<?php require_once('./http_auth.php'); /*Delete this line to disable password protection*/ ?>
-<?php /*
+<?php $exec_time = round(microtime(true), 3); /*
Harvie's JuKe!Box
Version info:
- 0.2 - Few new functions (search playlist, random,...)
- 0.1.1 - Few little fixups, written help.html in Czech language ;D
- 0.1 - All functions works - TODO: bugfix & replace ugly code
+ * 0.3.5 - Fixed security bug - directory traversal in filelisting (upgrade recommended)
+ * 0.3.4 - Generating playlist for flashplayer, searching for bugs, cleaning code and preparing for new version release
+ * 0.3.3 - Shorter URLs for flashplayer (due to discussion at #skola ;o), nicer national characters handling
+ * 0.3.2 - Better support for national charsets, few small bugfixes, css improvements, modular search engines
+ * 0.3.1 - Buckfickses in m3u generation, better navigation, magic_quotes_gpc handled, css improvements
+ * 0.3 - Migrated to standalone WPAudioPlayer (better, nicer, with more functions)
+ * 0.2 - Few new functions (search playlist, random,...)
+ * 0.1.1 - Few little fixups, written help.html in Czech language ;o)
+ * 0.1 - All functions works - TODO: bugfix & replace ugly code
$title = 'Harvie\'s JuKe!Box'; //Title of jukebox
$music_dir = './music'; //Local path to directory with music
-$music_dir_url = ''; //URL path to same directory
-//$music_dir_url = 'http://music.harvie.cz/music';
-//$music_dir_url = 'http://softz.harvie.cz/jukebox/demo/music';
-$cache_passwd = 'reload'; //You need this passwd to refresh search cache
+$music_dir_url = 'http://your-server.net/jukebox/music'; //URL path to the same directory
+$cache_passwd = 'renew123'; //You need this passwd to refresh search cache
$sort = 3; //Sort? 0 = none, 1 = playlists, 2 = 1+listings; 3 = 2+search-EXPERIMENTAL! (sorting could eat lot of memory)
-$access_limit = 20; //How many files could be accessed without using cache (while searching)
+$access_limit = 40; //How many files could be accessed without using cache (while searching)
+//Encoding settins
+$charset = 'UTF-8'; //Charset for page
+$national_characters = 1; //Support searching in filenames with national characters? 0 = no; 1 = yes; (may slowdown search a little)
//Playlist settings
$playlist_name = 'playlist.m3u'; //Name of downloaded pl
//External files
$indexlist = array('index.html', 'index.txt'); //Search for this file in each directory
-$bonus_dir = './jukebox-bonus'; //Misc. files directory
+$bonus_dir = './jbx'; //Misc. files directory
$search_cache = $bonus_dir.'/cache.db'; //Database for searching music (php +rw) - .htaccess: Deny from all!!!
-$flash_player = $bonus_dir.'/musicplayer.swf'; //path to musicplayer
-$css_file = $bonus_dir.'/jukebox.css'; //CSS
+$css_file = $bonus_dir.'/themes/default/jukebox.css'; //CSS (Design)
+$favicon_file = './favicon.png'; //favicon
$header_file = $bonus_dir.'/header.html'; //header file
$footer_file = $bonus_dir.'/footer.html'; //footer file
+//Search engines extend search experience
+$search_engines = array(
+ 'Google.com' => 'http://google.com/search?q=',
+ 'Images' => 'http://google.com/images?q=',
+ 'Karaoke-Lyrics.net' => 'http://www.karaoke-lyrics.net/index.php?page=find&q=',
+ 'Jyxo.cz multimedia' => 'http://jyxo.cz/s?d=mm&q=',
+ 'Centrum.cz mp3' => 'http://search.centrum.cz/index.php?sec=mp3&q=',
+ 'YOUTube.com' => 'http://youtube.com/results?search_query='
+//Flash MusicPlayer (info about settings: http://wpaudioplayer.com/standalone)
+$flash_player_swf = $bonus_dir.'/player.swf'; //path to musicplayer
+$flash_player_frame = 'playframe-show'; //FlashPlayer Target (playframe-show|playframe-hide) - usefull for compatibility with old music player
+$flash_player_options = '?bg=000099&loader=000000&tracker=AAAAFF&skip=FFFFFF' //.'&leftbg=000077&rightbg=000077&righticon=999999'
+ .'&autostart=yes&initialvolume=100&soundFile='; //& arguments (urlencoded song url will be added)
+error_reporting(0); //This will disable error reporting, wich can pass sensitive data to users
+//External configuration file (overrides index.php configuration)
+@ini_set('magic_quotes_gpc' , 'off');
+if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) die("Error: magic_quotes_gpc needs to be disabled!\n");
+//Enable flash?
