+++ /dev/null
-' Q B a s i c G o r i l l a s\r
-' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990\r
-' Your mission is to hit your opponent with the exploding banana\r
-' by varying the angle and power of your throw, taking into account\r
-' wind speed, gravity, and the city skyline.\r
-' Speed of this game is determined by the constant SPEEDCONST. If the\r
-' program is too slow or too fast adjust the "CONST SPEEDCONST = 500" line\r
-' below. The larger the number the faster the game will go.\r
-' To run this game, press Shift+F5.\r
-' To exit QBasic, press Alt, F, X.\r
-' To get help on a BASIC keyword, move the cursor to the keyword and press\r
-' F1 or click the right mouse button.\r
-'Set default data type to integer for faster game play\r
-'Sub Declarations\r
-DECLARE SUB DoSun (Mouth)\r
-DECLARE SUB SetScreen ()\r
-DECLARE SUB EndGame ()\r
-DECLARE SUB Center (Row, Text$)\r
-DECLARE SUB Intro ()\r
-DECLARE SUB SparklePause ()\r
-DECLARE SUB GetInputs (Player1$, Player2$, NumGames)\r
-DECLARE SUB PlayGame (Player1$, Player2$, NumGames)\r
-DECLARE SUB DoExplosion (x#, y#)\r
-DECLARE SUB MakeCityScape (BCoor() AS ANY)\r
-DECLARE SUB PlaceGorillas (BCoor() AS ANY)\r
-DECLARE SUB UpdateScores (Record(), PlayerNum, Results)\r
-DECLARE SUB DrawGorilla (x, y, arms)\r
-DECLARE SUB GorillaIntro (Player1$, Player2$)\r
-DECLARE SUB Rest (t#)\r
-DECLARE SUB VictoryDance (Player)\r
-DECLARE SUB ClearGorillas ()\r
-DECLARE SUB DrawBan (xc#, yc#, r, bc)\r
-DECLARE FUNCTION GetNum# (Row, Col)\r
-DECLARE FUNCTION DoShot (PlayerNum, x, y)\r
-DECLARE FUNCTION ExplodeGorilla (x#, y#)\r
-DECLARE FUNCTION Getn# (Row, Col)\r
-DECLARE FUNCTION PlotShot (StartX, StartY, Angle#, Velocity, PlayerNum)\r
-'Make all arrays Dynamic\r
-'User-Defined TYPEs\r
-TYPE XYPoint\r
-CONST TRUE = -1\r
-'Global Variables\r
-DIM SHARED GorillaX(1 TO 2) 'Location of the two gorillas\r
-DIM SHARED GorillaY(1 TO 2)\r
-DIM SHARED LastBuilding\r
-DIM SHARED LBan&(x), RBan&(x), UBan&(x), DBan&(x) 'Graphical picture of banana\r
-DIM SHARED GorD&(120) 'Graphical picture of Gorilla arms down\r
-DIM SHARED GorL&(120) 'Gorilla left arm raised\r
-DIM SHARED GorR&(120) 'Gorilla right arm raised\r
-DIM SHARED gravity#\r
-'Screen Mode Variables\r
-DIM SHARED ScrHeight\r
-DIM SHARED ScrWidth\r
-'Screen Color Variables\r
-DIM SHARED ExplosionColor\r
-DIM SHARED SunColor\r
-DIM SHARED BackColor\r
- DEF FnRan (x) = INT(RND(1) * x) + 1\r
- DEF SEG = 0 ' Set NumLock to ON\r
- KeyFlags = PEEK(1047)\r
- IF (KeyFlags AND 32) = 0 THEN\r
- POKE 1047, KeyFlags OR 32\r
- END IF\r
- GOSUB InitVars\r
- Intro\r
- GetInputs Name1$, Name2$, NumGames\r
- GorillaIntro Name1$, Name2$\r
- PlayGame Name1$, Name2$, NumGames\r
- \r
- DEF SEG = 0 ' Restore NumLock state\r
- POKE 1047, KeyFlags\r
- 'BananaLeft\r
- DATA 327686, -252645316, 60\r
- 'BananaDown\r
- DATA 196618, -1057030081, 49344\r
- 'BananaUp\r
- DATA 196618, -1056980800, 63\r
- 'BananaRight\r
- DATA 327686, 1010580720, 240\r
- 'BananaLeft\r
- DATA 458758,202116096,471604224,943208448,943208448,943208448,471604224,202116096,0\r
- 'BananaDown\r
- DATA 262153, -2134835200, -2134802239, -2130771968, -2130738945,8323072, 8323199, 4063232, 4063294\r
- 'BananaUp\r
- DATA 262153, 4063232, 4063294, 8323072, 8323199, -2130771968, -2130738945, -2134835200,-2134802239\r
