. */ require_once('sklad.conf.php'); set_include_path(DIR_LIB.PATH_SEPARATOR.get_include_path()); require_once('Sklad_LMS-fake.class.php'); require_once('HTTP_Auth.class.php'); require_once('Locale.class.php'); require_once('Barcode.class.php'); /** * Trida poskytuje vseobecne funkce pro generovani HTML kodu * * Tato trida by nemela sama nic vypisovat (vyjma chybovych a debugovacich hlasek)! * * @package HTML * @author Tomas Mudrunka */ class HTML { function row($row,$type=false) { $html = ''; if($type) $html.="<$type>"; $html.=''; $td = $type == 'thead' ? 'th' : 'td'; foreach($row as $var) { if(trim($var) == '') $var = ' '; $html.="<$td>$var"; } $html.=''; if($type) $html.=""; return $html; } function table(&$table, $params='border=1') { $html=""; $header=true; foreach($table as $row) { if($header) { $html.=$this->row(array_keys($row),'thead'); $header=false; } $html.=$this->row($row); } $html.='
'; return $html; } function link($title='n/a', $link='#void', $internal=true, $translate=true) { if($internal && (!isset($link[0]) || $link[0] != '#')) $link = $this->internal_url($link); if($translate) $title = T($title); return "".$title.""; } function img($src='#void', $title='img', $options='width=64') { $options = $options ? " $options" : ''; return "$title"; } function input($name=false, $value=false, $type='text', $placeholder=false, $options=false, $prefix='') { $html = T($prefix)."'); print_r($selectbox); $html = ""; return $html; } function ul($items,$tag=ul,$head='',$class=false) { $class = $class ? " class='$class'" : ''; $html = "$head<$tag$class>"; foreach($items as $key => $value) { $html .= '
  • '; if(is_numeric($key)) { $html .= $value; } else { $html .= $this->link($key,$value); } $html .= '
  • '; } $html .= ""; return $html; } function div($html, $options) { $options = $options ? " $options" : ''; return "$html"; } function head($title=false,$charset='UTF-8',$more='') { $title = $title ? "\n$title" : ''; $html= ''; $html.= ''.$title.$more; $html.= ''; return $html; } } /** * Trida poskytuje podpurne funkce pro generovani HTML kodu specificke pro sklad * * Tato trida by nemela sama nic vypisovat (vyjma chybovych a debugovacich hlasek)! * * @package Sklad_HTML * @author Tomas Mudrunka */ class Sklad_HTML extends HTML { //TODO: Split into few more methods function header($title='') { $home = URL_HOME; $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $search = htmlspecialchars(@trim($_GET['q'])); $message = strip_tags(@trim($_GET['message']),''); $instance = INSTANCE_ID != '' ? '/'.INSTANCE_ID : ''; //$title = T($title); //TODO $html = $this->head("SōkoMan$title"); $html .= <<SōkoMan$instance$title
    EOF; $assistants=array(); foreach(scandir(DIR_ASSISTANTS) as $item) { if($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue; $item = preg_replace('/\.inc\.php$/','',$item); $assistants[$item] = "assistant/$item"; } $tables=array('item','model','category','producer','vendor','room','status'); foreach($tables as $table) { $listable[$table] = $table; $insertable[$table] = "$table/new"; } $html .= $this->ul(array( 'Home' => '', 'Logout' => '?logout', 0 => $this->ul($assistants,'menu',$this->link('Assistants','#')), 1 => $this->ul($insertable,'menu',$this->link('New','#')), 2 => $this->ul($listable,'menu',$this->link('List','#')) ),'menu', '', 'menu'); $html .= '
    '; $html .= $this->form("$script/assistant/go", 'GET', array( array('q','','text','smart id...', 'autofocus'), array(false,'go','submit') ), 'style="float: left;"'); $html .= $this->form('?', 'GET', array( array('q',$search,'text','regexp...'), array(false,'filter','submit') ), 'style="float: left;"'); $html .= '
    '; $html .= <<
