+++ /dev/null
-#include "cll1-0.6.h"
-#define STRLEN 128
-const char *logdir="/var/www/logs";
-const char *htmldir="/var/www/logs/html";
-/* Modified: Michal Polak (xChaos) 20070202 */
-struct Ip
- char *name;
- long traffic;
- list(Ip);
-} *ip,*ips;
-int main (int argc, char **argv)
- char *month,*year,*str,*name,*ptr,*ptr2;
- long traffic,traffic_month,total=0;
- int col,col2,y_ok,m_ok,accept_month,i=1,any_month=0;
- FILE *f;
- string(str,STRLEN);
- if(argc<3)
- {
- puts("Usage: monthly-stats Mmm YYYY (Mmm=Jan-Dec or Year, YYYY=year)");
- exit(-1);
- }
- else
- {
- month=argv[1];
- if(eq(month,"Year")) any_month=1;
- year=argv[2];
- }
- sprintf(str,"/bin/ls %s/*.log",logdir);
- shell(str);
- input(str,STRLEN)
- {
- ptr=strrchr(str,'\n');
- if(ptr) *ptr='\0';
- printf("Parsing %s ...",str);
- accept_month=0;
- traffic_month=0;
- parse(str)
- {
- y_ok=m_ok=0;
- valid_columns(ptr,_,'\t',col) switch(col)
- {
- case 2: name=ptr;break;
- case 3: traffic=atol(ptr);break;
- case 7: valid_columns(ptr2,ptr,' ',col2) switch(col2)
- {
- case 2: if(any_month || eq(ptr2,month)) m_ok=1; break;
- case 5: if(eq(ptr2,year)) y_ok=1; break;
- }
- }
- if(y_ok && m_ok)
- {
- traffic_month+=traffic;
- accept_month=1;
- }
- }
- done;
- if(accept_month)
- {
- create(ip,Ip);
- ip->name=name;
- ip->traffic=traffic_month;
- insert(ip,ips,desc_order_by,traffic);
- printf(" %ld MB\n",ip->traffic);
- }
- else
- puts(" no records.");
- }
- sprintf(str,"%s/%s-%s.html",htmldir,year,month);
- printf("Writing %s ...",str);
- f=fopen(str,"w");
- if(f)
- {
- fprintf(f,"<table border><tr><th colspan=\"4\">Data transfers - %s %s</th></tr>\n ",month,year);
- every(ip,ips)
- if(ip->traffic)
- {
- fprintf(f,"<tr><td align=\"right\">%d</td><th>%s</td><td align=\"right\">%ld MB</td><th align=\"right\">%ld GB</th></tr>\n",i++,ip->name,ip->traffic,ip->traffic>>10);
- total+=ip->traffic>>10;
- }
- fprintf(f,"<tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"left\">Total:</th><th align=\"right\">%ld GB</th></tr>\n",total);
- fputs("</table>\n",f);
- fclose(f);
- puts(" done.");
- }
/* == Credit: CZFree.Net,Martin Devera,Netdave,Aquarius,Gandalf == */\r
/* =============================================================== */\r
-/* Modified: xChaos, 20080202\r
+/* Modified: xChaos, 20080205\r
ludva, 20071227\r
Prometheus QoS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\r
#include "cll1-0.6.h"\r
-const char *version="0.7.8"; /*0.7.9 will be last development, 0.8.0 first stable */\r
+const char *version=""; /*0.7.9 will be last development, 0.8.0 first stable */\r
/* ======= All path names are defined hear (for RPM patch) ======= */\r
char *iptables = "/sbin/iptables"; /* requires iptables utility */\r
char *iptablessave = "/sbin/iptables-save"; /* not yet required */\r
char *iptablesrestore = "/sbin/iptables-restore"; /* requires iptables-restore */\r
+char *ls = "/bin/ls"; /* this is not user configurable :-) */\r
char *config = "/etc/prometheus/prometheus.conf"; /* main configuration file */\r
char *hosts = "/etc/prometheus/hosts"; /* per-IP bandwidth definition file */\r
char *cmdlog = "/var/log/prometheuslog"; /* command log filename */\r
char *log_dir = "/var/www/logs/"; /* log directory pathname, ended with slash */\r
char *log_url = "logs/"; /* log directory relative URI prefix (partial URL) */\r
+char *html_log_dir = "/var/www/logs/html/";\r
/* ======= Help screen is hopefuly self-documenting part of code :-) ======= */\r
-p just generate preview of data transfer statistics and exit\n\\r
-n no delay (overrides qos-free-delay keyword)\n\\r
-d dry run (preview tc and iptables commands on stdout)\n\\r
+-l Mmm YYYY generate HTML summary of traffic logs (Mmm=Jan-Dec or Year, YYYY=year)\n\\r
+-m generate HTML summary of traffic logs for yesterday's month\n\\r
+-y generate HTML summary of traffic logs for yesterday's year\n");\r
+/* not yet implemented:\r
+-s start shaping! (keep data transfer statistics - but apply shaping)\n\\r
+-r just reload configuration (...and keep data transfer statistics)\n\\r
/* === Configuraration file values defaults - stored in global variables ==== */\r
const int idxtable_bitmask1=3; /* this is no longer configurable */\r
