--- /dev/null
+[ -f "$CONF" ] && eval "$(cat "$CONF")" || { echo no "$CONF"; exit 23; }
+case "$1" in
+ backup)
+ full)
+ verify)
+ list)
+ "$DUPLICITY" list-current-files "$DUPLICITY_TARGET";;
+ status)
+ "$DUPLICITY" collection-status "$DUPLICITY_TARGET";;
+ cleanup)
+ "$DUPLICITY" cleanup --force "$DUPLICITY_TARGET";;
+ restore)
+ echo you can restore your files using this command:
+ echo "PASSPHRASE='$PASSPHRASE' '$DUPLICITY' restore '$DUPLICITY_TARGET' /tmp/restored";;
+ man)
+ man duplicity;;
+ *|help)
+ echo "
+ ###################################################################
+ #
+ # $0 for backing-up using duplicity
+ # --> http://duplicity.nongnu.org/
+ #
+ # $0 - same as '$0 help'
+ # $0 backup - backup (full or incremental)
+ # $0 full - full backup
+ # $0 verify - compare local files with backup
+ # $0 list - list files on backup
+ # $0 status - print backup status
+ # $0 cleanup - remove extraneous files from backup
+ # $0 restore - print command to restore files
+ # $0 help - print this help
+ # $0 man - show duplicity manpage
+ #
+export PASSPHRASE=''