+$useflash = is_file($flash_player_swf);
+//Little magic with directories ;o)
$current_dir = ereg_replace('/+', '/', '/'.$_GET['dir'].'/');
+if(eregi('(/|\\\\)\\.\\.(/|\\\\)', $current_dir)) { //check for directory traversal ;)
+ header('Location: ?');
+ die('Error - directory not found!');
$dir = $music_dir.$current_dir;
$url = $music_dir_url.$current_dir;
$parent_dir = dirname($current_dir);
header('X-PHP-Application: Harvie\'s JuKe!Box');
-function generate_m3u($dir, $prefix='', $recursive=0) {
+$nchars_f = array('Á','Ä','Č','Ç','Ď','É','Ě','Ë','Í','Ň','Ó','Ö','Ř','Š','Ť','Ú','Ů','Ü','Ý','Ž','á','ä','č','ç','ď','é','ě','ë','í','ň','ó','ö','ř','š','ť','ú','ů','ü','ý','ž');
+$nchars_t = array('A','A','C','C','D','E','E','E','I','N','O','O','R','S','T','U','U','U','Y','Z','a','a','c','c','d','e','e','e','i','n','o','o','r','s','t','u','u','u','y','z');
+function unational($text) {
+ if(!$GLOBALS['national_characters']) return $text;
+ return(str_replace($GLOBALS['nchars_f'], $GLOBALS['nchars_t'], $text));
+function generate_m3u($dir, $prefix='', $recursive=0, $nl="\r\n", $doubleenc=0) {
$dir = $dir . '/';
- $dd = opendir($dir);
- while(($item = readdir($dd)) != false) {
- if($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue;
- if( is_file($dir.$item) && eregi(('\.('.$GLOBALS['m3u_exts'].')$'), $item) ) {
- if($GLOBALS['sort'] > 0) {
- $temp[] = $item;
- } else {
- echo($prefix.'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($dir.$item)))."\r\n");
+ if(isset($_GET['newline'])) $nl = $_GET['newline'];
+ if(!isset($_GET['search'])) {
+ $dd = opendir($dir);
+ while(($item = readdir($dd)) != false) {
+ if($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue;
+ if( is_file($dir.$item) && eregi(('\.('.$GLOBALS['m3u_exts'].')$'), $item) ) {
+ if($GLOBALS['sort'] > 0) {
+ $temp[] = $item;
+ } else {
+ $item=($prefix.'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($dir.$item))).$nl);
+ if($doubleenc) $item = rawurlencode($item);
+ echo($item);
+ }
+ }
+ if($recursive && is_dir($dir.$item)) {
+ generate_m3u($dir.$item, $prefix, $recursive, $nl, $doubleenc);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(!($searchfp = fopen($GLOBALS['search_cache'], 'r')))
+ die("Cannot read cache from $outfile<br />Refresh cache or set permissions properly!<br />\n");
+ while(!feof($searchfp)) {
+ $line = trim(fgets($searchfp));
+ if(@eregi(str_replace(' ', '(.*)', unational($_GET['search'])), unational($line))) {
+ $line=(dirname($GLOBALS['music_dir_url']).'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($line))).$nl);
+ if($doubleenc) $line = rawurlencode($line);
+ echo($line);
- if($recursive && is_dir($dir.$item)) {
- generate_m3u($dir.$item, $prefix);
- }
if($GLOBALS['sort'] > 0) {
- foreach($temp as $item)
- echo($prefix.'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($dir.$item)))."\r\n");
+ foreach($temp as $item) {
+ $temp=($prefix.'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($dir.$item))).$nl);
+ if($doubleenc) $temp = rawurlencode($temp);
+ echo($temp);
+ }
function render_file_line($dir, $item, $dir_url, $index, $filesize, $parent = false) {
- $parclass=($index%2?"even":"odd"); $parcolor=($index%2?"lightblue":"white");
+ $parclass=($index%2?'even':'odd'); $parcolor=($index%2?'lightblue':'white');
$temp=str_replace('&', '%26', dirname($dir_url)).'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($dir.$item)));
if(is_numeric($filesize)) $filesize = round($filesize/(1024*1024), 2);
- echo("<tr class=\"$parclass\" bgcolor=\"$parcolor\">".'<td>'.$index.'</td><td>');
- echo('<a href="?download&song='.rawurlencode($temp).'">P</a>');
+ echo("<tr class=\"$parclass\" bgcolor=\"$parcolor\">".'<td><a href="#up">'.$index.'</a></td><td class="btntd">');
+ echo('<a href="?download&song='.rawurlencode($temp).'" class="icon iplay">P</a>');
if($parent) {
echo('/<a href="?dir='.