    EOF; return $html; } function internal_url($link) { return $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'/'.$link; } function table_add_images(&$table) { $image = array('model_id'); foreach($table as $id => $row) { foreach($image as $column) if(isset($table[$id][$column])) { $type = @array_shift(preg_split('/_/', $column)); $src=URL_IMAGES."/$type/".$table[$id][$column].'.jpg'; $table[$id][$type.'_image']=$this->img($src, $table[$id][$column]); } } } function render_barcode($barcode,$opts=false) { return $this->link($this->img($this->internal_url("barcode/$barcode"),$barcode,$opts),"barcode/$barcode",true,false); } function table_add_barcodes(&$table) { $image = array('model_barcode', 'item_serial'); foreach($table as $id => $row) { foreach($image as $column) if(isset($table[$id][$column])) { $table[$id][$column]=$this->render_barcode($table[$id][$column]); } } } function table_collapse(&$table) { $collapse = array( 'item_id' => 'item_id', 'model_id' => 'model_name', 'category_id' => 'category_name', 'producer_id' => 'producer_name', 'vendor_id' => 'vendor_name', 'room_id' => 'room_name', 'status_id' => 'status_name', ); foreach($table as $id => $row) { foreach($collapse as $link => $title) if(isset($table[$id][$link]) && isset($row[$title])) { $type = @array_shift(preg_split('/_/', $link)); if($link != $title) unset($table[$id][$link]); $table[$id][$title]=$this->link($row[$title], $type.'/'.$row[$link].'/'); } } } function table_sort(&$table) { $precedence = array('item_id', 'model_image', 'model_name','model_descript','category_name','status_name','room_name'); $table_sorted = array(); foreach($table as $id => $row) { $table_sorted[$id] = array(); foreach($precedence as $column) if(isset($table[$id][$column])) { $table_sorted[$id][T($column)]=$table[$id][$column]; unset($table[$id][$column]); } //$table_sorted[$id]=array_merge($table_sorted[$id],$table[$id]); foreach($table[$id] as $key => $val) $table_sorted[$id][T($key)] = $val; //array_merge with T() translating } $table = $table_sorted; } function render_item_table($table) { $this->table_add_images($table); $this->table_add_barcodes($table); $this->table_collapse($table); $this->table_sort($table); return $this->table($table); } function render_insert_form($class, $columns, $selectbox=array(), $current=false, $hidecols=false, $action=false, $multi_insert=true) { //echo('
    '); print_r($selectbox);
    '); print_r($current);
    		$update = false;
    		if(is_array($current)) {
    			$update = true;
    			$current = array_shift($current);
    		if(!is_array($hidecols)) $hidecols = array('item_author', 'item_valid_from', 'item_valid_till'); //TODO Autodetect
    		$action = $action ? " action='$action'" : false;
    		$html=""; //TODO: use $this->form()
    		if($multi_insert) $html.='
    '; //$html.=$this->input('table', $class, 'hidden'); foreach($columns as $column) { $html.=T($class).':'.T($column['Field']).': '; $name="values[$class][".$column['Field'].'][]'; $val = $update && isset($current[$column['Field']]) ? $current[$column['Field']] : false; switch(true) { case (preg_match('/auto_increment/', $column['Extra']) || in_array($column['Field'], $hidecols)): if(!$val) $val = ''; $html.=$this->input($name, $val, 'hidden'); $html.=$val.'(AUTO)'; break; case isset($selectbox[$column['Field']]): $html.=$this->select($name,$selectbox[$column['Field']],$val); break; default: $html.=$this->input($name, $val); break; } $html.='
    '; } if($multi_insert) { //TODO, move to separate JS file $html.=<<
    + EOF; } $btn = is_array($current) ? 'UPDATE' : 'INSERT'; //TODO: $current may be set even when inserting... $html.=$this->input(false, $btn, 'submit'); $html.=''; return $html; } } /** * Trida poskytuje rozhrani k databazi skladu * * @package Sklad_DB * @author Tomas Mudrunka */ class Sklad_DB extends PDO { function __construct() { $this->lms = new Sklad_LMS(); parent::__construct( DB_DSN, DB_USER, DB_PASS, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8") //Force UTF8 for MySQL ); } function escape($str) { return preg_replace('(^.|.