- 'BananaRight\r
- DATA 458758, -1061109760, -522133504, 1886416896, 1886416896, 1886416896,-522133504,-1061109760,0\r
- pi# = 4 * ATN(1#)\r
- 'This is a clever way to pick the best graphics mode available\r
- ON ERROR GOTO ScreenModeError\r
- Mode = 9\r
- SCREEN Mode\r
- ON ERROR GOTO PaletteError\r
- IF Mode = 9 THEN PALETTE 4, 0 'Check for 64K EGA\r
- MachSpeed = CalcDelay\r
- IF Mode = 9 THEN\r
- ScrWidth = 640\r
- ScrHeight = 350\r
- GHeight = 25\r
- REDIM LBan&(8), RBan&(8), UBan&(8), DBan&(8)\r
- FOR i = 0 TO 8\r
- READ LBan&(i)\r
- NEXT i\r
- FOR i = 0 TO 8\r
- READ DBan&(i)\r
- NEXT i\r
- FOR i = 0 TO 8\r
- READ UBan&(i)\r
- NEXT i\r
- FOR i = 0 TO 8\r
- READ RBan&(i)\r
- NEXT i\r
- SunHt = 39\r
- ELSE\r
- ScrWidth = 320\r
- ScrHeight = 200\r
- GHeight = 12\r
- REDIM LBan&(2), RBan&(2), UBan&(2), DBan&(2)\r
- REDIM GorL&(20), GorD&(20), GorR&(20)\r
- FOR i = 0 TO 2\r
- READ LBan&(i)\r
- NEXT i\r
- FOR i = 0 TO 2\r
- READ DBan&(i)\r
- NEXT i\r
- FOR i = 0 TO 2\r
- READ UBan&(i)\r
- NEXT i\r
- FOR i = 0 TO 2\r
- READ RBan&(i)\r
- NEXT i\r
- MachSpeed = MachSpeed * 1.3\r
- SunHt = 20\r
- END IF\r
- IF Mode = 1 THEN\r
- CLS\r
- LOCATE 10, 5\r
- PRINT "Sorry, you must have CGA, EGA color, or VGA graphics to play GORILLA.BAS"\r
- END\r
- ELSE\r
- Mode = 1\r
- END IF\r
- Mode = 1 '64K EGA cards will run in CGA mode.\r
-' Checks speed of the machine.\r
-FUNCTION CalcDelay!\r
- s! = TIMER\r
- DO\r
- i! = i! + 1\r
- LOOP UNTIL TIMER - s! >= .5\r
- CalcDelay! = i!\r
-' Center:\r
-' Centers and prints a text string on a given row\r
-' Parameters:\r
-' Row - screen row number\r
-' Text$ - text to be printed\r
-SUB Center (Row, Text$)\r
- Col = MaxCol \ 2\r
- LOCATE Row, Col - (LEN(Text$) / 2 + .5)\r
- PRINT Text$;\r
-' DoExplosion:\r
-' Produces explosion when a shot is fired\r
-' Parameters:\r
-' X#, Y# - location of explosion\r
-SUB DoExplosion (x#, y#)\r
- Radius = ScrHeight / 50\r
- IF Mode = 9 THEN Inc# = .5 ELSE Inc# = .41\r
- FOR c# = 0 TO Radius STEP Inc#\r
- CIRCLE (x#, y#), c#, ExplosionColor\r
- NEXT c#\r
- FOR c# = Radius TO 0 STEP (-1 * Inc#)\r
- CIRCLE (x#, y#), c#, BACKATTR\r
- FOR i = 1 TO 100\r
- NEXT i\r
- Rest .005\r
- NEXT c#\r
-' DoShot:\r
-' Controls banana shots by accepting player input and plotting\r
-' shot angle\r
-' Parameters:\r
-' PlayerNum - Player\r
-' x, y - Player's gorilla position\r
-FUNCTION DoShot (PlayerNum, x, y)\r
- 'Input shot\r
- IF PlayerNum = 1 THEN\r
- LocateCol = 1\r
- ELSE\r
- IF Mode = 9 THEN\r
- LocateCol = 66\r
- ELSE\r
- LocateCol = 26\r
- END IF\r
- END IF\r
- LOCATE 2, LocateCol\r
- PRINT "Angle:";\r
- Angle# = GetNum#(2, LocateCol + 7)\r
- LOCATE 3, LocateCol\r
- PRINT "Velocity:";\r
- Velocity = GetNum#(3, LocateCol + 10)\r
- IF PlayerNum = 2 THEN\r
- Angle# = 180 - Angle#\r
- END IF\r
- 'Erase input\r
- FOR i = 1 TO 4\r
- LOCATE i, 1\r
- PRINT SPACE$(30 \ (80 \ MaxCol));\r
- LOCATE i, (50 \ (80 \ MaxCol))\r
- PRINT SPACE$(30 \ (80 \ MaxCol));\r
- NEXT\r
- SunHit = FALSE\r
- PlayerHit = PlotShot(x, y, Angle#, Velocity, PlayerNum)\r
- IF PlayerHit = 0 THEN\r
- DoShot = FALSE\r
- ELSE\r
- DoShot = TRUE\r
- IF PlayerHit = PlayerNum THEN PlayerNum = 3 - PlayerNum\r
- VictoryDance PlayerNum\r
- END IF\r
-' DoSun:\r
-' Draws the sun at the top of the screen.\r