substr(str_replace(array('&','%2F'), array('%26','/'), (rawurlencode(dirname($dir.$item)))), strlen($GLOBALS['music_dir'])).
- '">D</a>');
+ '" class="icon ifolder">D</a>');
- if(is_file($GLOBALS['flash_player']) && eregi(('\.('.$GLOBALS['m3u_exts'].')$'), $item)) {
- /*echo('/<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width=17 height=17 data="'.
- $GLOBALS['flash_player'].'?song_url='.rawurlencode($temp).'"></object>');*/
- echo('/<a href="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player'].'?autoplay=true&song_url='.rawurlencode($temp).'" target="playframe">F</a>/'.
- '<a href="about:blank" target="playframe">S</a>');
+ if($GLOBALS['useflash'] && eregi(('\.('.$GLOBALS['m3u_exts'].')$'), $item)) {
+ echo('/<a href="?f&song='.rawurlencode($temp).
+ '" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'" class="icon ifplay">F</a>/'.
+ '<a href="?blank" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'" class="icon ifstop">S</a>');
- echo(' </td><td><a href="'.$temp.'">'.str_replace('_', ' ', $item).'</a></td><td>'.$filesize." MiB </td></tr>\n");
+ echo(' </td><td><a href="'.$temp.'">'.unxss(str_replace('_', ' ', $item)).'</a></td><td>'.$filesize." MiB </td></tr>\n");
+function render_tr_playframe_show() {
+ if($GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'] == 'playframe-show' && $GLOBALS['useflash']) { ?>
+<tr id="playframe-tr">
+<td><a href="?blank" target="playframe-show" title="Stop playback">S</a></td>
+<td colspan="100%">
+style="border: none;"
+ <?php }
+function render_footer() {
+ $quotes = array(
+ 'This is NOT advertisments. This is just good text to think about... Remove it if you want!',
+ 'Downloading without sharing and other forms of leeching equals STEALING! ;P',
+ 'Do NOT support Microsoft!!! Use Linux! ;D',
+ 'Don\'t steal! Steal and share!!! ;P',
+ 'Linux is not matter of price, it\'s matter of freedom!',
+ 'This software brought to you by <a href="http://blog.Harvie.cz">Harvie</a> free of charge! Of course...',
+ 'Don\'t be looser, use GNU/Linux! ;P',
+ 'Make love and not war!',
+ 'Take your chance! Prove yourself!',
+ 'This software is free of charge. If you wan\'t to donate, please send some money to children in Africa/etc...'
+ );
+ echo('<span id="quote" style="float: left;"><i><small>'.$quotes[rand(0,sizeof($quotes)-1)]."</small></i></span>\n");
+ echo('<span id="exectime" style="float: right;"><small>Page was generated in '.(round(microtime(true), 3) - $GLOBALS['exec_time']).'
