--- /dev/null
+START=$(head -n 1 "$1" | cut -f 2)
+STARTOK=$(tail -n 1 "$1.counts.$seconds" | cut -f 1)
+STOP=$( tail -n 1 "$1" | cut -f 2)
+test "$STARTOK" -gt "$START" && START="$STARTOK";
+seq $START $STOP | while read MAX; do
+ MIN=$(( $MAX - $seconds ))
+ echo -ne "$MAX\t"
+ cat "$1" | cut -f 2,5 | grep -v '\s0' | cut -f 1 | egrep $(echo $(seq $MIN $MAX) | tr ' ' '|') | wc -l
+done >> "$1.counts.$seconds"
exit 23
+#Count events:
-cat "$1" | cut -f 2,5 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep '1$' | while read line; do
- time=$(echo $line | cut -d ' ' -f 1);
- time=$(( $time + $seconds - $time%$seconds ))
- echo "$time"
-done | uniq -c | sed -e 's/^\s*//g' | tr ' ' '\t' > "$1.counts"
+./sleepcount.sh "$1" "$seconds"
#Approximate size of graph
size="$(tail -n 1 "$1" | cut -d . -f 1)"
set grid
#set pointsize 0.5
-plot "$1" using 2:5 with steps, "$1.counts" using 2:(\$1/7) with lines
+plot "$1" using 2:5 title "Sensor state" with steps,\
+"$1.counts.$seconds" using 1:(\$2/5) title "Activations in last $seconds seconds" smooth csplines