-' Parameters:\r
-' Mouth - If TRUE draws "O" mouth else draws a smile mouth.\r
-SUB DoSun (Mouth)\r
- 'set position of sun\r
- x = ScrWidth \ 2: y = Scl(25)\r
- 'clear old sun\r
- LINE (x - Scl(22), y - Scl(18))-(x + Scl(22), y + Scl(18)), BACKATTR, BF\r
- 'draw new sun:\r
- 'body\r
- CIRCLE (x, y), Scl(12), SUNATTR\r
- PAINT (x, y), SUNATTR\r
- 'rays\r
- LINE (x - Scl(20), y)-(x + Scl(20), y), SUNATTR\r
- LINE (x, y - Scl(15))-(x, y + Scl(15)), SUNATTR\r
- LINE (x - Scl(15), y - Scl(10))-(x + Scl(15), y + Scl(10)), SUNATTR\r
- LINE (x - Scl(15), y + Scl(10))-(x + Scl(15), y - Scl(10)), SUNATTR\r
- LINE (x - Scl(8), y - Scl(13))-(x + Scl(8), y + Scl(13)), SUNATTR\r
- LINE (x - Scl(8), y + Scl(13))-(x + Scl(8), y - Scl(13)), SUNATTR\r
- LINE (x - Scl(18), y - Scl(5))-(x + Scl(18), y + Scl(5)), SUNATTR\r
- LINE (x - Scl(18), y + Scl(5))-(x + Scl(18), y - Scl(5)), SUNATTR\r
- 'mouth\r
- IF Mouth THEN 'draw "o" mouth\r
- CIRCLE (x, y + Scl(5)), Scl(2.9), 0\r
- PAINT (x, y + Scl(5)), 0, 0\r
- ELSE 'draw smile\r
- CIRCLE (x, y), Scl(8), 0, (210 * pi# / 180), (330 * pi# / 180)\r
- END IF\r
- 'eyes\r
- CIRCLE (x - 3, y - 2), 1, 0\r
- CIRCLE (x + 3, y - 2), 1, 0\r
- PSET (x - 3, y - 2), 0\r
- PSET (x + 3, y - 2), 0\r
-' Draws the banana\r
-' xc# - Horizontal Coordinate\r
-' yc# - Vertical Coordinate\r
-' r - rotation position (0-3). ( \_/ ) /-\\r
-' bc - if TRUE then DrawBan draws the banana ELSE it erases the banana\r
-SUB DrawBan (xc#, yc#, r, bc)\r
- CASE 0\r
- IF bc THEN PUT (xc#, yc#), LBan&, PSET ELSE PUT (xc#, yc#), LBan&, XOR\r
- CASE 1\r
- IF bc THEN PUT (xc#, yc#), UBan&, PSET ELSE PUT (xc#, yc#), UBan&, XOR\r
- CASE 2\r
- IF bc THEN PUT (xc#, yc#), DBan&, PSET ELSE PUT (xc#, yc#), DBan&, XOR\r
- CASE 3\r
- IF bc THEN PUT (xc#, yc#), RBan&, PSET ELSE PUT (xc#, yc#), RBan&, XOR\r
-' Draws the Gorilla in either CGA or EGA mode\r
-' and saves the graphics data in an array.\r
-' x - x coordinate of gorilla\r
-' y - y coordinate of the gorilla\r
-' arms - either Left up, Right up, or both down\r
-SUB DrawGorilla (x, y, arms)\r
- DIM i AS SINGLE ' Local index must be single precision\r
- 'draw head\r
- LINE (x - Scl(4), y)-(x + Scl(2.9), y + Scl(6)), OBJECTCOLOR, BF\r
- LINE (x - Scl(5), y + Scl(2))-(x + Scl(4), y + Scl(4)), OBJECTCOLOR, BF\r
- 'draw eyes/brow\r
- LINE (x - Scl(3), y + Scl(2))-(x + Scl(2), y + Scl(2)), 0\r
- 'draw nose if ega\r
- IF Mode = 9 THEN\r
- FOR i = -2 TO -1\r
- PSET (x + i, y + 4), 0\r
- PSET (x + i + 3, y + 4), 0\r
- NEXT i\r
- END IF\r
- 'neck\r
- LINE (x - Scl(3), y + Scl(7))-(x + Scl(2), y + Scl(7)), OBJECTCOLOR\r
- 'body\r
- LINE (x - Scl(8), y + Scl(8))-(x + Scl(6.9), y + Scl(14)), OBJECTCOLOR, BF\r
- LINE (x - Scl(6), y + Scl(15))-(x + Scl(4.9), y + Scl(20)), OBJECTCOLOR, BF\r
- 'legs\r
- FOR i = 0 TO 4\r
- CIRCLE (x + Scl(i), y + Scl(25)), Scl(10), OBJECTCOLOR, 3 * pi# / 4, 9 * pi# / 8\r
- CIRCLE (x + Scl(-6) + Scl(i - .1), y + Scl(25)), Scl(10), OBJECTCOLOR, 15 * pi# / 8, pi# / 4\r
- NEXT\r
- 'chest\r
- CIRCLE (x - Scl(4.9), y + Scl(10)), Scl(4.9), 0, 3 * pi# / 2, 0\r
- CIRCLE (x + Scl(4.9), y + Scl(10)), Scl(4.9), 0, pi#, 3 * pi# / 2\r
- FOR i = -5 TO -1\r
- SELECT CASE arms\r
- CASE 1\r
- 'Right arm up\r
- CIRCLE (x + Scl(i - .1), y + Scl(14)), Scl(9), OBJECTCOLOR, 3 * pi# / 4, 5 * pi# / 4\r
