--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+/*Copy the code below and up load it to the I/O Board
+then put some kind of Antenna into PIN 8...PIN 8!!!!
+Then tune to AM 1337kHz.
+Optional:LED in pin 13 to see what is broadcasting,
+also a protoshield to add multiple antenna's.
+Lol that code will do morse code saying "I like ice cream";
+*********THE CODE****************************************************
+//start of code
+long millisAtStart = 0;
+long millisAtEnd = 0;
+const long period_broadcast = 8; //period of shortest broadcast (256 port changes)
+#define LENGTH_DIT 64
+//number of period_broadcasts in one 'dit',
+//all other lengths are scaled from this
+//Broadcasts on 1337 kHz
+const int length_dit = LENGTH_DIT; //number of periods for dit
+const int pause_dit = LENGTH_DIT; //pause after dit
+const int length_dah = 3 * LENGTH_DIT; //number of persots for dah
+const int pause_dah = LENGTH_DIT; //pause after dah
+const int length_pause = 7 * LENGTH_DIT; //pause between words
+void dit(void);
+void dah(void);
+void pause(void);
+void broadcast(int N_cycles);
+void dontbroadcast(int N_cycles);
+// ### INC ### Increment Register (reg = reg + 1)
+#define ASM_INC(reg) asm volatile ("inc %0" : "=r" (reg) : "0" (reg))
+void setup() {
+ Serial.begin(9600);
+ DDRB = 0xFF; //Port B all outputs
+ //Do one dit to determine approximate frequency
+ millisAtStart = millis();
+ dit();
+ millisAtEnd = millis();
+ Serial.print(millisAtEnd - millisAtStart);
+ Serial.print(" ");
+ Serial.print((length_dit + pause_dit) * period_broadcast * 256 /
+ (millisAtEnd - millisAtStart) / 2);
+ Serial.print("kHz ");
+ Serial.println();
+void loop() {
+ dit();
+ dit();
+ delay(500);
+ dit();
+ dah();
+ dit();
+ dit();
+ delay(250);
+ dit();
+ dit();
+ delay(250);
+ dah();
+ dit();
+ dah();
+ delay(250);
+ dit();
+ delay(500);
+ dit();
+ dit();
+ delay(250);
+ dah();
+ dit();
+ dah();
+ dit();
+ delay(250);
+ dit();
+ delay(500);
+ dah();
+ dit();
+ dah();
+ dit();
+ delay(250);
+ dit();
+ dah();
+ dit();
+ delay(250);
+ dit();
+ delay(250);
+ dit();
+ dah();
+ delay(250);
+ dah();
+ dah();
+ delay(2000);
+void dit(void) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < length_dit; i++)
+ {
+ broadcast(period_broadcast);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < pause_dit; i++)
+ {
+ dontbroadcast(period_broadcast);
+ }
+void dah(void) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < length_dah; i++)
+ {
+ broadcast(period_broadcast);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < pause_dah; i++)
+ {
+ dontbroadcast(period_broadcast);
+ }
+void pause(void) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < length_pause; i++)
+ {
+ dontbroadcast(period_broadcast);
+ }
+void broadcast(int N_cycles) {
+ unsigned int portvalue;
+ for (int i = 0; i < N_cycles; i++)
+ {
+ portvalue = 0;
+ do {
+ PORTB = portvalue;
+ ASM_INC(portvalue);
+ }
+ while (portvalue < 255);
+ }
+void dontbroadcast(int N_cycles) {
+ unsigned int portvalue;
+ PORTB = 0x00;
+ for (int i = 0; i < N_cycles; i++)
+ {
+ portvalue = 0;
+ do {
+ ASM_INC(portvalue);
+ //add some assembly No OPerations to keep timing the same
+ asm volatile ("NOP");
+ }
+ while (portvalue < 255);
+ }
+//end of code
--- /dev/null
+ Blink
+ Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly.
+ The circuit:
+ * LED connected from digital pin 13 to ground.
+ * Note: On most Arduino boards, there is already an LED on the board
+ connected to pin 13, so you don't need any extra components for this example.
