--- /dev/null
+ * BrainDuino
+ * Arduino BrainFuck Interpreter
+ * <~~Harvie 2oo8
+ *
+ * Wanna real hardware BF processor?!
+ */
+#define memsize 100
+#define stacksize 20
+#define baudrate 9600
+#define pwmoutpin 11
+#define analoginpin 0
+void brainfuck(int memory, char cycle, char *bfcode, char pwmpin, char ainpin) {
+ //Serial.println("BF-STARTED");
+ unsigned char tape[memory]; memset(tape, 0, sizeof(tape)); memory = 0;
+ int stack[cycle]; memset(stack, 0, sizeof(stack)); cycle = -1;
+ for(int i = 0;bfcode[i]!=0;i++) {
+ switch(bfcode[i]) {
+ //Basic BF instructions
+ case '>': memory++; if(memory>=sizeof(tape)) { Serial.println("BF-EXIT-MEM-OVERFLOW!"); return; } break;
+ case '<': memory--; if(memory<0) { Serial.println("BF-EXIT-MEM-UNDERFLOW!"); return; } break;
+ case '+': tape[memory]++; break;
+ case '-': tape[memory]--; break;
+ case '.': Serial.print(tape[memory], BYTE); break;
+ case ',': while(Serial.available()<=0) delay(30); tape[memory] = Serial.read(); break;
+ case '[': cycle++; if(cycle>=sizeof(stack)) { Serial.println("BF-EXIT-STACK-OVERFLOW!"); return; } stack[cycle] = i; break;
+ case ']': if(tape[memory] != 0) { i = stack[cycle]-1; } cycle--; if(cycle<-1) { Serial.println("BF-EXIT-STACK-UNDERFLOW!"); return; } break;
+ //Optional BF instructions
+ case '#': Serial.print("BF-DEBUG: POS: "); Serial.print(memory, DEC);
+ Serial.print(" TAPE: "); Serial.println(tape[memory], BYTE);
+ Serial.print(" TAPE: "); Serial.println(tape[memory], BYTE);
+ break;
+ case '@': Serial.println("BF-EXIT-BY-CODE!"); return; break;
+ //Arduino extensions for BF
+ case '!': if(pwmpin>=0 && tape[memory]>0 && tape[memory]<255) analogWrite(pwmpin, tape[memory]); break; //Set pwmpin output value
+ case '?': if(ainpin>=0) tape[memory]=analogRead(ainpin); break; //Read ainpin analog value (sux-a-bit)
+ case '_': delay(10); break; //Wait for a while
+ }
+ }
+ //Serial.println("BF-ENDED");
+ return;
+void setup() // run once, when the sketch starts
+ Serial.begin(baudrate);
+ char bfcode[]=
+ //"++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>."; //Hello World
+ //"[,.]"; //cat
+ //"[?!+]"; //Read ananlog input pin and write it's value to pwm output pin
+ //"[+[-!__]+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++]"; //Fade LED on pwmpin
+ "[[-]++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.[-]<[-]<[-]<[-!_]<+]"; //Hello World with pwm fading
+ brainfuck(memsize, stacksize, bfcode, pwmoutpin, analoginpin);
+void loop() { // run over and over again
--- /dev/null
+ * Bit-bang sound
+ * <~~Harvie 2oo8
+ */
+#define sndout 13
+void sound(char sndpin, float freq, float duration) { //Play bit-bang sound
+ if(duration<=0) return; if(freq<=0) { delay(duration); return; }
+ freq=((1000000/2)/freq); //Convert freq to delay (us)
+ duration*=1000; //Convert duration to us
+ pinMode(sndpin, OUTPUT);
+ for(;duration>0;duration-=2*freq) {
+ digitalWrite(sndpin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(freq);
+ digitalWrite(sndpin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(freq);
+ }
+ pinMode(sndpin, INPUT); //Close pin to avoid noise (optional)