- CIRCLE (x + Scl(4.9) + Scl(i), y + Scl(4)), Scl(9), OBJECTCOLOR, 7 * pi# / 4, pi# / 4\r
- GET (x - Scl(15), y - Scl(1))-(x + Scl(14), y + Scl(28)), GorR&\r
- CASE 2\r
- 'Left arm up\r
- CIRCLE (x + Scl(i - .1), y + Scl(4)), Scl(9), OBJECTCOLOR, 3 * pi# / 4, 5 * pi# / 4\r
- CIRCLE (x + Scl(4.9) + Scl(i), y + Scl(14)), Scl(9), OBJECTCOLOR, 7 * pi# / 4, pi# / 4\r
- GET (x - Scl(15), y - Scl(1))-(x + Scl(14), y + Scl(28)), GorL&\r
- CASE 3\r
- 'Both arms down\r
- CIRCLE (x + Scl(i - .1), y + Scl(14)), Scl(9), OBJECTCOLOR, 3 * pi# / 4, 5 * pi# / 4\r
- CIRCLE (x + Scl(4.9) + Scl(i), y + Scl(14)), Scl(9), OBJECTCOLOR, 7 * pi# / 4, pi# / 4\r
- GET (x - Scl(15), y - Scl(1))-(x + Scl(14), y + Scl(28)), GorD&\r
- NEXT i\r
-' Causes gorilla explosion when a direct hit occurs\r
-' X#, Y# - shot location\r
-FUNCTION ExplodeGorilla (x#, y#)\r
- YAdj = Scl(12)\r
- XAdj = Scl(5)\r
- SclX# = ScrWidth / 320\r
- SclY# = ScrHeight / 200\r
- IF x# < ScrWidth / 2 THEN PlayerHit = 1 ELSE PlayerHit = 2\r
- FOR i = 1 TO 8 * SclX#\r
- CIRCLE (GorillaX(PlayerHit) + 3.5 * SclX# + XAdj, GorillaY(PlayerHit) + 7 * SclY# + YAdj), i, ExplosionColor, , , -1.57\r
- LINE (GorillaX(PlayerHit) + 7 * SclX#, GorillaY(PlayerHit) + 9 * SclY# - i)-(GorillaX(PlayerHit), GorillaY(PlayerHit) + 9 * SclY# - i), ExplosionColor\r
- NEXT i\r
- FOR i = 1 TO 16 * SclX#\r
- IF i < (8 * SclX#) THEN CIRCLE (GorillaX(PlayerHit) + 3.5 * SclX# + XAdj, GorillaY(PlayerHit) + 7 * SclY# + YAdj), (8 * SclX# + 1) - i, BACKATTR, , , -1.57\r
- CIRCLE (GorillaX(PlayerHit) + 3.5 * SclX# + XAdj, GorillaY(PlayerHit) + YAdj), i, i MOD 2 + 1, , , -1.57\r
- NEXT i\r
- FOR i = 24 * SclX# TO 1 STEP -1\r
- CIRCLE (GorillaX(PlayerHit) + 3.5 * SclX# + XAdj, GorillaY(PlayerHit) + YAdj), i, BACKATTR, , , -1.57\r
- FOR Count = 1 TO 200\r
- NEXT\r
- NEXT i\r
- ExplodeGorilla = PlayerHit\r
-' Gets user inputs at beginning of game\r
-' Player1$, Player2$ - player names\r
-' NumGames - number of games to play\r
-SUB GetInputs (Player1$, Player2$, NumGames)\r
- COLOR 7, 0\r
- CLS\r
- LOCATE 8, 15\r
- LINE INPUT "Name of Player 1 (Default = 'Player 1'): "; Player1$\r
- IF Player1$ = "" THEN\r
- Player1$ = "Player 1"\r
- ELSE\r
- Player1$ = LEFT$(Player1$, 10)\r
- END IF\r
- LOCATE 10, 15\r
- LINE INPUT "Name of Player 2 (Default = 'Player 2'): "; Player2$\r
- IF Player2$ = "" THEN\r
- Player2$ = "Player 2"\r
- ELSE\r
- Player2$ = LEFT$(Player2$, 10)\r
- END IF\r
- DO\r
- LOCATE 12, 56: PRINT SPACE$(25);\r
- LOCATE 12, 13\r
- INPUT "Play to how many total points (Default = 3)"; game$\r
- NumGames = VAL(LEFT$(game$, 2))\r
- LOOP UNTIL NumGames > 0 AND LEN(game$) < 3 OR LEN(game$) = 0\r
- IF NumGames = 0 THEN NumGames = 3\r
- DO\r
- LOCATE 14, 53: PRINT SPACE$(28);\r
- LOCATE 14, 17\r
- INPUT "Gravity in Meters/Sec (Earth = 9.8)"; grav$\r
- gravity# = VAL(grav$)\r
- LOOP UNTIL gravity# > 0 OR LEN(grav$) = 0\r
- IF gravity# = 0 THEN gravity# = 9.8\r
-' Gets valid numeric input from user\r
-' Row, Col - location to echo input\r
-FUNCTION GetNum# (Row, Col)\r
- Result$ = ""\r
- Done = FALSE\r
- WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND 'Clear keyboard buffer\r
- LOCATE Row, Col\r
- PRINT Result$; CHR$(95); " ";\r
- Kbd$ = INKEY$\r
- CASE "0" TO "9"\r
- Result$ = Result$ + Kbd$\r