$)', '', $this->quote($str)); //TODO HACK } function build_query_select($class, $id=false, $limit=false, $offset=0, $where=false, $search=false, $history=false, $order=false, $suffix_id='_id') { //Configuration $join = array( 'item' => array('model', 'category', 'producer', 'vendor', 'room', 'status'), 'model' => array('category', 'producer') ); //TODO Autodetect using foreign keys? $search_fields = array( 'item' => array('item_id','item_serial','model_name','model_barcode','model_descript','producer_name','vendor_name') ); //TODO Autodetect //Escaping $class = $this->escape($class); //SELECT $sql="SELECT * FROM $class\n"; //JOIN if(isset($join[$class])) foreach($join[$class] as $j) $sql .= "LEFT JOIN $j USING($j$suffix_id)\n"; //WHERE/REGEXP if($search) { $search = $this->quote($search); if(!isset($search_fields[$class])) die(trigger_error(T("Can't search in $class table yet :-("))); //TODO: post_redirect_get $sql_search = ''; foreach($search_fields[$class] as $column) $sql_search .= "OR $column REGEXP $search "; $where[] = "FALSE $sql_search"; } elseif($id) $where[] = "$class$suffix_id = $id"; if(!$history && $this->contains_history($class)) $where[] = $class.'_valid_till=0'; if($where) $sql .= 'WHERE ('.implode(') AND (', $where).")\n"; //ORDER if(!$order) $order = $class.$suffix_id; if($this->contains_history($class)) $order .= ",${class}_valid_from DESC"; $sql .= "ORDER BY $order\n"; //LIMIT/OFFSET if($limit) { $limit = $this->escape((int)$limit); $offset = $this->escape((int)$offset); $sql .= "LIMIT $offset,$limit\n"; } return $sql; } function safe_query($sql, $fatal=true) { $result = $this->query($sql); if(!$result) { $error = $this->errorInfo(); trigger_error("QUERY FAILED ($error[0],$error[1]): $error[2]

    "); if($fatal) die(); } return $result; } function translate_query_results($result) { $translate_cols = array('status_name', 'item_valid_till'); //TODO: Hardcoded foreach($result as $key => $row) { foreach($translate_cols as $col) if(isset($result[$key][$col])){ $result[$key][$col] = T($result[$key][$col]); } } return $result; } function safe_query_fetch($sql, $fatal=true, $fetch_flags = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, $translate=true) { $result = $this->safe_query($sql, $fatal)->fetchAll($fetch_flags); if($translate) $result = $this->translate_query_results($result); return $result; } function get_listing($class, $id=false, $limit=false, $offset=0, $where=false, $search=false, $history=false, $indexed=array(), $suffix_id='_id') { $sql = $this->build_query_select($class, $id, $limit, $offset, $where, $search, $history); $result = $this->safe_query_fetch($sql); if(!$result || !is_array($indexed)) return $result; foreach($result as $key => $row) $indexed[$row[$class.$suffix_id]]=$row; return $indexed; } function get_columns($class) { $class = $this->escape($class); $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $class;"; return $this->safe_query_fetch($sql); } function columns_get_selectbox($columns, $class=false, $suffix_id='_id', $suffix_name='_name') { $selectbox=array(); foreach($columns as $column) { if($column['Field'] == 'user_id') continue; //TODO HACK Blacklist: tabulka nemusi obsahovat *_name!!! momentalne se to tyka jen tabulky user (a item - u ty to nevadi)! if($class && $column['Field'] == $class.$suffix_id) continue; if(!preg_match('/'.$suffix_id.'$/', $column['Field'])) continue; $table=preg_replace('/'.$suffix_id.'$/','',$column['Field']); $history = $this->contains_history($table) ? " WHERE ${table}_valid_till=0" : ''; $sql = "SELECT $table$suffix_id, $table$suffix_name FROM $table$history;"; //TODO use build_query_select()!!! $result = $this->safe_query_fetch($sql, false); if(!$result) continue; foreach($result as $row) $selectbox[$table.$suffix_id][$row[$table.$suffix_id]]=$row[$table.$suffix_name]; } //echo('
    '); print_r($selectbox);
    		return array_filter($selectbox, 'ksort');
    	function map_unique($key, $value, $select, $table) { //TODO: Guess $select and $table if not passed
    		$history = $this->contains_history($table) ? " AND ${table}_valid_till=0" : '';
    		$sql = "SELECT $select FROM $table WHERE $key=$value$history LIMIT 1;"; //TODO use build_query_select()!!!
