#Plot it
gnuplot << EOF
set output "$graphout"
-set terminal png size $size,300
+set terminal png size $size,400
set title "Sleep motions"
set xlabel "time"
"$in" using 2:5 title "Sensor state" with steps,\
"" using 2:(\$6*2) title "Avg. 10s" with lines,\
"" using 2:(\$7*3) title "Avg. 30s" with lines,\
-"" using 2:(\$8*4) title "Avg. 120s" smooth bezier\
+"" using 2:(\$8*3) title "Avg. 60s" with lines,\
+"" using 2:(\$9*3) title "Avg. 90s" with lines,\
+"" using 2:(\$10*4) title "Avg. 120s" smooth bezier\