- CASE "."\r
- IF INSTR(Result$, ".") = 0 THEN\r
- Result$ = Result$ + Kbd$\r
- END IF\r
- CASE CHR$(13)\r
- IF VAL(Result$) > 360 THEN\r
- Result$ = ""\r
- ELSE\r
- Done = TRUE\r
- END IF\r
- CASE CHR$(8)\r
- IF LEN(Result$) > 0 THEN\r
- Result$ = LEFT$(Result$, LEN(Result$) - 1)\r
- END IF\r
- IF LEN(Kbd$) > 0 THEN\r
- BEEP\r
- END IF\r
- LOOP\r
- LOCATE Row, Col\r
- PRINT Result$; " ";\r
- GetNum# = VAL(Result$)\r
-' Displays gorillas on screen for the first time\r
-' allows the graphical data to be put into an array\r
-' Player1$, Player2$ - The names of the players\r
-SUB GorillaIntro (Player1$, Player2$)\r
- LOCATE 16, 34: PRINT "--------------"\r
- LOCATE 18, 34: PRINT "V = View Intro"\r
- LOCATE 19, 34: PRINT "P = Play Game"\r
- LOCATE 21, 35: PRINT "Your Choice?"\r
- DO WHILE Char$ = ""\r
- Char$ = INKEY$\r
- LOOP\r
- IF Mode = 1 THEN\r
- x = 125\r
- y = 100\r
- ELSE\r
- x = 278\r
- y = 175\r
- END IF\r
- SCREEN Mode\r
- SetScreen\r
- IF Mode = 1 THEN Center 5, "Please wait while gorillas are drawn."\r
- VIEW PRINT 9 TO 24\r
- \r
- DrawGorilla x, y, ARMSDOWN\r
- CLS 2\r
- DrawGorilla x, y, LEFTUP\r
- CLS 2\r
- DrawGorilla x, y, RIGHTUP\r
- CLS 2\r
- \r
- VIEW PRINT 1 TO 25\r
- \r
- IF UCASE$(Char$) = "V" THEN\r
- Center 2, "Q B A S I C G O R I L L A S"\r
- Center 5, " STARRING: "\r
- P$ = Player1$ + " AND " + Player2$\r
- Center 7, P$\r
- PUT (x - 13, y), GorD&, PSET\r
- PUT (x + 47, y), GorD&, PSET\r
- Rest 1\r
- PUT (x - 13, y), GorL&, PSET\r
- PUT (x + 47, y), GorR&, PSET\r
- PLAY "t120o1l16b9n0baan0bn0bn0baaan0b9n0baan0b"\r
- Rest .3\r
- PUT (x - 13, y), GorR&, PSET\r
- PUT (x + 47, y), GorL&, PSET\r
- PLAY "o2l16e-9n0e-d-d-n0e-n0e-n0e-d-d-d-n0e-9n0e-d-d-n0e-"\r
- Rest .3\r
- PUT (x - 13, y), GorL&, PSET\r
- PUT (x + 47, y), GorR&, PSET\r
- PLAY "o2l16g-9n0g-een0g-n0g-n0g-eeen0g-9n0g-een0g-"\r
- Rest .3\r
- PUT (x - 13, y), GorR&, PSET\r
- PUT (x + 47, y), GorL&, PSET\r
- PLAY "o2l16b9n0baan0g-n0g-n0g-eeen0o1b9n0baan0b"\r
- Rest .3\r
- FOR i = 1 TO 4\r
- PUT (x - 13, y), GorL&, PSET\r
- PUT (x + 47, y), GorR&, PSET\r
- Rest .1\r
- PUT (x - 13, y), GorR&, PSET\r
- PUT (x + 47, y), GorL&, PSET\r
- Rest .1\r
- NEXT\r
- END IF\r
-' Displays game introduction\r
-SUB Intro\r
- SCREEN 0\r
- WIDTH 80, 25\r
- MaxCol = 80\r
- COLOR 15, 0\r
- CLS\r
- Center 4, "Q B a s i c G O R I L L A S"\r
- COLOR 7\r
- Center 6, "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990"\r
- Center 8, "Your mission is to hit your opponent with the exploding"\r
- Center 9, "banana by varying the angle and power of your throw, taking"\r
- Center 10, "into account wind speed, gravity, and the city skyline."\r
- Center 11, "The wind speed is shown by a directional arrow at the bottom"\r
- Center 12, "of the playing field, its length relative to its strength."\r
- Center 24, "Press any key to continue"\r
- SparklePause\r
- IF Mode = 1 THEN MaxCol = 40\r
-' Creates random skyline for game\r
-' BCoor() - a user-defined type array which stores the coordinates of\r
-' the upper left corner of each building.\r
-SUB MakeCityScape (BCoor() AS XYPoint)\r
- x = 2\r
- 'Set the sloping trend of the city scape. NewHt is new building height\r
- Slope = FnRan(6)\r
- CASE 1: NewHt = 15 'Upward slope\r
- CASE 2: NewHt = 130 'Downward slope\r