    		$result = $this->safe_query_fetch($sql);
    		if(isset($result[0][$select])) return $result[0][$select]; else die(trigger_error(T('Record not found!'))); //TODO post_redirect_get...
    	function contains_history($table) {
    		$history_tables = array('item'); //TODO Autodetect
    		return in_array($table, $history_tables);
    	function build_query_insert($table, $values, $replace=true, $suffix_id='_id') {
    		$history = $this->contains_history($table);
    		$table = $this->escape($table);
    		//Get list of POSTed columns
    		$columns_array = array_map(array($this,'escape'), array_keys($values[0]));
    		$columns = implode(',',$columns_array);
    		//Build query
    		$sql = '';
    '); die(print_r($values));
    		if($history) {
    			$history_update=false;	foreach($values as $row) if(is_numeric($row[$table.'_id'])) $history_update=true;
    			if($history_update) {
    				$sql .= "UPDATE $table";
    				$sql .= " SET ${table}_valid_till=NOW()";
    				$sql .= " WHERE ${table}_valid_till=0 AND (";
    				$or = '';
    				foreach($values as $row) {
    					$sql .= $or.' '.$table.'_id='.$row[$table.'_id'];
    					$or = ' OR';
    				$sql .= " );\n\n";
    				$replace = false;
    		//Insert into table (columns)
    		$sql .= "INSERT INTO $table ($columns) VALUES ";
    		//Values (a,b,c),(d,e,f)
    		foreach($values as $row) {
    			$row_quoted = array_map(array($this,'quote'), $row); //Check
    			if($history) {
    				foreach($row as $column => $value) {
    					switch($column) {
    						case $table.'_valid_from':
    							$row_quoted[$column] = 'NOW()';
    						case $table.'_valid_till':
    							$row_quoted[$column] = '0';
    						case $table.'_author':
    							$row_quoted[$column] = $this->lms->get_authorized_user_id();
    			$sql .= $comma.'('.implode(',',$row_quoted).')';
    			$comma = ',';
    		//On duplicate key
    		if($replace) {
    			foreach($columns_array as $col) {
    				if($col == $table.'_id' || $col == $table.'_valid_till') continue;
    				$on_duplicate[] = "$col=VALUES($col)";
    			$sql .= "\nON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ".implode(',', $on_duplicate);
    		$sql .= ';';
    		return $sql;
    	function insert_or_update($table, $values, $replace=true) {
    		$sql = $this->build_query_insert($table, $values, $replace);
    		return $this->lastInsertId();
    	function insert_or_update_multitab($values, $replace=true) {
    		foreach($values as $table => $rows) $last = $this->insert_or_update($table, $rows, $replace);
    		return $last;
    	function delete($table, $id, $suffix_id='_id') {
    		if($this->contains_history($table)) return false;
    		$key = $this->escape($table.$suffix_id);
    		$table = $this->escape($table);
    		$id = $this->quote($id);
    		return $this->safe_query("DELETE FROM $table WHERE $key = $id LIMIT 1;");
    * Trida poskytuje high-level rozhrani k databazi skladu
    * @package  Sklad_DB_Abstract
    * @author   Tomas Mudrunka
    class Sklad_DB_Abstract extends Sklad_DB {
    	//TODO Code
    * Trida implementuje uzivatelske rozhrani skladu
    * Example usage:
    * $sklad = new Sklad_UI();
    * $sklad->process_http_request();
    * @package  Sklad_UI
    * @author   Tomas Mudrunka
    class Sklad_UI {
    	function __construct() {
    		$this->db = new Sklad_DB();
    		$this->html = new Sklad_HTML();
    	function render_items($class, $id=false, $limit=false, $offset=0, $where=false, $search=false, $history=false) {
    		return $this->html->render_item_table($this->db->get_listing($class, $id, $limit, $offset, $where, $search, $history, false));
    	function render_form_add($class) {
    		$columns = $this->db->get_columns($class);
    		$selectbox = $this->db->columns_get_selectbox($columns, $class);
    		return $this->html->render_insert_form($class, $columns, $selectbox);
    	function render_form_edit($class, $id) {
    		$columns = $this->db->get_columns($class);
    		$selectbox = $this->db->columns_get_selectbox($columns, $class);
