-Prometheus QoS Installation Guide:
+Prometheus QoS installation - canonical
+1. run "./check-kernel-qos" script to check kernel modules HTB and SFQ (optional)
+2. as a root, run "make install" (you shouldn't get errors...)
+3. edit /etc/prometheus/prometheus.conf (conf/prometheus.conf or sample-configuration/)
+4. edit /etc/prometheus/hosts (conf/prometheus.hosts or sample-configuration/)
+5. edit /etc/cron.d/prometheus to update preview, shutdown and reload times
+6. run "/etc/init.d/prometheus start" to activate QoS
+7. run "/etc/init.d/prometheus stop" to shutdown QoS and generate stats
+8. run "/etc/init.d/prometheus kill" to force immediate flush of QoS rules
+9. setup /etc/init.d/prometheus to your system init (distribution dependent)
+Prometheus QoS installation - alternative, old way
1. if can read read this, you have already unpacked the .tar.gz archive
-2. type "make prometheus" +enter (you shouldn't get errors...)
-3. create /etc/prometheus.conf (see prometheus.conf.SAMPLE or sample-configuration/*)
-4. create /etc/hosts (or /etc/qos.conf, see hosts.SAMPLE or sample-configuration/*)
-5. to activate QoS manualy from command line, just type ./prometheus
-6. to softly shutdown QoS (and generate stats), type ./prometheus -f ("flush")
-7. to force immediate flush of QoS rules, type ./prometheus -9 ("kill")
-Promethetus QoS Advanced tips:
-1. I prefere to launch prometheus using "screen" utitlity (not tested without it)
-2. use -p command line switch to generate instant and safe Hall of fame preview
-3. use qos-free-delay option for pause after flushing old rules/before loading new
-4. use magic-relative-limit option to fine tune your Fair Use Policy (daily quotas)
-5. note: qos-proxy-enable and qos-free-zone won't work together
-6. you can setup /etc/crontab using /sample-configuration/crontab.SAMPLE
-7. warning: doing SNAT and QoS on the same router may cause performance problems
+2. run "make prometheus" (you shouldn't get errors...)
+3. create /etc/prometheus/prometheus.conf (conf/prometheus.conf or sample-configuration/)
+4. create /etc/prometheus/hosts (conf/prometheus.hosts or sample-configuration/)
+5. to activate QoS manualy from command line, just run "./prometheus"
+6. to softly shutdown QoS (and generate stats), run "./prometheus -f" ("flush")
+7. to force immediate flush of QoS rules, run "./prometheus -9" ("kill")
+Promethetus QoS advanced tips:
+1. use -p command line switch to generate instant and safe Hall of fame preview
+2. use qos-free-delay option for pause after flushing old rules/before loading new
+3. take time to understand sample-configuration/ files prometheus.conf and hosts
+4. note: qos-proxy-enable and qos-free-zone won't work together
+5. warning: doing SNAT and QoS on the same router may cause performance problems
General Linux routing tips for beginners:
echo -n 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
echo -n 64000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max
echo -n 86400 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_tcp_timeout_established
+Prometheus Debian packages:
+There are two ways to build Prometheus Debian package (*.deb)
+1. as a root access and debhelper package installed, run "make deb"
+2. without root access or debhelper, run "./prometheus.debian-noroot-nodebhelper"
+++ /dev/null
-MAINTAINER='Michael Polak <x@n.cz>'
-# Adresare
-rm -r $DEBIAN_BASE 2>/dev/null
-mkdir -p $DEBIAN_BASE
-mkdir -p $DEBIAN_BASE/usr