- CASE 3 TO 5: NewHt = 15 '"V" slope - most common\r
- CASE 6: NewHt = 130 'Inverted "V" slope\r
- IF Mode = 9 THEN\r
- BottomLine = 335 'Bottom of building\r
- HtInc = 10 'Increase value for new height\r
- DefBWidth = 37 'Default building height\r
- RandomHeight = 120 'Random height difference\r
- WWidth = 3 'Window width\r
- WHeight = 6 'Window height\r
- WDifV = 15 'Counter for window spacing - vertical\r
- WDifh = 10 'Counter for window spacing - horizontal\r
- ELSE\r
- BottomLine = 190\r
- HtInc = 6\r
- NewHt = NewHt * 20 \ 35 'Adjust for CGA\r
- DefBWidth = 18\r
- RandomHeight = 54\r
- WWidth = 1\r
- WHeight = 2\r
- WDifV = 5\r
- WDifh = 4\r
- END IF\r
- CurBuilding = 1\r
- DO\r
- CASE 1\r
- NewHt = NewHt + HtInc\r
- CASE 2\r
- NewHt = NewHt - HtInc\r
- CASE 3 TO 5\r
- IF x > ScrWidth \ 2 THEN\r
- NewHt = NewHt - 2 * HtInc\r
- ELSE\r
- NewHt = NewHt + 2 * HtInc\r
- END IF\r
- CASE 4\r
- IF x > ScrWidth \ 2 THEN\r
- NewHt = NewHt + 2 * HtInc\r
- ELSE\r
- NewHt = NewHt - 2 * HtInc\r
- END IF\r
- 'Set width of building and check to see if it would go off the screen\r
- BWidth = FnRan(DefBWidth) + DefBWidth\r
- IF x + BWidth > ScrWidth THEN BWidth = ScrWidth - x - 2\r
- 'Set height of building and check to see if it goes below screen\r
- BHeight = FnRan(RandomHeight) + NewHt\r
- IF BHeight < HtInc THEN BHeight = HtInc\r
- 'Check to see if Building is too high\r
- IF BottomLine - BHeight <= MaxHeight + GHeight THEN BHeight = MaxHeight + GHeight - 5\r
- 'Set the coordinates of the building into the array\r
- BCoor(CurBuilding).XCoor = x\r
- BCoor(CurBuilding).YCoor = BottomLine - BHeight\r
- IF Mode = 9 THEN BuildingColor = FnRan(3) + 4 ELSE BuildingColor = 2\r
- 'Draw the building, outline first, then filled\r
- LINE (x - 1, BottomLine + 1)-(x + BWidth + 1, BottomLine - BHeight - 1), BACKGROUND, B\r
- LINE (x, BottomLine)-(x + BWidth, BottomLine - BHeight), BuildingColor, BF\r
- 'Draw the windows\r
- c = x + 3\r
- DO\r
- FOR i = BHeight - 3 TO 7 STEP -WDifV\r
- IF Mode <> 9 THEN\r
- WinColr = (FnRan(2) - 2) * -3\r
- ELSEIF FnRan(4) = 1 THEN\r
- WinColr = 8\r
- ELSE\r
- END IF\r
- LINE (c, BottomLine - i)-(c + WWidth, BottomLine - i + WHeight), WinColr, BF\r
- NEXT\r
- c = c + WDifh\r
- LOOP UNTIL c >= x + BWidth - 3\r
- x = x + BWidth + 2\r
- CurBuilding = CurBuilding + 1\r
- LOOP UNTIL x > ScrWidth - HtInc\r
- LastBuilding = CurBuilding - 1\r
- 'Set Wind speed\r
- Wind = FnRan(10) - 5\r
- IF FnRan(3) = 1 THEN\r
- IF Wind > 0 THEN\r
- Wind = Wind + FnRan(10)\r
- ELSE\r
- Wind = Wind - FnRan(10)\r
- END IF\r
- END IF\r
- 'Draw Wind speed arrow\r
- IF Wind <> 0 THEN\r
- WindLine = Wind * 3 * (ScrWidth \ 320)\r
- LINE (ScrWidth \ 2, ScrHeight - 5)-(ScrWidth \ 2 + WindLine, ScrHeight - 5), ExplosionColor\r
- IF Wind > 0 THEN ArrowDir = -2 ELSE ArrowDir = 2\r
- LINE (ScrWidth / 2 + WindLine, ScrHeight - 5)-(ScrWidth / 2 + WindLine + ArrowDir, ScrHeight - 5 - 2), ExplosionColor\r
- LINE (ScrWidth / 2 + WindLine, ScrHeight - 5)-(ScrWidth / 2 + WindLine + ArrowDir, ScrHeight - 5 + 2), ExplosionColor\r
- END IF\r
-' PUTs the Gorillas on top of the buildings. Must have drawn\r
-' Gorillas first.\r
-' BCoor() - user-defined TYPE array which stores upper left coordinates\r
-' of each building.\r
-SUB PlaceGorillas (BCoor() AS XYPoint)\r
- \r