+ @readfile($GLOBALS['footer_file']);
+ echo('</body></html>');
function unxss($string) {
- return str_replace(
- array('&', '"', '\'', '<', '>'),
- array('&', '"', ''', '<', '>'),
- $string);
+ return htmlspecialchars($string);
+function explode_path($dir) {
+ $dir = substr($dir, strlen($GLOBALS['music_dir'])+1);
+ $temp = split('/', ereg_replace('/+', '/', $dir));
+ $out = '';
+ for($j=sizeof($temp)-1;$j>0;$j--) {
+ $dir = '';
+ for($i=0;$i<(sizeof($temp)-$j);$i++) {
+ $dir.=$temp[$i].'/';
+ }
+ $out.='<a href="?dir='.rawurlencode($dir).'">'.unxss($temp[$i-1]).'</a>/';
+ }
+ return('<a href="?">.</a>/'.$out);
+function flash_mp3_player() {
+ ?>
+<html><head><title><?=$GLOBALS['title']?>: Flash Music Player Plugin</title>
+<style> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } </style></head><body>
+<object width="100%" height="344">
+ <embed src="<?php
+ echo($GLOBALS['flash_player_swf'].$GLOBALS['flash_player_options']);
+ if(isset($_GET['song'])) echo(rawurlencode($_GET['song']));
+ if(isset($_GET['playlist'])) generate_m3u($GLOBALS['dir'], dirname($GLOBALS['music_dir_url']), isset($_GET['recursive']), ',', true);
+ ?>"
+ type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
+ allowscriptaccess="never"
+ allowfullscreen="true"
+ transparentpagebg="yes"
+ quality="low"
+ width="100%" height="24px"
+ >You need Adobe Flash enabled browser to play records directly in website.</embed>
+<?php die();
if(isset($_GET['download'])) serve_download($playlist_name);
-if(isset($_GET['song'])) die($_GET['song']."\r\n");
+if(isset($_GET['f'])) flash_mp3_player();
+if(isset($_GET['song'])) {
+ die($_GET['song']."\r\n");
if($_POST['cache-refresh'] == $cache_passwd) {
generate_search_cache($music_dir, $search_cache);
if(isset($_GET['playlist'])) {
- if(!isset($_GET['search'])) {
- generate_m3u($dir, dirname($music_dir_url), isset($_GET['recursive']));
- } else {
- if(!($searchfp = fopen($search_cache, 'r')))
- die("Cannot read cache from $outfile<br />Refresh cache or set permissions properly!<br />\n");
- while(!feof($searchfp)) {
- $line = trim(fgets($searchfp));
- if(@eregi(str_replace(' ', '(.*)', $_GET['search']), $line))
- echo(dirname($music_dir_url).'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode($line)))."\r\n");
- }
- }
- die("\n");
+ generate_m3u($dir, dirname($music_dir_url), isset($_GET['recursive']));
+ die();
if(isset($_GET['random'])) {
for($j=0; $j<rand(0, $flen-1); $j++) fgets($searchfp);
echo(dirname($music_dir_url).'/'.str_replace('%2F', '/', (rawurlencode(trim(fgets($searchfp)))))."\r\n");
- die("\n");
+ die();
+if(isset($_GET['blank'])) {
+ ?>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?=$css_file?>" />
+ <body class="blank"><div class="blank"><b>Music player</b> <small><i>(click 'F' link next to the song name to start, 'S' to stop...)</i></small></div></body>
+ <?php die();
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?=$css_file?>">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?=$charset?>" />
+ <head>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?=$css_file?>" />
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?=$favicon_file?>" />
+ <link href="<?=$favicon_file?>" rel="icon" type="image/gif" />
+ </head>
+ <body>
<div align="right" style="position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0;">
- <iframe src="about:blank" name="playframe" width="0" height="0" style="border: none;"></iframe>
- < <a href="javascript: history.go(-1)">BACK</a> | <a href="?">HOME (<?=$music_dir?>)</a> | <a href="?help">ABOUT/HELP</a> | <a href="?logout">LOGOUT</a>
+ <a name="up"></a>
+ <iframe src="about:blank" name="playframe-hide" width="0" height="0" style="border: none;"></iframe><!-- -----------???--------------- -->
+ <span class="icon"><</span> <a href="javascript: history.go(-1)" class="icon iback">BACK</a>
+ | <a href="?"><span class="icon ihome">HOME</span> (<?=$music_dir?>)</a>
+ | <a href="?help" class="icon ihelp">ABOUT/HELP</a>