+ Created 1 June 2005
+ By David Cuartielles
+ http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Blink
+ based on an orginal by H. Barragan for the Wiring i/o board
+ */
+int ledPin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
+// The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts
+void setup() {
+ // initialize the digital pin as an output:
+ pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
+// the loop() method runs over and over again,
+// as long as the Arduino has power
+void loop()
+ digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // set the LED on
+ delay(1000); // wait for a second
+ digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // set the LED off
+ delay(1000); // wait for a second
--- /dev/null
+ * Bit-bang sound
+ * <~~Harvie 2oo8
+ */
+#define sndout 13
+void sound(char sndpin, float freq, float duration) { //Play bit-bang sound
+ if(duration<=0) return; if(freq<=0) { delay(duration); return; }
+ freq=((1000000/2)/freq); //Convert freq to delay (us)
+ duration*=1000; //Convert duration to us
+ pinMode(sndpin, OUTPUT);
+ for(;duration>0;duration-=2*freq) {
+ digitalWrite(sndpin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(freq);
+ digitalWrite(sndpin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(freq);
+ }
+ pinMode(sndpin, INPUT); //Close pin to avoid noise (optional)
+float get_tone(char tone, char octave) { //Return tone frequency or 0
+ if(octave+tone<=0) return 0;
+ float freq;
+ switch (tone) { //THX2MS GW-BASIC Reference 4freqs muhaha ;D
+ case 'c': case 'C': freq=130.81; break;
+ case 'd': case 'D': freq=146.83; break;
+ case 'e': case 'E': freq=164.81; break;
+ case 'f': case 'F': freq=174.61; break;
+ case 'g': case 'G': freq=196; break;
+ case 'a': case 'A': freq=220; break;
+ case 'b': case 'B': freq=246.94; break;
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+ return (freq*pow(2,octave-1));
+void play_melody(char sndpin, char *melody, char octave, int duration) {
+ for(char i=0;melody[i]!=0;i++) sound(sndpin, get_tone(melody[i], octave), duration);
+ return;
+void setup() { // run once, when the sketch starts
+ Serial.begin(115200);
+void play_drum(char sndpin, char drum) {
+ char c; int i; float f;
+ switch (drum) {
+ //BassDrums
+ case 'b': for(f=0;f<30;f+=4) {sound(sndpin, 60, 20); delay(f);} break;
+ case 'B': for(i=0;i<=150;i+=10) sound(sndpin, i, 10); break;
+ case 'd': for(i=150;i>=0;i-=10) sound(sndpin, i, 10); break;
+ case 'D': for(i=100;i>=40;i-=10) sound(sndpin, i, 6); break;
+ //Snares
+ case 's': for(f=0;f<1;f+=0.1) sound(sndpin, sin(f)*1000, 5); break;
+ case 'S': for(f=0;f<1;f+=0.1) sound(sndpin, sin(f)*1000+(rand()/100), 5); break;
+ case 'z': for(f=0;f<1;f+=0.15) { sound(sndpin, sin(f)*1000+(rand()/1000), 5); delay(f*10); } break;
+ //Crashes
+ case 'c': for(f=1.2;f<1.5;f+=0.01) { sound(sndpin, 700+(rand()/500), 2); delay(1/sin(f)); } break;
+ case 'C': for(f=1;f<1.3;f+=0.01) { sound(sndpin, (70+(rand()/500))*(f/0.1), 2); /*delay(1/sin(f));*/ } break;
+ //Ambient
+ case 'r': for(i=0;i<300;i++) sound(sndpin, rand()*100, 5); break;
+ //Intros
+ case 'i': for(i=0;i<150;i++) sound(sndpin, i*100, 5); break;
+ case 'I': for(f=0;f<1;f+=0.01) {sound(sndout, sin(f)*550, 10); sound(sndout, cos(f)*400, 10); } break;
+ //Outros
+ case 'o': for(f=1;f>0.3;f-=0.01) { sound(sndpin, sin(f)*1000+(rand()/100), 5); delay(40/f); } break;
+ default: delay(100);
+ }
+void play_rythm(char sndpin, char *rythm) {
+ for(char i=0;rythm[i]!=0;i++) play_drum(sndpin, rythm[i]);
+ return;
+void loop() { // run over and over again
+ //delay(10000); return;//Silence! I'll kill you!