- IF Mode = 9 THEN\r
- XAdj = 14\r
- YAdj = 30\r
- ELSE\r
- XAdj = 7\r
- YAdj = 16\r
- END IF\r
- SclX# = ScrWidth / 320\r
- SclY# = ScrHeight / 200\r
- \r
- 'Place gorillas on second or third building from edge\r
- FOR i = 1 TO 2\r
- IF i = 1 THEN BNum = FnRan(2) + 1 ELSE BNum = LastBuilding - FnRan(2)\r
- BWidth = BCoor(BNum + 1).XCoor - BCoor(BNum).XCoor\r
- GorillaX(i) = BCoor(BNum).XCoor + BWidth / 2 - XAdj\r
- GorillaY(i) = BCoor(BNum).YCoor - YAdj\r
- PUT (GorillaX(i), GorillaY(i)), GorD&, PSET\r
- NEXT i\r
-' Main game play routine\r
-' Player1$, Player2$ - player names\r
-' NumGames - number of games to play\r
-SUB PlayGame (Player1$, Player2$, NumGames)\r
- DIM BCoor(0 TO 30) AS XYPoint\r
- DIM TotalWins(1 TO 2)\r
- J = 1\r
- \r
- FOR i = 1 TO NumGames\r
- \r
- CLS\r
- CALL MakeCityScape(BCoor())\r
- CALL PlaceGorillas(BCoor())\r
- Hit = FALSE\r
- J = 1 - J\r
- LOCATE 1, 1\r
- PRINT Player1$\r
- LOCATE 1, (MaxCol - 1 - LEN(Player2$))\r
- PRINT Player2$\r
- Center 23, LTRIM$(STR$(TotalWins(1))) + ">Score<" + LTRIM$(STR$(TotalWins(2)))\r
- Tosser = J + 1: Tossee = 3 - J\r
- 'Plot the shot. Hit is true if Gorilla gets hit.\r
- Hit = DoShot(Tosser, GorillaX(Tosser), GorillaY(Tosser))\r
- 'Reset the sun, if it got hit\r
- IF Hit = TRUE THEN CALL UpdateScores(TotalWins(), Tosser, Hit)\r
- LOOP\r
- SLEEP 1\r
- NEXT i\r
- SCREEN 0\r
- WIDTH 80, 25\r
- COLOR 7, 0\r
- MaxCol = 80\r
- CLS\r
- Center 8, "GAME OVER!"\r
- Center 10, "Score:"\r
- LOCATE 11, 30: PRINT Player1$; TAB(50); TotalWins(1)\r
- LOCATE 12, 30: PRINT Player2$; TAB(50); TotalWins(2)\r
- Center 24, "Press any key to continue"\r
- SparklePause\r
- COLOR 7, 0\r
- CLS\r
-' Plots banana shot across the screen\r
-' StartX, StartY - starting shot location\r
-' Angle - shot angle\r
-' Velocity - shot velocity\r
-' PlayerNum - the banana thrower\r
-FUNCTION PlotShot (StartX, StartY, Angle#, Velocity, PlayerNum)\r
- Angle# = Angle# / 180 * pi# 'Convert degree angle to radians\r
- Radius = Mode MOD 7\r
- InitXVel# = COS(Angle#) * Velocity\r
- InitYVel# = SIN(Angle#) * Velocity\r
- oldx# = StartX\r
- oldy# = StartY\r
- 'draw gorilla toss\r
- IF PlayerNum = 1 THEN\r
- PUT (StartX, StartY), GorL&, PSET\r
- ELSE\r
- PUT (StartX, StartY), GorR&, PSET\r
- END IF\r
- \r
- 'throw sound\r
- PLAY "MBo0L32A-L64CL16BL64A+"\r
- Rest .1\r
- 'redraw gorilla\r
- PUT (StartX, StartY), GorD&, PSET\r
- adjust = Scl(4) 'For scaling CGA\r
- xedge = Scl(9) * (2 - PlayerNum) 'Find leading edge of banana for check\r
- Impact = FALSE\r
- ShotInSun = FALSE\r
- OnScreen = TRUE\r
- PlayerHit = 0\r
- NeedErase = FALSE\r
- StartXPos = StartX\r
- StartYPos = StartY - adjust - 3\r
- IF PlayerNum = 2 THEN\r
- StartXPos = StartXPos + Scl(25)\r
- direction = Scl(4)\r
- ELSE\r
- direction = Scl(-4)\r
- END IF\r
- IF Velocity < 2 THEN 'Shot too slow - hit self\r
- x# = StartX\r
- y# = StartY\r
- pointval = OBJECTCOLOR\r
- END IF\r
- \r
- DO WHILE (NOT Impact) AND OnScreen\r
- \r
- Rest .02\r
- 'Erase old banana, if necessary\r
- IF NeedErase THEN\r
- NeedErase = FALSE\r
- CALL DrawBan(oldx#, oldy#, oldrot, FALSE)\r
- END IF\r
- x# = StartXPos + (InitXVel# * t#) + (.5 * (Wind / 5) * t# ^ 2)\r
- y# = StartYPos + ((-1 * (InitYVel# * t#)) + (.5 * gravity# * t# ^ 2)) * (ScrHeight / 350)\r
- \r
