--- /dev/null
+This file is called ABOUT, because it is, well... README, INSTALL, HOWTO,
+FAWQ, RTFM and maybe even manual, all in one file. So why not calling it
+Your outside is in:
+Well, if you are outside cll1.h... first, forget about all previouse versions of
+cll1.h. First of all: the source code should look familiar and readable to
+anyone, who have seen anything written in any sane programming language (which
+means basicaly anything like Bash, Basic, C, Java, Javascript, Pascal, Perl,
+PHP and Python and perhaps lot more).
+Let's see what we have and what you can use:
+1. This Is The Program - forget int main(...)!
+#include "cll1.h"
+program {...}
+2. This Is The String Pointer - just use it.
+You don't have to declare "char *_;" - because we have done this for you
+automagicaly. In C<<1, this is generic temporary character pointer, which
+can be used to anything you need to do with strings.
+3. This Is The Ouput Statement - no comment :-)
+print(string1, string2, ...);
+3. Dynamic lists - their declaration is complex, but their usage not.
+struct ListType
+ ...
+ list(ListType);
+} *listmemeber,*listhead=NULL;
+3. Iterations (cycles) without control variable - can be nested, of course
+do {...} loop;
+repeat (const int howmanytimes) {...}
+4. New cool iterators (iteration expresions) for good old FOR cycle
+for range (int controlvariable, const int from, const int to) {...}
+for each (ListType *controlvariable, ListType *listhead) {...}
+for chars (char controlvariable, const char *string) {...}
+for lines (char *controlvariable, char *filename) {...}
+for flines (char *controlvariable, FILE *filehandle) {...}
+5. - 6. Undefined - reserved for future use
+7. Toys - everybody likes toys
+spam (const int howmanytimes, const char *string);
+8. Obsolete - but still backwards compatible with previous versions...
+every (A,B) {...} -> for each(A,B) {...}
+search (A,B,C) {...} -> for each(A,B) if (C) {...}
+9. Then Buddhism - you can use then, and, or, not and TRUE/FALSE constants.
+if (expression) then {...} else {...}
+if (not expression or expression and expression) then {...} else {...}
+...if you wish, THEN you can. Forget about C, if you don't like it.
+if (expression) {...} else {...}
+if (! expression || expression && expression) {...} else {...}
+...if you don't wish, you don't have to. Go back to the C, if you want.
+Your inside is out:
+If you are inside l1.h... first, forget about all previouse versions of
+cll1.h. I have changed lot of things dramaticaly. First of all, I found out,
+that I really have to learn C basics first, before I can attempt to write
+set of C language macros. C<<1 until version cca 0.6 seemed like a good
+idea, until I have encoutered Python. Then I become enlightened: we don't
+need thousand different iterators (eg. every,search,find, and so on). We
+already have one very nice iterator, called for. We can just stick with this
+meta-iterator like Python does, and we can have just different iteration macros
+for different data types and structers... so this is the way
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
/* Section For Dummies part 1, updated 2004-05-07 by xCh. */
#define not !
