--- /dev/null
+package Audio::Play::MPlayer;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+#use base qw(Class::Accessor::Fast);
+use base qw(Object::Accessor);
+=head1 NAME
+Audio::Play::MPlayer - a frontend to play audio files using MPlayer
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Audio::Play::MPlayer;
+ # same as Audio::Play::MPG123
+ $player = Audio::Play::MPlayer->new;
+ # Set speed to _2.5x_
+ $player->speed(+1.5);
+ $player->load( "ex-mp30.mp3" );
+ print $player->title, "\n";
+ $player->poll( 1 ) until $player->state == 0;
+This module acts as a frontend to an external MPlayer process started
+with the C<-slave> command-line option. The idea and interface (and
+in part the code) has been taken from L<Audio::Play::MPG123>.
+Please see L<Audio::Play::MPG123> for the documentation. Take into account
+that the methods:
+ copyrighted
+ emphasis
+ error_protected
+ extension
+ layer
+ mode
+ mode_extension
+ stat
+ statfreq
+ type
+ url
+ IN
+have not been implemented, and that:
+ jump
+ tpf
+work differently: C<jump> takes offsets in seconds, and C<tpf> always
+returns C<1> to make it possible to write:
+ $player->jump( 60 / $player->tpf );
+use IPC::Open3 qw(open3);
+use IO::Handle;
+our $VERSION = '0.03';
+# FIXME, missing
+# url type layer mode mode_extension copyrighted error_protected
+# emphasis extension
+#__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw(frame title artist album year comment genre samplerate channels bitrate extension) );
+#Object::Accessor->new( qw(frame title artist album year comment genre samplerate channels bitrate extension) );
+#my $bool = $obj->mk_accessors( qw(frame title artist album year comment genre samplerate channels bitrate extension) );
+sub new {
+ my( $class, %args ) = @_;
+ my $self = bless \%args, $class;
+ $self->start_mplayer( $args{mplayerargs} );
+ $self->{state} = 0;
+ $self->mk_accessors( qw(frame title artist album year comment genre samplerate channels bitrate extension) );
+ return $self;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my( $self ) = @_;
+ $self->stop_mplayer;
+sub start_mplayer {
+ my( $self, $args ) = @_;
+ my( $wr, $rd );
+ my $pid = open3( $wr, $rd, $rd,
+ 'mplayer', '-slave', '-idle', @{$args || []} );
+ die "Can't start mplayer" unless $pid;
+ $self->{pid} = $pid;
+ $self->{r} = $rd;
+ $self->{w} = $wr;
+ $self->{r}->blocking( 0 );
+ $self->{frame} = [ undef, undef, undef, undef ];
+ $self->{buffer} = '';
+sub stop_mplayer {
+ my( $self ) = @_;
+ return unless $self->{pid};
+ $self->command( 'quit' );
+ my $pid = delete $self->{pid};
+ close delete $self->{r};
+ close delete $self->{w};
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+sub line {
+ my( $self, $wait ) = @_;
+ for(;;) {
+ # append to buffer
+ my $len = sysread $self->{r}, $self->{buffer}, 2048,
+ length( $self->{buffer} );
+ return $1 if $self->{buffer} =~ s/^([^\n\r]*)[\r\n]+//;
+ if( $wait ) {
+ vec( my $rbits = '', fileno( $self->{r} ), 1 ) = 1;
+ select $rbits, undef, undef, 60;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+my %info =
+ ( meta_title => [ 'get_meta_title', 'title', ],
+ meta_artist => [ 'get_meta_artist', 'artist', ],
+ meta_album => [ 'get_meta_album', 'album', ],
+ meta_year => [ 'get_meta_year', 'year', ],
+ meta_comment => [ 'get_meta_comment', 'comment', ],
