2 This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
3 the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
4 and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
5 To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
6 http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.
10 {include file="modules/header.tpl"}
18 {if $user_id eq false}
20 {include file="modules/loginbox.tpl"}
29 {include file="modules/node_settings.tpl"}
30 {include file="modules/userinfo.tpl"}
32 {*include file="modules/get_poll_box.tpl"*}
35 {*showing bookmark_statistics*}
36 {include file="modules/get_bookmark_statistics_box.tpl"}
45 {include file="modules/movement.tpl"}
53 {include file="modules/movement.tpl"}
55 {include file="modules/get_creation_by_template_id.tpl" listing_amount=$listing_amount type=$action}
59 {include file="modules/node_content.tpl"}
60 {* shows what other friends think about users *}
61 {get_children_by_external_link external_link='session://friend' listing_amount=$listing_amount offset=$offset orderby=desc}
62 {foreach from=$get_children_by_external_link item=child}
69 {if $child.template_id eq 6 }
72 {elseif $child.template_id eq 5 }
77 {if $child.user_action neq false}
78 [lokacia :: {$child.user_action}]
82 {$child.node_created|date_format:"%d.%m.%Y. - %H:%M:%S"}
99 {if $permissions.w eq true}
117 {include file="modules/footer.tpl"}