-mkdir -p $DEBIAN_BASE/usr/sbin
-mkdir -p $DEBIAN_BASE/usr/share
-mkdir -p $DEBIAN_BASE/usr/share/man
-mkdir -p $DEBIAN_BASE/usr/share/man/man1
-mkdir -p $DEBIAN_BASE/usr/share/man/man5
-if ! [ -x prometheus ]; then
- make main
-# Copy
-cp prometheus $DEBIAN_BASE/usr/sbin
-cp prometheus.1 $DEBIAN_BASE/usr/share/man/man1
-cp prometheus.conf.5 $DEBIAN_BASE/usr/share/man/man5
-cp -R etc $DEBIAN_BASE/etc
-# .svn cleanup
-rm -rf $DEBIAN_BASE/etc/.svn
-rm -rf $DEBIAN_BASE/etc/*/.svn
-# Chmod a+x scripts
-chmod 755 $DEBIAN_BASE/etc/cron.d/prometheus
-chmod 755 $DEBIAN_BASE/etc/init.d/prometheus
-# Strip debug info from binary
-strip $DEBIAN_BASE/usr/sbin/prometheus
-# Zmeni uzivatele a skupinu
-chown -R root:root $DEBIAN_BASE
-# MD5 start
-find $DEBIAN_BASE -type f -exec md5sum {} \; >> $DEBIAN_BASE/DEBIAN/_md5sum
-# odstraneni $DEBIAN_BASE z adresare
-sed -r "s:$DEBIAN_BASE::g" $DEBIAN_BASE/DEBIAN/_md5sum > $DEBIAN_BASE/DEBIAN/md5sum;
-# MD5 - end
-# Control file
-cp -R $DEB_PCK_NAME.control $DEBIAN_BASE/DEBIAN/control
-if [ -f $DEB_PCK_NAME'.postinst' ]; then
- cp -R $DEB_PCK_NAME.postinst $DEBIAN_BASE/DEBIAN/postinst
-if [ -f $DEB_PCK_NAME'.preinst' ]; then
- cp -R $DEB_PCK_NAME.preinst $DEBIAN_BASE/DEBIAN/preinst
-if [ -f $DEB_PCK_NAME'.conffiles' ]; then
- cp -R $DEB_PCK_NAME.conffiles $DEBIAN_BASE/DEBIAN/conffiles
-if [ -f $DEB_PCK_NAME'.prerm' ]; then
-if [ -f $DEB_PCK_NAME'.postrm' ]; then
- cp -R $DEB_PCK_NAME.postrm $DEBIAN_BASE/DEBIAN/postrm
-# Cleanup
-for f in `find $DEBIAN_BASE/etc -path ".svn*"`
- rm -R $f 2>/dev/null
-# Momentalne se nepouziva
-#SIZEDU=`du -sk "$DEBIAN_BASE" | awk '{ print $1}'`
-#SIZEDIR=`find "$DEBIAN_BASE" -type d | wc | awk '{print $1}'`
-# Verze
-VERSION=`grep "const char \*version" prometheus.c|cut -f 2 -d \"`
-# Control file
-sed -e "s/__VERSION__/$VERSION/" \
- -e "s/__PACKAGE__/$DEB_PCK_NAME/" \
- $DEB_PCK_NAME.control > $DEBIAN_BASE/DEBIAN/control
-# Vytvori a prejmenuje balicek
-dpkg --build $DEBIAN_BASE
-dpkg-name -o $DEBIAN_BASE.deb
-rm -rf $DEBIAN_BASE
char *config="/etc/prometheus/prometheus.conf"; /* main configuration file */\r
char *hosts="/etc/prometheus/hosts"; /* line bandwidth definition file */\r
char *tc="/sbin/tc"; /* requires tc with HTB support */\r
-char *iptables="/usr/sbin/iptables"; /* requires iptables utility */\r
-char *iptablessave="/usr/sbin/iptables-save"; /* new */\r
-char *iptablesrestore="/usr/sbin/iptables-restore"; /* new */\r
+char *iptables="/sbin/iptables"; /* requires iptables utility */\r
+char *iptablessave="/sbin/iptables-save"; /* new */\r
+char *iptablesrestore="/sbin/iptables-restore"; /* new */\r
char *iptablesfile="/var/spool/prometheus.iptables"; /* new; file for iptables-restore*/\r
char *iptablespreamble="*mangle\n:PREROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]\n:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]\n:INPUT ACCEPT [0:0]\n:OUTPUT ACCEPT [0:0]\n:FORWARD ACCEPT [0:0]";\r
FILE *iptables_file=NULL;\r
char *credit="/var/run/prometheus.credit"; /* credit log file */\r
int enable_credit=1; /* enable credit file */\r
int use_credit=0; /* use credit file (if enabled)*/\r
-char *log_dir="/var/www/html/logs/"; /* log directory pathname */\r
+char *log_dir="/var/www/logs/"; /* log directory pathname */\r
char *log_url="logs/"; /* log directory URL prefix */\r
char *title="Hall of Fame - Greatest Suckers"; /* hall of fame title */\r
int hall_of_fame=1; /* enable hall of fame */\r