* ANSW\_R\_NAME (ID of remote user - "buddy")
* ANSW\_R\_GROUP (group which contains that buddy OR empty string)
* ANSW\_R\_ALIAS (buddy's alias, server alias, contact alias, username OR empty string)
+ * ANSW\_R\_STATUS (unique ID of remote user's status. eg.: available, away,...)
+ * ANSW\_R\_STATUS\_MSG (status message set by your buddy)
* ANSW\_L\_NAME (ID of local user)
* ANSW\_L\_ALIAS (Alias of local user OR empty string)
* ANSW\_L\_STATUS (unique ID of local user's status. eg.: available, away,...)
//Get status
PurpleStatus *status = purple_account_get_active_status(account);
PurpleStatusType *type = purple_status_get_type(status);
+ //remote
+ PurpleStatus *r_status = purple_presence_get_active_status(presence);
+ PurpleStatusType *r_status_type = purple_status_get_type(r_status);
//Get status id
const char *status_id = NULL;
status_id = purple_primitive_get_id_from_type(purple_status_type_get_primitive(type));
+ //remote
+ const char *r_status_id = NULL;
+ r_status_id = purple_primitive_get_id_from_type(purple_status_type_get_primitive(r_status_type));
//Get status message
const char *status_msg = NULL;
} else {
status_msg = (char *) purple_savedstatus_get_message(purple_savedstatus_get_current());
+ //remote
+ const char *r_status_msg = NULL;
+ if (purple_status_type_get_attr(r_status_type, "message") != NULL) {
+ r_status_msg = purple_status_get_attr_string(r_status, "message");
+ } else {
+ r_status_msg = "";
+ }
//Export variables to environment
setenv(ENV_PREFIX "ACTION", "IM", 1); //what happend: im, chat, show setting dialog, event, etc...
setenv(ENV_PREFIX "R_NAME", who, 1); //ID of remote user - "buddy"
setenv(ENV_PREFIX "R_GROUP", from_group, 1); //group which contains that buddy OR empty string
setenv(ENV_PREFIX "R_ALIAS", remote_alias, 1); //buddy's alias, server alias, contact alias, username OR empty string
+ setenv(ENV_PREFIX "R_STATUS", r_status_id, 1); //unique ID of remote user's status. eg.: available, away,...
+ setenv(ENV_PREFIX "R_STATUS_MSG", r_status_msg, 1); //status message set by your buddy
setenv(ENV_PREFIX "L_NAME", local_name, 1); //ID of local user
setenv(ENV_PREFIX "L_ALIAS", local_alias, 1); //Alias of local user OR empty string
setenv(ENV_PREFIX "L_STATUS", status_id, 1); //unique ID of local user's status. eg.: available, away,...