centered header
[mirrors/Designs.git] / openscad / repjack-test.scad
1 module pagoda(scale=1, height=1, ratio=2, center=true) {
2 scale([scale,scale])
3 linear_extrude(height=height, center=center)
4 polygon(points=[[-1,1],[1,1],[1*ratio,-1],[-1*ratio,-1]], paths=[[0,1,2,3]]);
5 }
7 module female(thickness=0.3) {
8 difference() {
9 %cube([4,2+thickness,1+(2*thickness)], center=true);
10 translate([0,thickness,0]) pagoda(ratio=1.5);
11 }
12 }
14 module male() {
15 difference() {
16 pagoda(ratio=2, scale=0.9);
17 //translate([0,-0.7]) pagoda(ratio=2);
18 translate([0,-0.21]) pagoda(ratio=2, scale=0.7, height=1.1);
19 }
20 }
22 module connector(design=false) {
23 scale(4) if(!design) {
24 //Print
25 translate([0,3,0-1.15+0.5]) male();
26 rotate([90]) female();
27 } else {
28 //Design
29 male();
30 % female();
31 }
32 }
34 //connector(design=true);
35 connector();
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