--- /dev/null
+drill="$(which drill)"
+ssh="$(which ssh)"
+check_ssh_cmdline() {
+ while getopts "a:c:e:i:l:n:k:V:o:p:q:P:t:v:x:C:L:R:h" OPT; do
+ if [ "$OPT" == 'h' ]; then
+ echo "$0 help"; echo "
+ This is DNSSEC wrapper for OpenSSH client which will simply prevent you
+ from connecting to hosts with fraudent DNS records.
+ You can use alias ssh='$0' (and you can add it to your ~/.bashrc)
+ Command line options are just the same as for SSH, but you have to
+ specify all the options before hostname and optional command. eg.:
+ $0 -p2222 user@example.com (good)
+ $0 user@example.com -p2222 (baad)
+ To test if $0 works as it's supposed to be working, you can try following:
+ $0 user@badsign-a.test.dnssec-tools.org
+ $0 user@rhybar.cz
+ (both commands should fail with DNSSEC error)
+ "$ssh" --help
+ exit 0;
+ fi;
+ done
+ shift $(($OPTIND -1));
+ host="${1##*@}";
+ echo "$drill -TD $host"
+ out="$("$drill" -TD "$host")"; ret=$?;
+ echo "$out" | grep -i NO.DNSKEY;
+ return $ret;
+if check_ssh_cmdline $@; then
+ echo -e 'DNSSEC verification OK :-)\n'
+ echo "ssh $@";
+ "$ssh" $@;
+ echo 'DNSSEC verification FAILED!'
+ exit 1;