#!/bin/bash #Copylefted by: Harvie 2o1o version='1.1'; filetypes='(mp3|wav|wma)$'; #regex quality="$1"; #passed to lame as --preset argument outdir="_lame-encoded-preset-"; #preset name will be attached - needs to be regex compatible string #guess count of CPU cores cpus=1; cpusguess=$(grep 'processor.:' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | wc -l); [ "$cpusguess" -ge 1 ] 2>/dev/null && cpus="$cpusguess" [ "$2" -ge 1 ] 2>/dev/null && cpus="$2" lamelog='/dev/null' [ "$cpus" -eq 1 ] && lamelog='/dev/stdout' [ -z "$1" ] && { echo -e "lame-recursive v$version (Harvie 2o1o) (Re-)Encode all '$filetypes' files in current directory and (sub-directories) - This will NOT touch the original files. - This will only create new files in ${outdir}PRESET directory in each sub-directory, where PRESET will be substitued by selected lame preset. - Files in such directories will be ignored - Once encoded file will be overwriten only if it's older than original file - Requires working lame binary - Supports multiple CPUs/cores Usage: $0 [preset] [cpu-cores] Example: cd ~/music; $0 standard Example: cd ~/spoken; $0 voice presets: VBR: voice, medium, standard, extreme, insane (= 320kbps CBR) ABR: 8, 16, 32, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320 For more info: lame --preset help cpu-cores: You probably have $cpusguess CPU cores, i will use this value by default Anyway... You can try any value higher than 0 (does not affect sound quality, probably you don't need to change this) tips & tricks: - to quickly visualy check if all files were recoded: ls -R1 . | sort | less " exit; } encode() { tsign() { echo -ne "[$$]\t"; echo "$@"; } temp=$(mktemp) cleanup() { last=$(cat "$temp"); echo -ne "\n[$$] Terminated. Deleting incomplete file:\n\t" echo "$last" rm -f "$last"; rm -rf "$temp"; exit; } trap cleanup SIGINT SIGTERM SIGHUP SIGPIPE SIGQUIT SIGKILL; infile="$1" cd "${infile%/*}"; outdir="${outdir}${quality}" [[ -d "$outdir" ]] || { echo "==> Creating directory: $(pwd)/$outdir"; mkdir -p "$outdir"; } infile="${infile##*/}"; outfile="$outdir/${infile##*/}"; [ "$outfile" -nt "$infile" ] && { tsign "Output file is newer than input file: $(pwd)/$outfile"; exit; } echo "$(pwd)/$outfile" > "$temp" tsign "Encoding: '$infile'"; lame --preset "$quality" "$infile" "$outfile" >"$lamelog" 2>&1 tsign " Done: '$infile'; retval=$?"; } echo "==> I will use $cpus CPU cores"; export -f encode; export quality outdir lamelog find -regextype posix-egrep -iregex '.*'"$filetypes" | grep -v /"$outdir" | tr '\r\n' '\0\0' | xargs -0 -n 1 -P "$cpus" bash -c 'encode "$@"' -- echo ' ==> All files were processed. ==> But you should rather check them before deleting the originals... ==> Thank you for using lame-recursive by Harvie ( http://blog.harvie.cz/ )'