    		$current = $this->db->get_listing($class, $id, 1);
    		return $this->html->render_insert_form($class, $columns, $selectbox, $current);
    	function render_single_record_details($class, $id) {
    		$id_next = $id + 1;
    		$id_prev = $id - 1 > 0 ? $id - 1 : 0;
    		$get = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '' ? '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '';
    		$html.= $this->html->link('<<', "$class/$id_prev/");
    		$html.= '-';
    		$html.= $this->html->link('>>', "$class/$id_next/");
    		$html.= '
    '; $html.=''.$this->html->render_barcode(BARCODE_PREFIX.strtoupper("$class/$id")).''; $html.= $this->html->link('edit', "$class/$id/edit/"); if($this->db->contains_history($class)) $html.= ' ][ '.$this->html->link('history', "$class/$id/history/"); return $html; } function render_listing_navigation($class, $id, $limit, $offset) { $offset_next = $offset + $limit; $offset_prev = $offset - $limit > 0 ? $offset - $limit : 0; $get = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '' ? '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : ''; $html=''; $html.= $this->html->link('<<', "$class/$id/$limit/$offset_prev/$get"); $html.= '-'; $html.= $this->html->link('>>', "$class/$id/$limit/$offset_next/$get"); $html.= '
    '; $html.= $this->html->link('new', "$class/new/$get"); return $html; } function render_listing_extensions($class, $id, $limit, $offset, $edit=false) { $html=''; if(is_numeric($id)) { $html.=$this->render_single_record_details($class, $id); } else { $html.=$this->render_listing_navigation($class, '*', $limit, $offset); } if($edit) { $html.= $this->render_form_edit($class, $id); $action = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."/$class/$id/delete"; $html.=$this->html->form($action,'POST',array( array(false,'DELETE','submit'), array('sure', false, 'checkbox', false, false, 'sure?') )); $action = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."/$class/$id/image"; $html.=$this->html->form($action,'POST',array( array('image', false, 'file', false, 'size="30"'), array(false, 'IMAGE', 'submit') ), "enctype='multipart/form-data'"); } return $html; } function check_auth() { new HTTP_Auth('SkladovejSystem', true, array($this->db->lms,'check_auth')); } function post_redirect_get($location, $message='', $error=false) { $url_args = $message != '' ? '?message='.urlencode(T($message)) : ''; $location = $this->html->internal_url($location).$url_args; header('Location: '.$location); if($error) trigger_error($message); $location=htmlspecialchars($location); die( "". T($message)."
    Location: $location" ); } function safe_include($dir,$name,$vars=array(),$ext='.inc.php') { if(preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/',$name)) $this->post_redirect_get('', 'SAFE INCLUDE: Securityfuck.', true); $filename="$dir/$name$ext"; if(!is_file($filename)) $this->post_redirect_get('', 'SAFE INCLUDE: Fuckfound.', true); foreach($vars as $var => $val) $$var=$val; ob_start(); include($filename); $out=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $out; } function process_http_request_post($action=false, $class=false, $id=false, $force_redirect=false) { if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') return; //echo('
    '); //DEBUG (maybe todo remove), HEADERS ALREADY SENT!!!!
    		/* Tenhle foreach() prekopiruje promenne
    		 * z:		$_POST['values'][$table][$column][$id];
    		 * do:	$values[$table][$id][$column]
    		if(isset($_POST['values'])) {
    			foreach($_POST['values'] as $table => $columns) {
    				foreach($columns as $column => $ids) {
    					foreach($ids as $id => $val) $values[$table][$id][$column] = $val;
    		if($action) switch($action) {
    			case 'new':
    				$replace = false;
    			case 'edit':
    				if(!isset($replace)) $replace = true;
    				$table = $class ? $class : 'item';
    				//print_r($values); //debug
    				$last = $this->db->insert_or_update_multitab($values, $replace);
    				$last = $force_redirect ? $force_redirect."?last=$last" : "$table/$last/";
    				$next = "$table/new/";