+ | <a href="?logout" class="icon ilogout">LOGOUT</a>
if(!isset($_GET['search'])) {
- echo('<title>'.$title.': '.$dir.'</title>');
- echo('<a href="?" style="color: black;"><h1>'.$title.'</h1></a><h2>Index of: '.$dir.'</h2>');
+ echo('<title>'.$title.': '.unxss($dir).'</title>');
+ echo('<a href="?" style="color: black;"><h1 style="float: left;">'.$title.'</h1></a><h2 style="clear: left; display: inline; float: left;">Index of: '.explode_path($dir).'</h2>');
} else {
echo('<title>'.$title.': '.unxss($_GET['search']).'</title>');
- echo('<a href="?" style="color: black;"><h1>'.$title.'</h1></a><h2>Searching for: '.unxss($_GET['search']).'</h2>');
+ echo('<a href="?" style="color: black;"><h1 style="float: left;">'.$title.'</h1></a><h2 style="clear: left; display: inline; float: left;">Searching for: '.unxss($_GET['search']).'</h2>');
-<div align="right">
+<span style="float: right;">
<form action="?" method="GET" align="right" style="display: inline;">
<input type="hidden" name="download" value="" />
<input type="text" name="random" value="<?=$default_random_count?>" />
<input type="submit" value="search" title="Search in this JuKe!Box..." />
-</div><br /><?php
-if(isset($_GET['search'])) {
+if(!isset($_GET['search'])) {
+ echo('<br style="clear: both;" />');
+} else {
-?><div align="right">
- <form action="http://google.com/search" method="GET" align="right" style="display: inline;">
- <input type="text" name="q" value="<?=unxss($_GET['search'])?>" />
- <input type="submit" value="google" title="Search on Google..." />
- </form>
- <form action="http://www.elyricsworld.com/search.php?phrase=marley" method="GET" align="right" style="display: inline;">
- <input type="text" name="phrase" value="<?=unxss($_GET['search'])?>" />
- <input type="submit" value="lyrics" title="Search for lyrics on internet..." />
- </form>
- <form action="http://jyxo.cz/s" method="GET" align="right" style="display: inline;">
- <input type="hidden" name="d" value="mm" />
- <input type="text" name="q" value="<?=unxss($_GET['search'])?>" />
- <input type="submit" value="jyxo multimedia" title="Search media on internet..." />
- </form>
- <form action="http://youtube.com/results" method="GET" align="right" style="display: inline;">
- <input type="text" name="search_query" value="<?=unxss($_GET['search'])?>" />
- <input type="submit" value="youtube" title="Search on YOUTube..." />
- </form>
-</div><br />
-<div align="right">
+<span style="float: right;">
<form action="?" method="POST" align="right">
<input type="password" name="cache-refresh" value="" title="Password for refreshing - good for avoiding DoS Attacks!!!" />
<input type="submit" value="refresh cache" title="You should refresh cache each time when you add new music or upgrade to newer version of JuKe!Box !!!" />
-echo('Search DB size: '.(filesize($search_cache)/1024)." kB<br />\n");
+<div align="right" style="clear: right;" title="Aditional search engines...">
+<br />
+ $search_prefix = 0;
+ foreach($search_engines as $search_desc => $search_link) {
+ if(!$search_prefix) {
+ echo(unxss($_GET['search'])." @\n");
+ $search_prefix = 1;
+ }
+ echo('<a href="'.$search_link.rawurlencode($_GET['search']).'">'.$search_desc."</a>;\n");
+ }
+</div><br style="clear: both;" />
+echo('<small>Search DB size: '.(filesize($search_cache)/1024)." kB<br /></small>\n");
if(!($searchfp = fopen($search_cache, 'r')))
die("Cannot read cache from $outfile<br />Refresh cache or set permissions properly!<br />\n");
$i = 0;
echo('<table border="1" width="100%">');
-echo('<tr><td>S</td><td><a href="?download&playlist&search='.unxss($_GET['search']).'">P</a></td><td colspan="100%">Search: '.unxss($_GET['search']).'</td></tr>');
+echo('<tr><td>S</td><td><a href="?download&playlist&search='.unxss($_GET['search']).'">P</a>');
+if($GLOBALS['useflash']) echo('/<a href="?f&playlist&search='.unxss($_GET['search']).'" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'">F</a>');