+ //while(1) sound(sndout, rand()/20, 10);
+ //int i=0; while(1) sound(sndout, i++, 10);
+ //float i=0; while(1) sound(sndout, sin(i+=0.01)*600, 10);
+ //float i=0; while(1) { sound(sndout, sin(i+=0.01)*550, 10); sound(sndout, cos(i)*400, 10); }
+ //sound(sndout, 440, 30000);
+ //play_drum(sndout, 'D'); delay(1000); return;
+ //play_drum(sndout, Serial.read()); return;
+ /*
+ play_rythm(sndout, "r iI ");
+ play_melody(sndout, "c c c cc dd d eee ", 1, 100);
+ play_rythm(sndout, "B D B d s B D s B d c B s D C B d S B D S B b s d So ");
+ */
+ sound(sndout, analogRead(0), 10); return;
+ char rythm[]=
+"b "
+"D D D d D d "
+"D D D d D d "
+"i "
+"D D D d D d "
+"D D D d D d "
+"I "
+"D s D S D d "
+"D D z d D d "
+"ddDDb "
+"D D D d D s "
+"D D D d D s "
+ play_rythm(sndout, rythm);
+ /*int octave, duration;
+ char melody[]="CCDEECCFFAAGGE-CCDEGGEFEDDCC-CCDEECCFFAAGGE-CCDEGGEFEDDC"; octave=1; duration=300; //Bob Marley's Redemption song - intro ;D
+ play_melody(sndout, melody, octave, duration);*/
+ delay(4000);
--- /dev/null
+ * Blink
+ *
+ * The basic Arduino example. Turns on an LED on for one second,
+ * then off for one second, and so on... We use pin 13 because,
+ * depending on your Arduino board, it has either a built-in LED
+ * or a built-in resistor so that you need only an LED.
+ *
+ * http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Blink
+ */
+int Pin = 13; // LED connected to digital pin 13
+void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
+ pinMode(Pin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
+void loop() // run over and over again
+ delay(1);
+ digitalWrite(Pin, HIGH); // sets the LED onv
+ digitalWrite(Pin, LOW); // sets the LED offv
#define ledpin 13
//Maybe you will have to experiment also with this value
int bitlen = 5;
-int d, i;
+int d;
+float i;
void setup() {
pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);
for(d=1000/100;d<=1000/20;d++) { // 1000/frequency in kHz
//You maybe have to experiment with ^^^ this ^^^ values
//Frequency sweeping: 100->20 kHz works, i saw 60->1 too
- for(i=0;i<bitlen;i++) {
+ for(i=0;i<bitlen;i+=0.5) {
digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(d/2);
digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW ); delayMicroseconds(d/2);
--- /dev/null
+// This example shows one way of using an LED as a light sensor.
+// You will need to wire up your components as such:
+// + digital2
+// |
+// <
+// > 100 ohm resistor
+// <
+// |
+// |
+// -----
+// / \ LED, maybe a 5mm, clear plastic is good
+// -----
+// |
+// |
+// + digital3
+// What we are going to do is apply a positive voltage at digital2 and
+// a low voltage at digital3. This is backwards for the LED, current will
+// not flow and light will not come out, but we will charge up the
+// capacitance of the LED junction and the Arduino pin.
+// Then we are going to disconnect the output drivers from digital2 and
+// count how long it takes the stored charge to bleed off through the
+// the LED. The brighter the light, the faster it will bleed away to
+// digital3.
+// Then just to be perverse we will display the brightness back on the
+// same LED by turning it on for a millisecond. This happens more often
+// with brighter lighting, so the LED is dim in a dim room and brighter
+// in a bright room. Quite nice.
+// (Though a nice idea, this implementation is flawed because the refresh
+// rate gets too long in the dark and it flickers disturbingly.)
+#define LED_N_SIDE 2
+#define LED_P_SIDE 3
+void setup()
+void loop()
+ unsigned int j;
+ // Apply reverse voltage, charge up the pin and led capacitance
+ digitalWrite(LED_N_SIDE,HIGH);
+ digitalWrite(LED_P_SIDE,LOW);
+ // Isolate the pin 2 end of the diode
+ pinMode(LED_N_SIDE,INPUT);
+ digitalWrite(LED_N_SIDE,LOW); // turn off internal pull-up resistor
+ // Count how long it takes the diode to bleed back down to a logic zero
+ for ( j = 0; j < 30000; j++) {
+ if ( digitalRead(LED_N_SIDE)==0) break;
+ }
+ // You could use 'j' for something useful, but here we are just using the
+ // delay of the counting. In the dark it counts higher and takes longer,
+ // increasing the portion of the loop where the LED is off compared to
+ // the 1000 microseconds where we turn it on.
