#!/usr/bin/php = 0) { echo("\033[".trim($atr1).';'.trim($atr2).'m'); } else { echo("\033[".trim($atr1).'m'); } } //Screen clearing function term_cls() { echo("\033[2J"); } //Clear screen function term_free_line() { echo("\033[K"); } //Delete line from cursor to end //Movement function term_return() { echo("\r"); } //Move cursor to 1st col function term_tab() { echo("\t"); } //Print TAB function term_newline() { echo("\n"); } //Move cursor to next line function term_up($n) { echo("\033[".$n.'A'); } //Move cursor $n rows up function term_down($n) { echo("\033[".$n.'B'); } //Move cursor $n rows down function term_right($n) { echo("\033[".$n.'C'); } //Move cursor $n cols right function term_left($n) { echo("\033[".$n.'D'); } //Move cursor $n cols left //Position function term_pos($row, $col) { echo('\033['.$row.';'.$col.'H'); } //Move cursor at $row and $col function term_fpos($row, $col) { echo('\033['.$row.';'.$col.'f'); } //Move cursor at $row and $col //Position saving function term_pos_save() { echo("\033[s"); } //Save cursor possition (maybe not supported) function term_pos_restore() { echo("\033[u"); } //Restore cursor possition (maybe not supported) //Info about terminal function term_name() { return getenv('TERM'); } //Returns terminal name as string function term_color_name() { return getenv('COLORTERM'); } //Returns color terminal name as string function term_shell() { return getenv('SHELL'); } //Returns running shell as string function term_directory() { return getenv('PWD'); } //Returns working directory as string function term_language() { return getenv('LANG'); } //Returns local settings (langue.codepage) as string //Showcase function term_demo() { //Print demonstration term_font(); echo("DEMOnstration of PHPTerm for Unixs' terminals\n". term_name().' - '.term_color_name().' ('.term_shell(). ")\n\t\t\t\t<-Harvie 2oo7\n\n"); for($i = 0; $i <= 8; $i++) { for($x = 30; $x <= 37; $x++) { term_font($i,$x); echo("A"); } term_font(); for($y = 40; $y <= 47; $y++) { term_font($y); echo("A"); for($x = 30; $x <= 37; $x++) { term_font($i,$x); echo("A"); } } term_font(); echo("\n"); } term_font(); echo("\n"); } //term_demo();