+ meta_genre => [ 'get_meta_genre', 'genre', ],
+ );
+# AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 16000->176400)
+# A: 16.5 (16.4) of 252.3 (04:12.3) 3.6%
+# ===== PAUSE =====
+sub parse {
+ my( $self, $re, $wait ) = @_;
+ while( my $line = $self->line( $wait ) ) {
+ if( $line =~ /^A:\s+([\d\.]+)\s+\([\d\:\.]+\)\s+of\s+([\d\.]+)/ ) {
+ $self->{frame}->[2] = $1;
+ $self->{frame}->[3] = $2 - $1;
+ # FIXME heuristic
+ $self->{state} = 0 if $self->{frame}->[3] <= 0;
+ } elsif( $line =~ /=====\s+PAUSE\s+=====/ ) {
+ $self->{state} = 1;
+ } elsif( $line =~ /^ANS_(\w+)='([^']+)'$/ ) {
+ # FIXME quoting
+ my( $k, $v ) = ( lc( $1 ), $2 );
+ if( $info{$k} ) {
+ $self->{$info{$k}->[1]} = $v;
+ }
+ } elsif( $line =~ /^AUDIO:\s+(\d+)/ ) {
+ $self->{samplerate} = $1;
+ if( $line =~ /(\d+)\s+ch/i ) {
+ $self->{channels} = $1;
+ }
+ if( $line =~ /(\d+)\.\d+\s+kbit/i ) {
+ $self->{bitrate} = $1;
+ }
+ } elsif( $line =~ /^Playing\s/ ) {
+ $self->{$_->[1]} = undef foreach values %info;
+ $self->command( $_->[0] ) foreach values %info;
+ } elsif( $line =~ /^\s+(title|artist|album|year|comment|genre):\s(.*?)\s*$/i ) {
+ # FIXME heuristic
+ $self->{lc($1)} = $2;
+ } else {
+ # print STDERR $line, "\n";
+ }
+ return $line if $line =~ $re;
+ }
+ return;
+sub poll {
+ my( $self, $wait ) = @_;
+ $self->parse( qr/./, $wait ); # wait for anything
+ $self->parse( qr/^\0/, 0 ); # consume pending output
+sub command {
+ my( $self, $command ) = @_;
+ print { $self->{w} } $command, "\n";
+sub load {
+ my( $self, $file ) = @_;
+ # FIXME quoting
+ $self->command( qq{loadfile "$file"} );
+ $self->{state} = 2; # feeling lucky
+sub state {
+ my( $self ) = @_;
+ return $self->{state};
+# FIXME works more-or-less
+sub stop {
+ my( $self ) = @_;
+ return if $self->{state} == 0;
+ $self->pause if $self->{state} == 2;
+ $self->command( 'pausing_keep seek 0.0 2' );
+ $self->poll;
+ $self->{state} = 0;
+sub pause {
+ my( $self ) = @_;
+ return if $self->{state} == 0;
+ $self->command( "pause" );
+ if( $self->{state} == 2 ) {
+ $self->parse( qr/=====\s+PAUSE\s+=====/, 1 );
+ # try to parse metatdata command answers
+ $self->poll;
+ } elsif( $self->{state} == 1 ) {
+ $self->{state} = 2;
+ }
+sub paused { $_[0]->{state} == 2 ? 0 : 1 }
+# FIXME not like Audio::Play::MPG123
+sub jump {
+ my( $self, $seconds ) = @_;
+ if( $seconds && $seconds =~ /^[+\-]/ ) {
+ $self->command( "seek $seconds 0" );
+ } else {
+ $self->command( "seek $seconds 2" );
+ }
+# Sets the player speed to current speed + delta
+sub speed {
+ my( $self, $delta ) = @_;
+ return if $self->{state} == 0;
+ return if not defined $delta or $delta == 0;
+ $self->command( sprintf( "speed %.2f", $delta ) );
+ return;
+# mock Audio::Play::MPG123
+sub tpf { 1 }
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Mattia Barbon <mbarbon@cpan.org>, using ideas from
+L<Audio::Play::MPG123> by Marc Lehmann <schmorp@schmorp.de>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SOURCES
+The latest sources can be found on GitHub at
+=head1 THANKS
+Marc Lehmann <schmorp@schmorp.de> for L<Audio::Play::MPG123>.
+The MP3 file used in tests has been taken from
+L<http://www.shellworld.net/~davidsky/exam-mp3.htm> (test ID3 tag not
+in original).
--- /dev/null
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