const int idxtable_bitmask2=3; /* this is no longer configurable */\r
-/* not yet implemented:\r
--s start shaping! (keep data transfer statistics - but apply shaping)\n\\r
--r just reload configuration (...and keep data transfer statistics)\n\\r
/* ==== This is C<<1 stuff - learn C<<1 first! http://cll1.arachne.cz ==== */\r
struct IP\r
-/* ====== Iptables indexes are used to reduce complexity to log8(N) ===== */\r
+/* ====== iptables indexes are used to reduce complexity to log8(N) ===== */\r
char *very_ugly_ipv4_code(char *inip,int bitmask,int format_as_chainname)\r
if(keyword->data_limit || keyword->fixed_limit || \r
keyword->data_prio || keyword->fixed_prio)\r
- use_credit=1;\r
- \r
+ use_credit=1; \r
+ option("log-traffic-html-directory",html_log_dir);\r
- ioption("magic-treshold",magic_treshold);\r
- \r
+ ioption("magic-treshold",magic_treshold); \r
option("filter-type", cnf);\r
/* not yet implemented:\r
return NULL;\r
+struct IpLog
+ char *name;
+ long traffic;
+ list(IpLog);
+} *iplog,*iplogs;
+void parse_ip_log(int argc, char **argv)
+ char *month,*year,*str,*name,*ptr,*ptr2;
+ long traffic,traffic_month,total=0;
+ int col,col2,y_ok,m_ok,accept_month,i=1,any_month=0;\r
+ char mstr[4],ystr[5];
+ FILE *f;
+ string(str,STRLEN);
+ if(argv[1][1]=='l') /* -l */\r
+ {\r
+ if(argc<4)
+ {
+ puts("Missing parameter(s)!\nUsage: prometheus -l Mmm YYYY (Mmm=Jan-Dec or Year, YYYY=year)");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ month=argv[2];
+ if(eq(month,"Year")) any_month=1;
+ year=argv[3];
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ { \r
+ time_t t = time(NULL) - 3600*24 ; /* yesterday's timestamp*/\r
+ struct tm *timep = localtime(&t); \r
+ \r
+ if(argv[1][1]=='m') /* -m yestarday - month */\r
+ {\r
+ strftime(mstr, 4, "%b", timep);\r
+ month=mstr;\r
+ strftime(ystr, 5, "%Y", timep);\r
+ year=ystr; \r
+ }\r
+ else /* -y yesterday - year */\r
+ {\r
+ month="Year";\r
+ any_month=1;\r
+ strftime(ystr, 5, "%Y", timep);\r
+ year=ystr;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ printf("Analysing traffic for %s %s ...\n",month,year);\r
+ sprintf(str,"%s %s/*.log",ls,log_dir);
+ shell(str);
+ input(str,STRLEN)
+ {
+ ptr=strrchr(str,'\n');
+ if(ptr) *ptr='\0';
+ printf("Parsing %s ...",str);
+ accept_month=0;
+ traffic_month=0;
+ parse(str)
+ {
+ y_ok=m_ok=0;
+ valid_columns(ptr,_,'\t',col) switch(col)
+ {
+ case 2: name=ptr;break;
+ case 3: traffic=atol(ptr);break;
+ case 7: valid_columns(ptr2,ptr,' ',col2) switch(col2)
+ {
+ case 2: if(any_month || eq(ptr2,month)) m_ok=1; break;
+ case 5: if(eq(ptr2,year)) y_ok=1; break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(y_ok && m_ok)
+ {
+ traffic_month+=traffic;
+ accept_month=1;
+ }
+ }
+ done;
+ if(accept_month)
+ {
+ create(iplog,IpLog);
+ iplog->name=name;
+ iplog->traffic=traffic_month;
+ insert(iplog,iplogs,desc_order_by,traffic);
+ printf(" %ld MB\n",iplog->traffic);
+ }
+ else
+ puts(" no records.");
+ }
+ sprintf(str,"%s/%s-%s.html",html_log_dir,year,month);
+ printf("Writing %s ...",str);
+ f=fopen(str,"w");
+ if(f)
+ {
+ fprintf(f,"<table border><tr><th colspan=\"4\">Data transfers - %s %s</th></tr>\n ",month,year);
+ every(iplog,iplogs)
+ if(iplog->traffic)
+ {
+ fprintf(f,"<tr><td align=\"right\">%d</td><th>%s</td><td align=\"right\">%ld MB</td><th align=\"right\">%ld GB</th></tr>\n",i++,iplog->name,iplog->traffic,iplog->traffic>>10);
+ total+=iplog->traffic>>10;
+ }
+ fprintf(f,"<tr><th colspan=\"3\" align=\"left\">Total:</th><th align=\"right\">%ld GB</th></tr>\n",total);
+ fputs("</table>\n",f);
+ fclose(f);
+ puts(" done.");
+ }
/* Are you looking for int main (int argc, char **argv) ? :-)) */\r
argument("-9") { just_flush=9; }\r
argument("-p") { just_preview=1; }\r
argument("-n") { nodelay=1; }\r
+ argument("-l") { parse_ip_log(argc,argv); exit(0); }\r
+ argument("-m") { parse_ip_log(argc,argv); exit(0); }\r
+ argument("-y") { parse_ip_log(argc,argv); exit(0); }\r
argument("-?") { help(); exit(0); }\r
argument("--help") { help(); exit(0); }\r
argument("-v") { exit(0); } \r
- sprintf(str,"%s%s.log",log_dir,ip->name);\r
+ sprintf(str,"%s/%s.log",log_dir,ip->name);\r