity();
25 }
26 cylinder(d=90, h=15.1);
28 }
30 module planter_mold(half=0) {
31 difference() {
32 union() {
33 //translate([0,0,0.1]) cylinder(d=110, h=100);
34 translate([0,0,90]) cylinder(d=108, h=7);
35 minkowski() {
36 rotate([0,0,90]) planter();
37 translate([0,0,0.001]) cylinder(r=2, h=0.01);
38 }
39 translate([-60,0,48.5]) cube([3,7,97], center=true);
40 translate([ 60,0,48.5]) cube([3,7,97], center=true);
41 translate([ 0,0,48.5]) cube([120,4,97], center=true);
42 }
43 rotate([0,0,90]) planter();
44 rotate([0,0,90]) planter_cavity();
45 if(half == 1) translate([-100,0,0]) cube(200);
46 if(half == 2) translate([-100,-200,0]) cube(200);
47 }
48 }
50 planter_cavity();
51 rotate([180,0,0]) {
52 translate([0,-12,0]) planter_mold(half=1);
53 translate([0,12,0]) planter_mold(half=2);
54 }
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