--- /dev/null
+# Simple sleep monitor (Harvie 2012)
+# You probably have soundcard with one output and input
+# Take PIR motion sensor from security system
+# Use PIR to switch connection between left channels of output and input (tips of 3.5mm jacks)
+# Connect grounds of these two together (maybe you will not need it - depending on your soundcard)
+# Power up PIR
+# Launch this script
+# Use alsamixer and some GUI recorder (like audacity) to tune volume to some usable level
+# Place PIR facing to your bed and go sleep
+# Wake up
+# Enjoy your data
+out=/tmp/sleepmon-"$(date +%F_%r)".wav
+speaker-test -t sine &>/dev/null &
+time arecord -r 4000 "$out"
+kill $!
+echo "Your file: $out"