- IF (x# >= ScrWidth - Scl(10)) OR (x# <= 3) OR (y# >= ScrHeight - 3) THEN\r
- OnScreen = FALSE\r
- END IF\r
- \r
- IF OnScreen AND y# > 0 THEN\r
- 'check it\r
- LookY = 0\r
- LookX = Scl(8 * (2 - PlayerNum))\r
- DO\r
- pointval = POINT(x# + LookX, y# + LookY)\r
- IF pointval = 0 THEN\r
- Impact = FALSE\r
- IF ShotInSun = TRUE THEN\r
- IF ABS(ScrWidth \ 2 - x#) > Scl(20) OR y# > SunHt THEN ShotInSun = FALSE\r
- END IF\r
- ELSEIF pointval = SUNATTR AND y# < SunHt THEN\r
- SunHit = TRUE\r
- ShotInSun = TRUE\r
- ELSE\r
- Impact = TRUE\r
- END IF\r
- LookX = LookX + direction\r
- LookY = LookY + Scl(6)\r
- LOOP UNTIL Impact OR LookX <> Scl(4)\r
- \r
- IF NOT ShotInSun AND NOT Impact THEN\r
- 'plot it\r
- rot = (t# * 10) MOD 4\r
- CALL DrawBan(x#, y#, rot, TRUE)\r
- NeedErase = TRUE\r
- END IF\r
- \r
- oldx# = x#\r
- oldy# = y#\r
- oldrot = rot\r
- END IF\r
- \r
- t# = t# + .1\r
- LOOP\r
- IF pointval <> OBJECTCOLOR AND Impact THEN\r
- CALL DoExplosion(x# + adjust, y# + adjust)\r
- PlayerHit = ExplodeGorilla(x#, y#)\r
- END IF\r
- PlotShot = PlayerHit\r
-' pauses the program\r
-SUB Rest (t#)\r
- s# = TIMER\r
- t2# = MachSpeed * t# / SPEEDCONST\r
- DO\r
- LOOP UNTIL TIMER - s# > t2#\r
-' Pass the number in to scaling for cga. If the number is a decimal, then we\r
-' want to scale down for cga or scale up for ega. This allows a full range\r
-' of numbers to be generated for scaling.\r
-' (i.e. for 3 to get scaled to 1, pass in 2.9)\r
-FUNCTION Scl (n!)\r
- IF n! <> INT(n!) THEN\r
- IF Mode = 1 THEN n! = n! - 1\r
- END IF\r
- IF Mode = 1 THEN\r
- Scl = CINT(n! / 2 + .1)\r
- ELSE\r
- Scl = CINT(n!)\r
- END IF\r
-' Sets the appropriate color statements\r
-SUB SetScreen\r
- IF Mode = 9 THEN\r
- ExplosionColor = 2\r
- BackColor = 1\r
- PALETTE 0, 1\r
- PALETTE 1, 46\r
- PALETTE 2, 44\r
- PALETTE 3, 54\r
- PALETTE 5, 7\r
- PALETTE 6, 4\r
- PALETTE 7, 3\r
- PALETTE 9, 63 'Display Color\r
- ELSE\r
- ExplosionColor = 2\r
- BackColor = 0\r
- COLOR BackColor, 2\r
- END IF\r
-' Creates flashing border for intro and game over screens\r
-SUB SparklePause\r
- COLOR 4, 0\r
- A$ = "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "\r
- WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND 'Clear keyboard buffer\r
- WHILE INKEY$ = ""\r
- FOR A = 1 TO 5\r
- LOCATE 1, 1 'print horizontal sparkles\r
- PRINT MID$(A$, A, 80);\r
- LOCATE 22, 1\r
- PRINT MID$(A$, 6 - A, 80);\r
- FOR b = 2 TO 21 'Print Vertical sparkles\r
- c = (A + b) MOD 5\r
- IF c = 1 THEN\r
- LOCATE b, 80\r
- PRINT "*";\r
- LOCATE 23 - b, 1\r
- PRINT "*";\r
- ELSE\r
- LOCATE b, 80\r
- PRINT " ";\r
- LOCATE 23 - b, 1\r
- PRINT " ";\r
- END IF\r
- NEXT b\r
- NEXT A\r
- WEND\r
-' Updates players' scores\r
-' Record - players' scores\r
-' PlayerNum - player\r
-' Results - results of player's shot\r
-SUB UpdateScores (Record(), PlayerNum, Results)\r
- IF Results = HITSELF THEN\r
- Record(ABS(PlayerNum - 3)) = Record(ABS(PlayerNum - 3)) + 1\r
- ELSE\r
- Record(PlayerNum) = Record(PlayerNum) + 1\r
- END IF\r
-' gorilla dances after he has eliminated his opponent\r
-' Player - which gorilla is dancing\r
-SUB VictoryDance (Player)\r
- FOR i# = 1 TO 4\r
- PUT (GorillaX(Player), GorillaY(Player)), GorL&, PSET\r
- Rest .2\r
- PUT (GorillaX(Player), GorillaY(Player)), GorR&, PSET\r
- Rest .2\r
- NEXT\r