- User mail -> can't delete the mails...
Anyway move whole mail handling out of nodes.php (?)
-- SQL injections (many fixed, but some should be still there)
+- SQL injections (many fixed, but some are still there)
- remove absolute paths from all source files (!)
- convert to some more inteligent path system... eg.:
return false;
- $executors=explode(";",$_POST['executorlist']); // XXX sqli
+ $executors=explode(";",$_POST['executorlist']);
+ $executors=array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $executors);
$db->query("update node_access set node_permission='' where
node_id=$node_id and node_permission='exec'");
foreach ($executors as $execitpr) {
--- /dev/null
+drop procedure if exists k_neurons;
+drop function if exists k_get_node_weigth;
+delimiter //
+create function k_get_node_weigth (node INT, user INT) returns DOUBLE
+ declare vector,node2,len,n_owner,offset int;
+ declare final,n_weight,o_weight,s_weight double;
+ select node_vector into vector from nodes where node_id = node;
+ set final = 1;
+ /* select k from nodes into final where node_id = node;*/
+ set len = length(vector);
+ set offset = 1;
+ WHILE offset < len DO
+ /* XXX node length is hardcoded */
+ set node2 = substring(node2,offset,8);
+ set offset = offset + 8;
+ /* weigths from user to:
+ - all nodes from node to root node
+ - all node owners from node to root node
+ - all nodes between themselves (safe?)
+ */
+ select node_weight,node_creator into n_weight,n_owner from nodes where node_id=node2;
+ select synapse_weight into s_weight from neurons where src=user and dst=node2;
+ select synapse_weight into o_weight from neurons where src=user and dst=n_owner;
+ if o_weight = NULL then set o_weight=1; end if;
+ if s_weight = NULL then set s_weight=1; end if;
+ if n_weight = NULL then set n_weight=1; end if;
+ set final = final * s_weight * o_weight * n_weight;
+ RETURN final;
+create procedure k_neurons ()
+ select k,node_id,node_name from nodes where k>0
+ and node_created>now()-interval 20 day order by k_get_node_weigth(node_id,904) desc;
+delimiter ;