+ // Turn the light on for 1000 microseconds
+ digitalWrite(LED_P_SIDE,HIGH);
+ digitalWrite(LED_N_SIDE,LOW);
+ delayMicroseconds(1000);
+ // we could turn it off, but we know that is about to happen at the loop() start
--- /dev/null
+// Fading LED
+// by BARRAGAN <http://people.interaction-ivrea.it/h.barragan>
+int ledpin = 11; // light connected to digital pin 9
+void setup()
+ pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);
+void loop()
+ analogWrite(ledpin, analogRead(0)); // sets the value (range from 0 to 255)
--- /dev/null
+/* Pong controller (for use with hPong)
+ * <~~Harvie 2oo8
+ */
+#define inpin 0
+int min = 65535, max = 0;
+int stadium_max = 14;
+char offset = 8;
+float val = 0, oldval = -255;
+void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
+ stadium_max+=offset;
+ Serial.begin(115200);
+void loop() // run over and over again
+ val = analogRead(inpin);
+ if(val<min) min=val;
+ if(val>max) max=val;
+ val=(((val-(min))/(max-(min)))*stadium_max)-offset;
+ if(val!=oldval) {
+ oldval = val;
+ //Serial.print(min, DEC); Serial.print("-"); Serial.print(max, DEC); Serial.print("\n");
+ //Serial.print(val, DEC); Serial.print("\n");
+ Serial.print(val, BYTE);
+ }
+ delay(1);
--- /dev/null
+ * Bit-bang sound
+ * <~~Harvie 2oo8
+ */
+#define sndout 13
+char mixer;
+void sound(char sndpin, float freq, float duration) { //Play bit-bang sound
+ if(duration<=0) return; if(freq<=0) { delay(duration); return; }
+ freq=((1000000/2)/freq); //Convert freq to delay (us)
+ duration*=1000; //Convert duration to us
+ pinMode(sndpin, OUTPUT);
+ for(;duration>0;duration-=2*freq) {
+ digitalWrite(sndpin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(freq);
+ digitalWrite(sndpin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(freq);
+ }
+ pinMode(sndpin, INPUT); //Close pin to avoid noise (optional)
+void setup() { // run once, when the sketch starts
+ pinMode(sndout, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(sndout-1, INPUT);
+void loop() { // run over and over again
+ //delay(10000); return;//Silence! I'll kill you!
+ //float i=0; while(1) { sound(sndout, sin(i+=0.01)*550, 10); sound(sndout, cos(i)*400, 10); }
+ digitalWrite(sndout, digitalRead(sndout-1));
+ /* int octave, duration;
+ char melody[]="CCDEECCFFAAGGE-CCDEGGEFEDDCC-CCDEECCFFAAGGE-CCDEGGEFEDDC"; octave=1; duration=300; //Bob Marley's Redemption song - intro ;D
+ play_melody(sndout, melody, octave, duration); */
+ //delay(2000);
--- /dev/null
+ * Arduino TV-B-GONE
+ * <~~Harvie 2oo8
+ *
+ * THX 2 Ladyada
+ * http://www.ladyada.net/make/tvbgone/
+ *
+ */
+//#include "NAcodes.c"
+//#include "NAcodes2.c"
+#define ledpin 13
+//Maybe you will have to experiment also with this value
+int d;
+float i;
+void fire_code(int outpin, long freq, fuck *code) { //kHz
+ freq = 1000000/(freq*1000); //freq2millis
+ for()
+void setup() {
+ pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT);
+void loop() {
+ for(d=1000/100;d<=1000/20;d++) { // 1000/frequency in kHz
+ //You maybe have to experiment with ^^^ this ^^^ values
+ //Frequency sweeping: 100->20 kHz works, i saw 60->1 too
+ for(i=0;i<bitlen;i+=0.5) {
+ digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(d/2);
+ digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW ); delayMicroseconds(d/2);
+ }
+ delayMicroseconds(d*bitlen);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * DTFM
+ * <~~Harvie 2oo8
+ */
+DTMF keypad frequencies (with sound clips)
+ 1209 Hz 1336 Hz 1477 Hz 1633 Hz
+697 Hz 1 2 3 A
+770 Hz 4 5 6 B
+852 Hz 7 8 9 C
+941 Hz * 0 # D
+DTMF event frequencies
+Event Low frequency High frequency
+Busy signal 480 Hz 620 Hz
+Dial tone 350 Hz 440 Hz
+Ringback tone (US) 440 Hz 480 Hz
+#define dtfmpin 13
+void dtfm_tone(char outpin, float low, float high) {
+ int duration = 300;