+#define and &&
+#define or ||
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define loop while(1)
-#define iterate(VAR,FROM,TO) for(VAR=FROM; VAR <= TO; VAR++)
-#define repeat(N) iterate(_i,1,N)
+//#define iterate(VAR,FROM,TO) for(VAR=FROM; VAR <= TO; VAR++)
+//#define repeat(N) iterate(_i,1,N)
+#define repeat(N) _NEW_I for range(_I,1,N)
/* Dynamic list macros & sequences, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */
#define list(T) struct T *_next
#define create(A,T) (A=(struct T *)malloc(sizeof(struct T)),A->_next=NULL)
-#define push(A,B) { if(A && A!=B) A->_next=B; B=A; }
-#define append(A,B) { if(B) { void *N=A; A->_next=NULL; search(A,B,!A->_next) {A->_next=N; break;}} else push(A,B); }
-#define remove(A,B,C) { void **_D=NULL; search(A,B,C) { if(_D)*_D=A->_next; else B=A->_next; free(A); } else _D=(void *)&(A->_next); }
-#define drop(A,B) { for( A=B; A ; B=A, A=A->_next, free(B)); B=NULL; }
+#define push(A,B) ((A && A!=B)?A->_next=B:0,B=A)
+#define pop(A,B) (B?((A?free(A):0),A=B=B->_next):(A=NULL))
+#define append(A,B) if(B) { void *N=A; A->_next=NULL; search(A,B,!A->_next) {A->_next=N; break;}} else push(A,B);
+#define remove(A,B,C) { void **_D=NULL; search(A,B,C) { if(_D)*_D=A->_next; else B=A->_next; free(A); A=NULL;} else _D=(void *)&(A->_next); }
+#define drop(A,B) for( A=B; A || (B=NULL); B=A, A=A->_next, free(B) )
/* Dynamic list iterations and sequences, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */
#define search(A,B,C) every(A,B) if(C)
#define find(A,B,C) search(A,B,C) break; if(A)
+/* Enlightened iterations usable in for() , updated 2007-12-11 by xCh. */
+#define range(VAR,FROM,TO) (VAR=FROM; VAR <= TO; VAR++)
+#define each ((A,B) A=B; A; A=A->_next)
+#define lines(STR,F) ()
/* EXP macros for Dummysort sequences, updated 2003-05-29 by xCh. */
#define order_by(K1,K2) (K1>K2)
/* Section For Dummies part 2, updated 2004-05-07 by xCh. */
#define program int _I; int main(int argc, char **argv)
+#define _ISTACK struct _IStack { int I; int _23; list(_IStack); } *_Iatom,*_Istack=NULL;
+#define _SSTACK struct _SStack { char *S; int _23; list(_SSTACK); } *_Satom,*_Sstack=NULL;
+#define _FSTACK struct _FStack { FILE *F; int _23; list(_FSTACK); } *_Fatom,*_Fstack=NULL;
+#define program2 _ISTACK _SSTACK _FSTACK int main(int argc, char **argv)
+#define _NEW_I for(create(_Iatom,_IStack),_Iatom->_23=1,push(_Iatom,_Istack);_Iatom->_23||pop(_Iatom,_Istack)&&0;_Iatom->_23--)
+#define _NEW_S for(create(_Satom,_SStack),_Satom->_23=1,push(_Satom,_Sstack);_Satom->_23||pop(_Satom,_Sstack)&&0;_Satom->_23--)
+#define _I _Iatom->I
+#define _S _Satom->I
#define arguments if(argc>1) for(_I=1;_I<argc;_I++)
#define argument(A) if(eq(argv[_I],A))
#define thisargument(S) (S=argv[_I])
--- /dev/null
+#include "cll1.h"
+ repeat(2)
+ {
+ printf("Tohle cele delam 2x:\n");
+ repeat(3) printf("Tohle delam 3x...\n");
+ }
+ for(create(_Iatom,_IStack),_Iatom->_23=1,push(_Iatom,_Istack);_Iatom->_23||pop(_Iatom,_Istack)&&0;_Iatom->_23--)
+ {
+ printf("_Iatom->_23=[%d] _Iatom->I=[%d]\n",_Iatom->_23,_Iatom->I);
+ for range(_Iatom->I,1,2)
+ {
+ printf("Tohle cele delam 2x:\n");
+ for(create(_Iatom,_IStack),_Iatom->_23=1,push(_Iatom,_Istack);_Iatom->_23||pop(_Iatom,_Istack)&&0;_Iatom->_23--)
+ {
+ printf("_Iatom->_23=[%d] _Iatom->I=[%d]\n",_Iatom->_23,_Iatom->I);
+ for range(_Iatom->I,1,3)
+ {
+ printf("Tohle delam 3x...\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }