--- /dev/null
+cd /mnt/data2/uml/; #directory to work in
+umluser='vserver'; #Setuid before run vserver
+umldelay='10'; #Delay (man sleep) before restart after vserver halt/fail
+umldir='/mnt/data2/uml/umldir'; #Directory for umid & pid files
+hostnic='eth1'; #network interface to operate on
+umlbridge='br0'; #name of bridge between real network and UMLs
+hostip=''; #ipadres of host
+hostmask=''; #netmask of host
+hostgw=''; #default gw of host
+uml_machines() { #list of UML machines to be executed
+ #new_uml respawn umlkernel umlrootimg umlmem umlnice umllog tapnic umlmac
+ #new_uml true linux.uml debtest.img 64M 10 /dev/null tap0 fe:fd:c0:a8:02:89
+ new_uml true /opt/uml/linux-2.6.24-rc7 debtest.img 64M 10 log0.txt tap0 fe:fd:c0:a8:02:89
+echo "
+!!!!!!!!!!OR YOU CAN USE DHCP INSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!!
+root@uml# cat /etc/network/interfaces
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+netmask $hostmask
+gateway $hostgw
+echo [i] Initializing tuntap networking...
+modprobe tun
+echo [i] Initializing "$umlbridge" bridge...
+ifconfig "$hostnic" promisc up
+brctl addbr "$umlbridge"
+brctl setfd "$umlbridge" 0
+brctl sethello "$umlbridge" 0
+brctl stp "$umlbridge" off
+echo [i] Adding "$hostnic" interface to "$umlbridge" bridge...
+ifconfig "$umlbridge" "$hostip" netmask "$hostmask" up
+route add default gw "$hostgw"
+brctl addif "$umlbridge" "$hostnic"
+echo [!] Now launching all UML Machines...
+new_uml() {
+ if [ -z "$8" ]; then
+ echo [!] Failed. Not enough parameters for this machine.;
+ return;
+ fi;
+ respawn="$1";
+ umlkernel="$2";
+ umlrootimg="$3";
+ umlmem="$4";
+ umlnice="$5";
+ umllog="$6";
+ tapnic="$7";
+ umlmac="$8";
+ tunctl -d "$tapnic"
+ tunctl -u "$umluser" -t "$tapnic"
+ echo [i] Adding "$tapnic" interface to "$umlbridge" bridge...
+ ifconfig "$tapnic" promisc up
+ brctl addif "$umlbridge" "$tapnic"
+ #echo [R] Sleeping 120 before REBOOT.... #DEBUG FEATURE
+ #sleep 120;
+ #reboot;
+ echo [S] Starting UML on "$tapnic"...
+ #con0=fd:0,fd:1 con1=pty
+ #$screen -d -m su "$umluser" -c "nice -n $umlnice $umlkernel mem=$umlmem ubd0=$umlrootimg jail eth0=tuntap,$tapnic,$umlmac uml_dir=$umldir umid=$tapnic con0=fd:0,fd:1 con1=pty > $umllog 2>&1"
+ #su "$umluser" -c "$screen -d -m nice -n $umlnice $umlkernel mem=$umlmem ubd0=$umlrootimg jail eth0=tuntap,$tapnic,$umlmac uml_dir=$umldir umid=$tapnic con0=fd:0,fd:1 con1=pty > $umllog 2>&1"
+ #nice -n "$umlnice" su "$umluser" -c "$screen -d -m $umlkernel mem=$umlmem ubd0=$umlrootimg jail eth0=tuntap,$tapnic,$umlmac uml_dir=$umldir umid=$tapnic con0=fd:0,fd:1 con1=pty > $umllog 2>&1"
+ nice -n "$umlnice" su "$umluser" -c "$screen -d -m bash -c '
+ while true; do
+ $umlkernel mem=$umlmem ubd0=$umlrootimg jail eth0=tuntap,$tapnic,$umlmac uml_dir=$umldir umid=$tapnic con0=fd:0,fd:1 con1=pty > $umllog 2>&1;
+ sleep $umldelay;
+ if ( $respawn ); then continue; fi; break;
+ done;
+ '";
+echo [!] All UML Machines launched.