+ char pin;
+ long pos, startmillis = millis();
+ while((pos = millis()-startmillis) <= duration) {
+ pin = false;
+ if( sin((pos*low)/1000*(2*PI)) > 0) pin = true;
+ if( sin((pos*high)/1000*(2*PI)) > 0) pin = true;
+ if(pin) digitalWrite(outpin, HIGH); else digitalWrite(outpin, LOW);
+ }
+int dtfm_key(char outpin, char key) {
+ switch (key) {
+ case '1': dtfm_tone(outpin, 697, 1209); break;
+ case '2': dtfm_tone(outpin, 697, 1336); break;
+ case '3': dtfm_tone(outpin, 697, 1477); break;
+ case '4': dtfm_tone(outpin, 770, 1209); break;
+ case '5': dtfm_tone(outpin, 770, 1336); break;
+ case '6': dtfm_tone(outpin, 770, 1477); break;
+ case '7': dtfm_tone(outpin, 852, 1209); break;
+ case '8': dtfm_tone(outpin, 852, 1336); break;
+ case '9': dtfm_tone(outpin, 852, 1477); break;
+ case '*': dtfm_tone(outpin, 941, 1209); break;
+ case '0': dtfm_tone(outpin, 941, 1336); break;
+ case '#': dtfm_tone(outpin, 941, 1477); break;
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+void dtfm_dial(char outpin, char *keys) {
+ for(char i=0;keys[i]!=0;i++) { dtfm_key(outpin, keys[i]); delay(100); }
+void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
+ pinMode(dtfmpin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
+ //dtfm_dial(dtfmpin, "739136794");
+ dtfm_tone(dtfmpin, 1, 10);
+void loop() // run over and over again
--- /dev/null
+//BY: RICARDO DE LEMOS 1/17/2007
+int led1 = 13;
+int cath = 2; // negative
+int ando = 3; // positive
+void setup()
+ {
+ pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(cath, OUTPUT);
+ pinMode(ando, OUTPUT);
+ //Serial.begin(9600);
+ }
+int dela = 20;
+int last = HIGH;
+int shine = HIGH;
+void loop()
+ {
+ pinMode(ando, OUTPUT);
+ if(shine) {
+ digitalWrite(cath, LOW);
+ digitalWrite(ando, HIGH);
+ delay(100);
+ }
+ digitalWrite(cath, HIGH);
+ digitalWrite(ando, LOW);
+ //delay(dela);
+ pinMode(ando, INPUT);
+ delay(dela);
+ int state = digitalRead(ando);
+ if((state != last) && state == LOW) shine = !shine;
+ last = state;
+ if(state) {
+ digitalWrite(led1,HIGH);
+ } else {
+ digitalWrite(led1,LOW);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* Pong controller (for use with hPong)
+ * <~~Harvie 2oo8
+ */
+#define inpin 0
+int min = 65535, max = 0;
+int stadium_max = 70;
+char offset = 0;
+float val = 0, oldval = -255;
+int sndPin = 12;
+void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
+ stadium_max+=offset;
+ Serial.begin(19200);
+ pinMode(sndPin, OUTPUT);
+void loop() // run over and over again
+ val = analogRead(inpin);
+ if(val<min) min=val;
+ if(val>max) max=val;
+ val=(((val-(min))/(max-(min)))*stadium_max)-offset;
+ /*if(val!=oldval) {
+ oldval = val;
+ //Serial.print(min, DEC); Serial.print("-"); Serial.print(max, DEC); Serial.print("\n");
+ //Serial.print(val, DEC); Serial.print("\n");
+ //Serial.print(val, BYTE);
+ }*/
+ val=val;
+ digitalWrite(sndPin, HIGH);
+ delay(val);
+ digitalWrite(sndPin, LOW);
+ delay(val);
--- /dev/null
+// *****************************************************************************************************************
+// * *
+// * SpikenzieLabs.com *
+// * *
+// * Very Simple Serial to MIDI DEMO *
+// * *
+// *****************************************************************************************************************
+// May 2009
+// VERSION: 0.1
+// Demo sketch to play notes from middle C in the 4th octave up to B in the 5th octave and then back down.
+// HOOK-UP:
+// 1. Plug USB cable from Arduino into your computer.
+// USAGE:
+// 1. Install and Set-up Serial MIDI Converter from SpikenzieLabs
+// 2. Open, compile, and upload this sketch into your Arduino.
+// 3. Run Serial MIDI Converter in the background.
+// 4. Launch your music software such as Garage Band or Ableton Live, choose a software instrument and listen to the music.
