#!/bin/bash # rtorrent-screen 1.0 (Harvie 2oo9) # - Simple rtorrent manager (keeps your torrents in screen transparently + allows you to monitor it using hardcopies) # # - Dependencies: bash, screen, rtorrent # - Optionaly webserver with PHP (you will be allowed to monitor your torrents using web interface) # - TODO: adding torrents using web interface... TARGET_DIRECTORY=~/downloads #warning: each user MUST have his own directory for downloading (on "single user" system u can use eg. /srv/http/downloads) SCREEN_PID_FILE='rtorrent-screen.pid' SCREEN_DUMP_INTERVAL=30; SESSION_NAME='rtorrent' CREATE_PHP_UI=true PHP_UI='download.php' CONFIG_OVERRIDE=~/.config/rtorrent-screen.rc.sh #source "$CONFIG_OVERRIDE" 2>/dev/null cd "$TARGET_DIRECTORY"; if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo Directory "$TARGET_DIRECTORY" does not exists create it or change path in "$CONFIG_OVERRIDE" or in "$0" echo Note that each user MUST have his own separate directory for rtorrent-screen to avoid collisions. exit 2; fi; #PHP UI if "$CREATE_PHP_UI"; then echo " Harvie's Downloads
$USER and type: $0 or screen -x '.
			'If you want to detach from it (leave it running on background) press CTRL+a followed by d and if you want to stop rTorrent definitely then press CTRL+q few times.
'. htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents('./hardcopy.0')) ); } else { echo('rTorrent is not running at this time... To execute it use command: $0'); } ?>
" > "$PHP_UI" fi; #SCREEN SESSION if [[ -r "$SCREEN_PID_FILE" ]]; then screen -x $(cat "$SCREEN_PID_FILE"); else screen -U -S "$SESSION_NAME" -t "$SESSION_NAME" bash -c " while true; do sleep 1; screen -S \$PPID -X hardcopy; sleep $SCREEN_DUMP_INTERVAL; done & echo \$PPID > $SCREEN_PID_FILE; rtorrent; rm -f $SCREEN_PID_FILE; rm -f hardcopy.0; " fi; echo 'Thank you for using rtorrent-screen by Harvie'