    				$message = $force_redirect ? '' : 'Hotovo. Další záznam přidáte '.$this->html->link('zde', $next).'.';
    				$this->post_redirect_get($last, $message);
    			case 'delete':
    				if(!isset($_POST['sure']) || !$_POST['sure']) $this->post_redirect_get("$class/$id/edit", 'Sure user expected :-)');
    				$this->db->delete($class, $id) || $this->post_redirect_get("$class/$id/edit", "V tabulce $class jentak neco mazat nebudes chlapecku :-P");
    				$this->post_redirect_get("$class", "Neco (pravdepodobne /$class/$id) bylo asi smazano. Fnuk :'-(");
    			case 'image':
    				$image_classes = array('model'); //TODO, use this more widely across the code
    				if(!in_array($class, $image_classes)) $this->post_redirect_get("$class/$id/edit", "Nekdo nechce k DB Tride '$class' prirazovat obrazky!");
    				$image_destination = DIR_IMAGES."/$class/$id.jpg";
    				if($_FILES['image']['name'] == '') $this->post_redirect_get("$class/$id/edit", 'Everything has to be called somehow!', true);
    				if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $image_destination)) {
    					chmod ($image_destination, 0664);
    					$this->post_redirect_get("$class/$id", 'Image has been upbloated successfully :)');
    				} else $this->post_redirect_get("$class/$id/edit", 'File upload failed :(', true);
    				$this->post_redirect_get('', 'Nothin\' to do here my cutie :-*');
    		die('POSTed pyčo!');
    	function process_http_request() {
    		@ini_set('magic_quotes_gpc' , 'off');
    		if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
    			die(trigger_error("Error: magic_quotes_gpc needs to be disabled! F00K!"));
    		$PATH_CHUNKS = preg_split('/\//', $PATH_INFO);
    		if(!isset($PATH_CHUNKS[1])) $PATH_CHUNKS[1]='';
    		if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' && $PATH_CHUNKS[1]!='barcode') echo $this->html->header($PATH_INFO); //TODO: tyhle podminky naznacujou, ze je v navrhu nejaka drobna nedomyslenost...
    		switch($PATH_CHUNKS[1]) { //TODO: Move some branches to plugins if possible
    			case 'test':	//test
    				die('Tell me why you cry');
    			case 'assistant': //assistant
    				$PATH_CHUNKS[3] = isset($PATH_CHUNKS[3]) ? trim($PATH_CHUNKS[3]) : false;
    				$assistant_vars['SUBPATH'] = array_slice($PATH_CHUNKS, 3);
    				$assistant_vars['URL_INTERNAL'] = 'assistant/'.$PATH_CHUNKS[2];
    				$assistant_vars['URL'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'/'.$assistant_vars['URL_INTERNAL'];
    				echo $this->safe_include(DIR_ASSISTANTS,$PATH_CHUNKS[2],$assistant_vars);
    			case 'barcode': //barcode
    				Barcode::download_barcode(implode('/',array_slice($PATH_CHUNKS, 2)));
    			default:	//?
    				$search	= (isset($_GET['q']) && trim($_GET['q']) != '') ? trim($_GET['q']) : false;
    				$class	= (isset($PATH_CHUNKS[1]) && $PATH_CHUNKS[1] != '') ? $PATH_CHUNKS[1] : 'item';
    				if(!isset($PATH_CHUNKS[2])) $PATH_CHUNKS[2]='';
    				switch($PATH_CHUNKS[2]) {
    					case 'new':	//?/new
    						$this->process_http_request_post($PATH_CHUNKS[2], $class);
    						echo $this->render_form_add($class);
    					default:	//?/?
    						$id	= (isset($PATH_CHUNKS[2]) && is_numeric($PATH_CHUNKS[2]) ? (int) $PATH_CHUNKS[2] : false);
    						if(!isset($PATH_CHUNKS[3])) $PATH_CHUNKS[3]='';
    						switch($PATH_CHUNKS[3]) {
    							case 'edit':	//?/?/edit
    							case 'image':	//?/?/image
    							case 'delete':	//?/?/delete
    								$this->process_http_request_post($PATH_CHUNKS[3], $class, $id);
    							default:	//?/?/?
    								$history = $PATH_CHUNKS[3] == 'history' ? true : false;
    								$limit	= (int) (isset($PATH_CHUNKS[3]) ? $PATH_CHUNKS[3] : '0');
    								$offset	= (int) (isset($PATH_CHUNKS[4]) ? $PATH_CHUNKS[4] : '0');
    								$where = false; //TODO get from URL
    								echo $this->render_items($class, $id, $limit, $offset, $where, $search, $history);
    								echo $this->render_listing_extensions($class, $id, $limit, $offset, $edit);
    $sklad = new Sklad_UI();