+// LEGAL:
+// This code is provided as is. No guaranties or warranties are given in any form. It is up to you to determine
+// this codes suitability for your application.
+int note = 0;
+void setup()
+ Serial.begin(57600); // Default speed of the Serial to MIDI Converter serial port
+void loop()
+ for(int note=60; note<=83; note++) // Going Up
+ {
+ MIDI_TX(144,note,127); // NOTE ON
+ delay(100);
+ MIDI_TX(128,note,127); // NOTE OFF
+ delay(100);
+ }
+ for(int note=82; note>=61; note--) // Coming Down
+ {
+ MIDI_TX(144,note,127); // NOTE ON
+ delay(250);
+ MIDI_TX(128,note,127); // NOTE OFF
+ delay(250);
+ }
+void MIDI_TX(unsigned char MESSAGE, unsigned char PITCH, unsigned char VELOCITY)
+ Serial.print(MESSAGE);
+ Serial.print(PITCH);
+ Serial.print(VELOCITY);
--- /dev/null
+/* Arduino TV-B-Gone
+* A recreation of the TV-B-Gone kit on an Arduino Duemilanove.
+* By Daedalus12, mtbf0, westfw and Pedrocrespo
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+struct codeElement {
+ uint32_t onTime; // duration of "On" time
+ uint32_t offTime; // duration of "Off" time
+struct powercode {
+ uint32_t freq; // frequency
+ struct codeElement codes[100]; // on/off codes, supposed to be 100 as maximum
+ int i = 0; // we use this for iterating
+ long cfreq; // we'll store each frequency here when needed
+const struct powercode sonyCode PROGMEM = {
+ 37470,
+ {{245, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {61 , 2759},
+ {245, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {61 , 60},
+ {61 , 0}}
+const struct powercode panasonicCode PROGMEM = {
+ 36130,
+ {{358,179},
+ {44, 45},
+ {44, 135},
+ {44, 45},
+ {44, 45},
+ {44, 45},
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+ {44, 7720},
+ {358, 180},
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+ {44, 0}}
+const struct powercode sony2Code PROGMEM = {
+ 37470,
+ { {245, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {61, 2636},
+ {246, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {123, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {61, 60},
+ {61, 0} }
+const struct powercode sony3Code PROGMEM = {
+ 74940,
+ { {250, 63},
+ {121, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ {121, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ {121, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ {121, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ { 60, 2819},
+ {250, 63},
+ {121, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ {121, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ {121, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ {121, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ { 60, 63},
+ { 60, 0}
+ }
+PROGMEM const powercode *powerCodes[] = {
+ &sonyCode, &panasonicCode, &sony2Code, &sony3Code
+}; // select the codes you like
+int num_codes = (sizeof(powerCodes)/sizeof(*powerCodes)); // count how many codes are in the list
+void setup() {
+ DDRD = _BV(DDD6); // sets Pin 6 as output
+void loop(){
+ for(i=0;i<num_codes;i++){ //Iterate between powercodes
+ cfreq = pgm_read_word(pgm_read_word(&(powerCodes[i]))+0); // store the frequency
+ unsigned char compareVal = (F_CPU/cfreq - 1)/2; // transform it to cpu cycles
+ TCCR0A = 0; // make sure timer is off before updating OCR0A
+ OCR0A = compareVal; // update timer
+ for (int arrayStep = 0; pgm_read_word(pgm_read_word(&(powerCodes[i]))+(8*arrayStep)+8)!=0; arrayStep++){
+ transmitCode(pgm_read_word(pgm_read_word(&(powerCodes[i]))+(8*arrayStep)+4),pgm_read_word(pgm_read_word(&(powerCodes[i]))+(8*arrayStep)+8)); // transmit the code using function described below
+ }
+ delayMicroseconds(250);// Avoid interferring a powercode and the next one if frequencies are similar
+ }
+void transmitCode(int onTime, int offTime){
+// transmits one element of the POWER code
+ TCNT0 = 0; // reset timer 0
+ TCCR0A = _BV(COM0A0) | _BV(WGM01); // set up timer 0
+ TCCR0B = _BV(CS00); // turn on timer 0
+ delayMicroseconds(10*onTime); // wait for onTime
+ TCNT0 = 0; // stop timer
+ TCCR0A = 0; // clear register A
+ TCCR0B = 0; // clear register B
+ PORTD = ~_BV(PORTD6); // turn off the LED
+ delayMicroseconds(10*offTime); // wait for offTime