+echo('</td><td colspan="100%">Search: '.unxss($_GET['search']).'</td></tr>');
while(!feof($searchfp)) {
$line = trim(fgets($searchfp));
- $parclass=($i%2?"even":"odd"); $parcolor=($i%2?"lightblue":"white");
- if(@eregi(str_replace(' ', '(.*)', $_GET['search']), $line)) {
+ $parclass=($i%2?'even':'odd'); $parcolor=($i%2?'lightblue':'white');
+ if(@eregi(str_replace(' ', '(.*)', unational($_GET['search'])), unational($line))) {
- echo("<tr class=\"$parclass\" bgcolor=\"$parcolor\">");
$filesize = 0; if($i <= $access_limit) $filesize = filesize($line); else $filesize = 'n/a';
render_file_line('', $line, $music_dir_url, $i, $filesize, true);
- echo("</tr>\n");
-echo("</table>Total: $i results...<br />");
+echo('<tr><td colspan="100%">Total: '.$i.' results...</td></tr></table>');
+render_footer(); die();
<br />
<table border="1" width="100%">
-<td><b><a href="?download&playlist&dir=<?=str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir))?>">P</a>/<a
-href="?download&recursive&playlist&dir=<?=str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir))?>">R</a></b></td>
-<td colspan="100%"><?=$dir?></td></tr>
-<tr><td>^</td><td> </td><td colspan="100%">[DIR] <a href="?dir=<?=rawurlencode($parent_dir)?>">.. (<?=$parent_dir?>)</a></td></tr>
+<?php render_tr_playframe_show(); ?>
+<tr class="directory"><td>></td>
+<td><a href="?download&playlist&dir=<?=str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir))?>">P</a>/<a
+href="?download&recursive&playlist&dir=<?=str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir))?>">R</a><?php
+if($GLOBALS['useflash']) echo('/<a href="?f&playlist&dir='.str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir)).'" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'">F</a>'); ?>
+<td colspan="100%"><?=unxss($dir)?></td></tr>
+<tr><td>^</td><td> </td><td colspan="100%" class="directory"><span class="icon ifolder">[DIR]</span> <a href="?dir=<?=rawurlencode($parent_dir)?>">.. (<?=$parent_dir?>)</a></td></tr>
$i = 0;
if($item == '.' || $item == '..') continue;
if(($s==2 && is_file($dir.$item)) || ($s!=2 && is_dir($dir.$item))) continue;
- $parclass=($i%2?"even":"odd"); $parcolor=($i%2?"lightblue":"white");
+ $parclass=($i%2?'even':'odd'); $parcolor=($i%2?'lightblue':'white');
if(is_file($dir.$item)) {
if($sort > 1) {
if(is_dir($dir.$item)) {
$temp=str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode($current_dir)).rawurlencode($item);
- echo("<tr class=\"$parclass\" bgcolor=\"$parcolor\">".
- '<td>'.$i.'</td><td><a href="?download&playlist&dir='.$temp.'">P</a>/'.
- '<a href="?download&recursive&playlist&dir='.$temp.'">R</a></td>'.
- '<td colspan="100%">[DIR] <a href="?dir='.$temp.'">'.str_replace('_', ' ', $item)."</a></td></tr>\n");
+ echo("<tr class=\"$parclass directory\" bgcolor=\"$parcolor\">".
+ '<td><a href="#up">'.$i.'</a></td><td class="btntd"><a href="?download&playlist&dir='.$temp.'" class="icon iplay">P</a>/'.
+ '<a href="?download&recursive&playlist&dir='.$temp.'">R</a>');
+ if($GLOBALS['useflash']) echo('/<a href="?f&playlist&dir='.$temp.'" target="'.$GLOBALS['flash_player_frame'].'" class="icon ifplay">F</a>');
+ echo('</td><td colspan="100%"><span class="icon ifolder">[DIR]</span> <a href="?dir='.$temp.'">'.unxss(str_replace('_', ' ', $item))."</a></td></tr>\n");
} rewinddir($dd); }
if($sort > 1) {
-$quotes = array(
- 'This is NOT advertisments. This is just good text to think about... Remove it if you want!',
- 'Downloading without sharing and other forms of leeching equals STEALING! ;P',
- 'Do NOT support Microsoft!!! Use Linux! ;D',
- 'Don\'t steal! Steal and share!!! ;P',
- 'Linux is not matter of price, it\'s matter of freedom!',
- 'This software brought to you by <a href="http://blog.Harvie.cz">Harvie</a> free of charge! Of course...',
- 'Don\'t be looser, use GNU/Linux! ;P',
- 'Make love and not war!',
- 'Take your chance! Prove yourself!',
- 'This software is free of charge. If you wan\'t to donate, please send some money to children in Africa/etc...'