+float get_tone(char tone, char octave) { //Return tone frequency or 0
+ if(octave+tone<=0) return 0;
+ float freq;
+ switch (tone) { //THX2MS GW-BASIC Reference 4freqs muhaha ;D
+ case 'c': case 'C': freq=130.81; break;
+ case 'd': case 'D': freq=146.83; break;
+ case 'e': case 'E': freq=164.81; break;
+ case 'f': case 'F': freq=174.61; break;
+ case 'g': case 'G': freq=196; break;
+ case 'a': case 'A': freq=220; break;
+ case 'b': case 'B': freq=246.94; break;
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+ return (freq*pow(2,octave-1));
+void sound_test() { //Check da' sound ;))
+ sound(sndout, 440, 500);
+ sound(sndout, get_tone('a', 1), 500);
+ return;
+void play_melody(char sndpin, char *melody, char octave, int duration) {
+ for(char i=0;melody[i]!=0;i++) sound(sndpin, get_tone(melody[i], octave), duration);
+ return;
+void stupnice_priklad() {
+ char oktava = 1;
+ int delka = 500;
+ char stupnice[]="cdefgab";
+ play_melody(sndout, stupnice, oktava, delka);
+ sound(sndout, get_tone(stupnice[0], oktava+1), delka); //C
+void setup() { // run once, when the sketch starts
+void loop() { // run over and over again
+ //delay(10000); return;//Silence! I'll kill you!
+ //--->Fun with sound (uncomment one):
+ //sound_test();
+ //stupnice_priklad();
+ //while(1) sound(sndout, rand()/20, 10);
+ //int i=0; while(1) sound(sndout, i++, 10);
+ //float i=0; while(1) sound(sndout, sin(i+=0.01)*600, 10);
+ //float i=0; while(1) { sound(sndout, sin(i+=0.01)*550, 10); sound(sndout, cos(i)*400, 10); }
+ //sound(sndout, 440, 30000);
+ int octave, duration;
+ //You can use lot of more old siemens/ericson monotone ringtones found on net, google or http://www.gsmarena.com/ringlist.php3?idMaker=3
+ char melody[]="CCDEECCFFAAGGE-CCDEGGEFEDDCC-CCDEECCFFAAGGE-CCDEGGEFEDDC"; octave=1; duration=300; //Bob Marley's Redemption song - intro ;D
+ //char melody[]="D-F-GG-D-F-GGG--D-F-GG-F-DD"; octave=2; duration=180; //Depp Purple - Smoke on the water //alternative: "cpdpfppcpepffppcpdpfppdpc"
+ //char melody[]="CC-E-F-AGG-E-C-AFFFGG--FFFGAPCCCC"; octave=3; duration=180; //The Simpsons theme
+ //char melody[]="CFGG-GG-GG-GC-------CFGGG-GG-GG-GD"; octave=2; duration=300; //X-Files theme
+ //char melody[]="CDCEE--EE-EE----EEDEGG--EDECC"; octave=2; duration=300; //Beatles - Hard days night
+ //char melody[]="HHHH--AAGGAAHHAAGGAAGG--GG-----HHHH--GG--AAHHGGAA--"; octave=2; duration=300; //Offspring - Why don't you get a job
+ //char melody[]="AA-AEEGGAA-ADDBBAA-AEEGGAA-ADDBB"; octave=2; duration=300; //Off Spring - Pretty Flyv
+ //char melody[]="AAgacfaAgadDdcAgacfaAgadDdc AgaaffGv"; octave=2; duration=200; //Eiffel 65 - Blue
+ //char melody[]="HHHHHHAAAAAAGGAAA-HHHHHH" "AAAAAAFFGGEE-HHHHHHAAAAAA" "AAAAAA-HHHHHHAAAAAAFFGGEE"; octave=2; duration=300; //Bob Dylan - Knockin On Heavens Door
+ //char melody[]="bBbBpFFpbepdpcpbBbBpFpBepdpcpbBbBp FpbepdpbepCC"; octave=1; duration=200; //Star Wars
+ //char melody[]="f p c p d p e p f p c p d p e p f p c p d p e p F p p g c e g e G p g c f g f GG"; octave=2; duration=100; //NBA
+ play_melody(sndout, melody, octave, duration);
+ delay(2000);