#include "cll1-0.6.h"\r
-const char *version="0.7.9-c"; \r
+const char *version = "0.7.9-c"; \r
/* Version numbers: 0.7.9 will be last development ("beta"), 0.8.0 first stable */\r
/* Debian(RPM) package versions/patchlevels: 0.7.9-2, 0.8.0-1, 0.8.0-2, etc. */\r
/* C source code development versions ("beta"): 0.7.9-a, 0.8.1-b, etc. */\r
/* C source code release versions: 0.8.0, 0.8.2, 0.8.4, etc. */\r
+const char *stats_html_signature = "<small>Statistics generated by Prometheus QoS version %s<br>GPL+Copyright(C)2005-2008 Michael Polak, <a href=\"http://www.arachne.cz/\">Arachne Labs</a></small>\n";\r
/* ======= All path names are defined here (for RPM patch) ======= */\r
-char *tc = "/sbin/tc"; /* requires tc with HTB support */\r
-char *iptables = "/sbin/iptables"; /* requires iptables utility */\r
-char *iptablessave = "/sbin/iptables-save"; /* not yet required */\r
+char *tc = "/sbin/tc"; /* requires tc with HTB support */\r
+char *iptables = "/sbin/iptables"; /* requires iptables utility */\r
+char *iptablessave = "/sbin/iptables-save"; /* not yet required */\r
char *iptablesrestore = "/sbin/iptables-restore"; /* requires iptables-restore */\r
-char *ls = "/bin/ls"; /* this is not user configurable :-) */\r
+char *ls = "/bin/ls"; /* this is not user configurable :-) */\r
-char *config = "/etc/prometheus/prometheus.conf"; /* main configuration file */\r
-char *hosts = "/etc/prometheus/hosts"; /* per-IP bandwidth definition file */\r
+char *config = "/etc/prometheus/prometheus.conf"; /* main configuration file */\r
+char *hosts = "/etc/prometheus/hosts"; /* per-IP bandwidth definition file */\r
-char *iptablesfile = "/var/spool/prometheus.iptables"; /* temporary file for iptables-restore*/\r
-char *credit = "/var/lib/misc/prometheus.credit"; /* credit log file */\r
-char *html = "/var/www/traffic.html"; /* hall of fame filename */\r
-char *preview = "/var/www/preview.html"; /* hall of fame preview */\r
-char *cmdlog = "/var/log/prometheuslog"; /* command log filename */\r
-char *log_dir = "/var/www/logs/"; /* log directory pathname, ended with slash */\r
-char *log_url = "logs/"; /* log directory relative URI prefix (partial URL) */\r
-char *html_log_dir = "/var/www/logs/html/";\r
+char *iptablesfile = "/var/spool/prometheus.iptables"; /* temporary file for iptables-restore*/\r
+char *credit = "/var/lib/misc/prometheus.credit"; /* credit log file */\r
+char *html = "/var/www/traffic.html"; /* hall of fame filename */\r
+char *preview = "/var/www/preview.html"; /* hall of fame preview */\r
+char *cmdlog = "/var/log/prometheuslog"; /* command log filename */\r
+char *log_dir = "/var/www/logs/"; /* log directory pathname, ended with slash */\r
+char *log_url = "logs/"; /* log directory relative URI prefix (partial URL) */\r
+char *html_log_dir = "/var/www/logs/html/";\r
/* ======= Help screen is hopefuly self-documenting part of code :-) ======= */\r
case 7:\r
case 8:\r
case 9:\r
- case 10: if (isalnum(*ptr)) /* alphanumeric string = date, just one*/\r
+ case 10: if (isalpha(*ptr)) /* character, not numeric string = date, just one*/\r
valid_columns(ptr2,ptr,' ',col2) switch(col2)\r
fprintf(f,"<tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"left\">Total:</th><th align=\"right\">%ld GB</th><th align=\"right\">%Ld kbps</th></tr>\n", total, line);\r
- fputs("</table>\n",f);\r
+ fputs("</table>\n", f);\r
+ fprintf(f, stats_html_signature, version);\r
puts(" done.");\r
fprintf(f,"<tr><td>All users, all traffic</td>\n");\r
fprintf(f,"<th align=\"right\">%d</th><th align=\"right\">100 %%</th><th align=\"right\">%Lu M</th><th align=\"right\">100 %%</th></tr>\n",active_classes,total);\r
- fputs("</table>\n",f);\r
+ fputs("</table>\n", f);\r
- fprintf(f,"<small>Statistics generated by Prometheus QoS version %s<br>GPL+Copyright(C)2005-2008 Michael Polak, <a href=\"http://www.arachne.cz/\">Arachne Labs</a></small>\n",version);\r
+ fprintf(f, stats_html_signature, version);\r